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The reasons why I offer 'Pay what you can afford' - Light coaching:

  • It helps me keep making a difference and doing the right thing at a much higher priority than making money

  • It builds my faith that the Universe/God is my source, not my clients

  • I spend less time marketing and finding customers and more time helping others

  • It makes me feel like I'm becoming the kind of person I would admire

We live in a world that can be very hard at times. People are talking about crisis everywhere and the energy can be very low, if we let it. This is where light coaching can make a huge difference.

The cost of life coaching varies from coach to coach. You can expect to pay 40€-500€ per session which lasts from 45 minutes to 1 hour. That can be a lot of money for many people in need of a few coaching sessions and a lift in the right direction.

I strongly believe that when obstacles start popping up, it's time to look within, be aware and do some tweaking. And because I have a passion for this line of work, I have started offering light coaching sessions on a 'pay what you can afford'-basis.

You can contact me here to schedule a 20-minute session, to see if we are a match and we take it from there.

I work with you in 30-60 minute blocks of time, with follow-up sessions any time from a week to a few months later. The majority of my coaching takes place over the phone or Skype (no camera needed). This is a very practical solution, and provided you can find somewhere quiet and free of distractions, it is also very focusing and powerful.

Payments / Donations can be sent by credit card or electronic bank transfer using this secure PayPal button:

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Thank you for your kind generosity. With peace and joy, love and light.

Click here to contact Kamala for a free session

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