Border Corruption & Secret Government Drug Wars with John Carman

The corrupt secret war along the border that has exploded in drug violence and immigration tension is discussed with whistleblower John Carman. Government lies and the inside profiteering off of human misery, plus the murderous lengths that the conspiracy will go to maintain the status quo are all tackled. We also discuss the strange deaths of Sonny Bono, Michael Ruppert, and Gary Webb, and learn what to expect next in the secret wars of America in this Buzzsaw interview, hosted by Sean Stone. GUEST BIO: A veteran law enforcement officer for over 25 years, John has worked for the U.S. Secret Service, San Diego Police Department, U.S. Mint Police and the U.S. Customs Service. In his capacity with the Secret Service in 1974-1977, where he served for over 3 years, John was directly involved in protection of the President, First Family, the White House, the Vice-President and his family, Ambassadors, Embassies and Heads of State.
00:01 Welcome to Buzzsaw.
01:00  Introducing John Carman.
01:30 Michael Ruppert suicide or foul play, death threats and Gary Webb.
05:00 Insight into and government involvement with the war on drugs.
09:30 Whistleblowing and corruption at the border.
18:20 Sonny Bono suspicious death.
23:30 Handling the war on drugs and the illegal immigration issue.
32:10 Thanks and goodbye.

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