IN FRENCH CHAT 21:07:31 From Helen in Venice, FL : what a treasure!!!! 21:50:03 From Katy : Just wanted to share that there is a doctor in the Simpsons called Dr. Nic and there is an episode where Dr. Nic helps Homer gain a bunch of weight very rapidly. This corresponds with this story! 21:52:05 From Helen in Venice, FL : Fascinating - Simpsons are good... 21:55:32 From Ivy Amar : OMG what a s… show 22:10:50 From elsje Brugge : There is this priest that sounds lik Elvis 22:14:51 From desmo : There is a bloke that is a dead ringer at the end of king of the Mountain for Bob Joyce who meets the ghost of elvis! 22:15:46 From elsje Brugge : the priest i meant, I told people yeras ago 22:17:11 From desmo : King of the Mountain - a song about the ghost of Elvis by Kate Bush on a ~2000 album called Aerial I think 22:17:57 From desmo : But Bob would have been 20 years PLUS younger! 22:24:44 From Maureen : Elvis had a twin who died at birth 22:26:59 From desmo : Apparently Elvis had a wart on his wrist removed in his younger days. Maybe Bob still got the scar. 22:28:58 From K : would've been a little more convincing if he pulled out his H.S. yearbook 22:30:20 From Ivy Amar : Brilliant Ole!!!! 22:30:24 From desmo : Someone BOUGHT the wart! So Bob could have his DNA tested to PROVE it didn't match the wart! 22:30:33 From Chanett Edden : Wauw, Ole. Thank you so much…. 22:30:45 From Sara Fancy : Fantastic Ole 22:31:25 From Miranda : 👏👏👏 22:31:45 From Pieter : Thank you! Amasing Ole 22:31:58 From Helen in Venice, FL : Wow! Ole, what a totally fabulous presentation. Thank you. I think he is about ready to step out - just a gut feeling! 22:32:15 From Katy : Do you think the mafia still has goals to kill him? 22:32:28 From elsje Brugge : I was convinced when i heard the priest. Thanks, Ole to et us know that he was FBI. 22:32:45 From Camilla : Amazing🙏❤️ 22:32:48 From Lynn H : This was awesome Ole!! Thank you so much!! 22:33:10 From K : whoa ! thanks so much 22:33:16 From Helen Haxner Silverdragonhypnosis : Thank you so much Ole 22:34:02 From Ivy Amar : would love an expose on Barry 22:34:46 From Ingrid Lindau : Thank you love to see you 👏❤️❤️ 22:34:46 From Pieter : 🙏 Much Love