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The connection between light coaching and meditation to me is the pursuit to find and maintain balance, awareness and focus, no matter circumstances and shifts. Ole Dammegard ( and I have been working together for a long time to help spread awareness and knowledge of what is going on in this seemingly crazy and at the same time very beautiful world. And we come across people all the time that feel very alone when they first step into their awakening.

Since my teens I have always had a gut feeling that the system we live in is far from transparent and true, not working for the people, but rather for the very few in control at the top of the pyramid. So I compiled the book 'So What Can I Do?' where I interviewed eight researchers and truth activists about the world today. More about the book here.

I have been active in the world of Yoga since 2005, especially the philosophy. My serious interest in Yoga and meditation began once I was exposed to the wisdom and clarity of the Raja Yoga tradition, the science of the mind, through the Yoga sutras of Patanjali. I am filled with fervor concerning Raja Yoga - the science of the mind - and from my own experience know that we all need to find balance and peace of mind, to be able to live an easeful, peaceful and useful life.

Although I've lived abroad since 2000, a big part of my heart and roots belong to my native Sweden where I was born and raised. My greatest daily challenge and wish are to be a devoted mother to my three children, a good partner and also to be able to share the wonderful world of light coaching and meditation with everyone. I am always searching to find an increased interior understanding of myself through meditation and daily practices to keep in balance.

I am a certified International Raja Yoga teacher (the science of the mind) and Integral Hatha Yoga teacher, After working with regular yoga clients and realizing that a big piece of the healing journey is self-awareness, I have designed a light coaching program.

In addition, I have done several Anthony Robbins-courses and studied with my spiritual teacher and mentor Nalanie Harilela Chellaram since 2005, a study that I will carry on throughout my life. I am and always will be a student of life.

I also have a huge love for water especially with wild dolphins and I am a certified Padi Dive Master. More on that here if you are interested The first time I swam with dolphins was in the Red Sea in 1995 and I am convinced that nobody leaves an encounter with a wild dolphin untouched. I am sure that meeting dolphins in their own environment can teach us respect for nature, joy, being in the now and trust between people.

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