Joining me today is Dr. Andrew Kaufman to discuss a topic that, despite being rooted in facts, evidence and years of research, has been suppressed, censored and ignored by the entirety of the mainstream medical and scientific community.

Joining me today is Dr. Andrew Kaufman to discuss a topic that, despite being rooted in facts, evidence and years of research, has been suppressed, censored and ignored by the entirety of the mainstream medical and scientific community.
Tags Censorship Circumvention Censorship Issues Censorship Laws Content Blocking COVIDVaccine cybersecurity Digital Censorship Digital Rights Freedom of Expression Government Censorship HerdImmunity immunization ImmunizationCampaign Information Control Inoculation Internet Access internet censorship Internet Freedom Internet Governance Internet Privacy Internet Regulations Internet Shutdowns net neutrality Online Activism Online Censorship Online Freedom Online Privacy Online Restrictions Online Speech online surveillance PublicHealth sudden deaths vaccination vaccine injuries VaccineAwareness VaccineBenefits VaccineCoverage VaccineDevelopment VaccineDistribution VaccineEducation VaccineEffectiveness VaccineEfficacy VaccineHesitancy VaccinePrevention VaccineResearch VaccineSafety VaccineScience vaxx Web Filtering