Shadow of Tears – the Escape from Iran


Ole Dammegard: ‘One day in 1984 my everyday life became too humdrum, so I prepared an old bicycle and started a trip into the vast unknown. My intention was to learn to live in the present. Initially I focused on South Africa but unforeseen circumstances took me into war-torn Iran.


What happened here changed my life. My entire world, my viewpoints and values were turned upside down and the emotional turbulence I experienced tore down my inner walls leaving me naked and vulnerable like an open wound. After a tragic murder, the situation became unbearable for one of my Iranian friends, so I ventured everything to help my friend get away and together we made a dramatic escape from Iran via former Soviet and East Germany in a desperate attempt to reach final freedom.’
350 pages with lots of real photos and illustrations. The book is now being considered as a possible future motion picture.

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