Tag Archives: RFK

Ole’s Daylight Video: The Mysterious Absalon

In today’s Daylight Ole talks about the recent and ongoing fires in California, and how come some houses owned by ‘important’ people are left untouched, while at the same time their neighbor’s properties are leveled …

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Roundtable Discussion Global Agenda

A roundtable discussion organized by Alexandra JB and Kerry Cassidy with Ole Dammegard, Deborah Tavares and Dr. Katherine Horton. We discuss Calif fires, global weather, population reduction plans and the dark Magicians behind it all.

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JFK, 9/11 Conspiracy, Cancer Killing Machine

One of the most legendary and on-going “Conspiracy Theories” in world is the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy! On November 22, 2018 it marks the 55th anniversary of JFK´s killing (on November …

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Ole Dammegard on The 6th Age Show

Ole Dammegard was recently invited as the premier guest on The 6th Age Show. Together with Gabriel the host they talk about the most important things in life, and how to keep a cool, loving …

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Ole’s Website Live!!!

YES! Light On Conspiracies website is live again – after 5 weeks (!) of hard struggle by a very skilled little team in three different countries. Amazing and very dedicated people that I want to …

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Ole´s Daylight Video : Some Q&A’s

In today’s Daylight Ole is answering some of your questions, for instance about the Port Arthur mass shooting in Australia, about 9-11 and some other stuff. Feel free to send in your own questions, just …

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Ole’s Daylight Video: Cody and Witch Craft

Today’s Daylight is going to be a bit different, since Ole’s friend and whistleblower Cody ‘Golden Elk’ Snodgres has experienced some possible psychic attacks recently. Let’s help him identify the object being used as well …

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Oles Daylight Video: 911 & Upcoming Tour

In today’s Daylight Ole talks about his and Jason Goodman’s attempt to broadcast live from the top of the new World Trade Center on September 11, and why it was all stopped by security, He …

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Ole´s Daylight Video: Burning Toilet

In today’s Daylight Ole takes us down memory lane, to an incident that occurred when he many years ago was on his old bicycle heading for war-torn Iran. Prepare for a good laugh :-). You …

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The Real Deal – False Flag Galore

Jim Fetzer and Ole Dammegard go over recent False Flags and expose the New World Order! Make the truth go viral show this video to everyone you know. Please share this information far and wide, …

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Ole’s Daylight Video: The Obstacles

What are the obstacles in our mind that we are facing every day? And how are they connected? Today we have a look at the chain reacting from Disease – Dullness – Doubt – Carelessness …

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Ole´s Daylight Video – Push or Pull

Today Ole takes a look at the latest alleged attacks, more specifically the van attack in China and the alleged double stabbing at the Amsterdam Train Station. In addition he discusses the important difference between …

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Ole’s Daylight: Become Aware

Today it is more important than ever to use discriminative discernment, or as Ole calls it ‘Farmer Brown’s logic’. So much is pumped out via main stream and alternative media which seems believable at first. …

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Ole’s Daylight: Free Your Mind

Free your mind – the rest will follow. Wonderful saying, and very accurate as well. So today Ole takes a look at some recent events, like the Morandi bridge collapse in Italy, the Greenwich hammer …

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Oles Daylight: How To Become A Chill

Ole was recently called a chill, (normally meant as an insult and spelt shill). Maybe that is true and a way forward, to chill and not get into fear mode when under attack :-), Today …

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Ole Dammegard on ‘This Strange Life’

Truthseeker, code breaker and peace maker Ole Dammegard is invited on ‘This Strange Life’, with hosts from UK, USA and Thailand. Together they cover some current events, templates being used against us as well as …

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