Mayor Of Nice Demands “Health Passports” To Enter/Leave France

By Tyler Durden

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared a new antibody test from diagnostics giant Roche Holding AG on Sunday, who is expected to flood the Western world with more than 100 million tests by the end of 2020, will determine if individuals have already been exposed to COVID-19 and presumably have immunity from it.

What the antibody test is, is a precursor to “immunity cards” or, as some call it “health passports.” Already, even before the tests are rolled out, some countries have suggested that health passports could be next. France is the latest country to call for new travel rules during the pandemic that would firmly restrict movement in the country, reported RT News.

The Mayor of Nice urged French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe last week to introduce new travel controls by using health passports in regions of France that border other countries.

Christian Estrosi, the mayor of Nice, posted a letter on Facebook one day after Philippe unveiled plans to ease stay-at-home restrictions for the country that would start in May, these rules could limit a person’s travel distance to 62 miles from their home.

Philippe said people need to adjust to a post-corona world where they must “learn to live with the virus” as restrictions are lifted.


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Estrosi said the new passport would show the bearer tested negative for COVID-19 in the past 48-hours before travel. The proposal comes as severe lockdowns introduced on March 17 are being relaxed. He said health passports are likely the only method in fully relaxing lockdown measures.

France is not the only country that has spoken about introducing health passports. Other countries in Europe, such as Italy, Greece, Germany, and the UK, have also talked about the new travel rules. Even in the US, Bill Gates has pushed for immunity passports and the erection of the surveillance state to combat the virus.

Last month, we noted with the global economy in freefall as global cases surged to new highs, the suggestion by Western government officials to open crashed economies was through immunity passports.

We have raised several questions with immunity passports: First, nobody knows how long immunity lasts, and second, antibody tests are not ‘sufficiently accurate’. And a third issue we brought attention to are concerns over the social implications of immunity passports.

The proposal of immunity passports across the Western world is a sign that governments will seize greater control over people’s lives. And just what happens when someone is not considered immune? The government denies them a passport? Which means they would be out of work and can’t travel. But, oh yes, that’s why universal basic income will become a more concrete thing.

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