Have you played Corona World yet? It’s the hot new online game from German public broadcasters ARD and ZDF where you play a nurse who has to go shopping while being assaulted by joggers, party people, preppers and highly contagious children. So what do you do? You stomp them to death, of course! Fun for all ages!
Tags 5G ArtificialIntelligence AugmentedReality automation BigData Blockchain CloudComputing COVIDVaccine cybersecurity DataScience DevOps HerdImmunity immunization ImmunizationCampaign Inoculation InternetOfThings ITInfrastructure MachineLearning MobileApps NetworkSecurity PublicHealth QuantumComputing robotics SoftwareDevelopment sudden deaths TechInnovation vaccination vaccine injuries VaccineAwareness VaccineBenefits VaccineCoverage VaccineDevelopment VaccineDistribution VaccineEducation VaccineEffectiveness VaccineEfficacy VaccineHesitancy VaccinePrevention VaccineResearch VaccineSafety VaccineScience vaxx VirtualReality