Humanity is not a virus. Covid-19 is an attack on humanity. Everyone in America can test positive for Covid-19 assuming they have an immune system. What they’re calling a test is not a test – it’s a scarlet letter. The coronavirus is the body’s exosomes. These are secreted by the cells under numerous conditions. Duke-trained Doctor Andrew Kaufman explains it all in a concise 30-minute presentation. After, you hear laymen like myself ask questions. Please share, steal, reupload, monetize, condense, and spread as you see fit. You are the land’s immune system. This video is everything you need to spread the word. Call out the Minutemen who will still listen. Tell them we need them now more than ever.
Tags COVIDVaccine HerdImmunity immunization ImmunizationCampaign Inoculation PublicHealth vaccination VaccineAwareness VaccineBenefits VaccineCoverage VaccineDevelopment VaccineDistribution VaccineEducation VaccineEffectiveness VaccineEfficacy VaccineHesitancy VaccinePrevention VaccineResearch VaccineSafety VaccineScience