A One on One Journey with Ole

Feeling disconnected, frustrated, and uncertain about the world around you? It’s time to turn those emotions into empowerment with a transformative four-week journey alongside the renowned Ole Dammegard!

Imagine shedding the weight of negativity and confusion as you embark on a personalized adventure to reclaim your peace of mind and reconnect with your inner self. Through exclusive one-on-one sessions with Ole via Zoom, you’ll unravel the mysteries of today’s world while rediscovering your own sense of purpose and clarity.

Each session will be recorded and sent to you, ensuring that you can revisit and reinforce your newfound wisdom whenever you need a boost. You will be encouraged to bring up and go through whatever is most important for you, letting it flow organically in your sessions.

So, what can you expect to explore during these enriching four weeks?

• “Re-Mind Me” Book: Dive into Ole’s insightful book, a 40-minute read included in your investment, designed to realign your mind set and spark personal growth.

• Navigating Today’s World: Gain practical strategies for dealing with the complexities of the modern world and its challenges with confidence.

• Empowerment and Action: Discover actionable steps you can take to make a difference and be a positive force for change in your own life and beyond.

• Reconnecting with Loved Ones: Learn how to bridge the gap with friends and family who may not share your awareness, fostering deeper connections and understanding.

• Finding Freedom in Turmoil: Cultivate a sense of liberation and empowerment, even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.

• Problem-Solving Strategies: Learn how to analyse situations effectively, break them down to their core components, and uncover hidden truths.

• Identifying Red Flags: Develop a keen eye for spotting warning signs and understanding what to look out for in various situations.

• Connecting the Dots: Gain insight into the interconnectedness of events and phenomena, strengthening you to see the bigger picture and make sense of the world around you.

Ole will equip you with the tools to see through the noise and emerge as a beacon of positivity and understanding. With his guidance, you’ll learn not just to survive but to thrive in today’s turbulent landscape, becoming an active part of the solution and inspiring change wherever you go, starting with you.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future for your Self?

If you feel this is something for you, Kim (Oles partner) will set up a call to ask you a few questions to see if this is a good match for you. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back any longer so email her now kim@lightonconspiracies.com. Let’s make it happen!
Let’s make it happen!


“My four week journey with Ole was inspirational and moved my consciousness. How did I feel at the end and since? Completely calm, full of hope, with the mental strength to rise above the craziness of the world we are all living through. My state of mind has become peaceful, determined and truthfully, I’ve lost all fear (although the warrior in me is still very much there!).”                                   Judy, UK

“Ole and Kim are special people, they have a spiritual energy that radiates. They have a great deal to offer the world and it’s been a privilege to learn from them and be a better ‘me’. I missed the discussions after the four weeks; if you’re thinking of entering into this journey with Ole, don’t hesitate, your soul will thank you for it. Honestly, if it hadn’t been for my conversations with Ole I don’t know how I would have handled all the intense forest fires around my home in the past 60+ hours. Not only have I been able to stay calm and focused, but I have been putting out and attracting some very, very positive energy during a crisis situation. Kim also, though we haven’t spoken much, has definitely helped — in person and through Sofa Talk. I feel them both. And I feel multitudes of others as well. There is much more challenge to come, I know, but even in the face of all of this evil insanity and devastation that is permeating our world, I feel something else that is very powerful and good. I am filled with thankfulness and awe.”          Laurey in California, USA

I can’t thank Ole enough for his work and for offering to share his personal experience and wisdom in his one-to-one coaching sessions. The shock of lockdown and the totally disproportionate global response to a manufactured health threat had caused me to be go into shock, grief and despondency as I felt hugely dis-empowered and yet at the same time compelled to spend every waking hour researching the scale of the global coup against humanity and trying to inform others about it. This resulted in a state of permanent fear, conflict with others and feelings of isolation and loneliness, keeping me in nervous system overload from fight-and flight, sleeplessness and total hopelessness. I basically lost all faith and connection to my spiritual centre and felt utterly dis-empowered whilst being hyperactive at the same time, and not allowing myself any rest or pleasure.

Discovering Kim and Ole’s sofa talks and subsequently signing up to Ole’s coaching program was a real turning point. I am a coach myself but would not have been able nor willing to accept any support or guidance from anyone who was unaware of the darkness the world is facing right now. Ole offers the very rare combination of knowing the extent of evil in the world and still holding his incredible light. In that sense, he was the ‘master’ I had been looking for, to show me the way back to trust, faith, love, light and humour, simply by allowing me to emulate how he deals with the darkness on a daily basis and holds his centre. I really appreciated his authenticity, humanity and sense of humour.

As a result of our work, I was able to allow myself more self-care, re-focus on my spiritual being and reconnect with the truth that I am a multi-dimensional being, and as such powerful beyond 3-D understanding. I now focus on carefully managing my vibration, not overloading myself with bad news, in full awareness that what I broadcast into the field in terms of intention and emotions is a powerful magnet, so I choose to focus on freedom, sovereignty, connection, love and light. I understand that operating on this level makes an important contribution to our resistance, too, and as a result I am better company for my family, I have more ease dealing with my clients (and new clients have appeared as a result of my changed vibration) and I am able to raise awareness of the situation with more lightness and humour. I feel privileged to have met Ole (and Kim) and thank them for being such an inspiration.      Andrea Klein, UK/Germany

I’m very thankful for the experience of the four week journey with Ole and getting to know him and Kim a bit. They each have a gentle strength and keen intuition and generously share their gifts. I felt connected and safe as Ole gently walked me through seeing some things for the first time and through seeing some things more clearly or from another perspective. He helped heal some deep wounds and guided me towards a better path for myself. I’m thankful to have had this opportunity to invest in caring for myself.      Stacey B. from Texas

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