Tag Archives: relationships

The Chaos IS The Plan

by James Corbett corbettreport.com November 8, 2020 Congratulations, Americans! The media that declares the winners of your (s)elections have reported that the voting machines that decide the winner of your (s)elections have (s)elected Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. to become the 46th …

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The Light Side of A Dark Age

By Zen Gardner By apparent design, everything is crumbling into dystopian madness in the social matrix. From a gas lighting media now dutifully swallowed and parroted by a brainwashed majority, like expanding ice in the cracking …

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Will PTSD Disqualify Me From Employment?

Will PTSD Disqualify Me From Employment? If you’re reading this article, you may be working through some degree of PTSD after combat and wondering how to transition back to your civilian life, both personally and professionally.  Some …

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