The Covid Shockdown Doctrine – and How to Beat It

Julian Rose

Those who have read Naomi Klein’s seminal book ‘The Shock Doctrine’ will remember how the ‘short sharp shock’ (primarily economic) was the tool fashioned by the Chicago School of Economics in order to create regime change in countries that resisted US hegemonic power grabs in the 1980’s and 1990’s.

This neocolonial heist was administered to a number of South American countries, in the Middle East and also in Eastern Europe, where, in 1989, Poland’s Solidarity movement was undermined by the Chicago School’s Jeffrey Sachs posing as a libertarian anti communist bringer of gifts from the West.

A poisoned chalice, as it turned out, as Sachs infiltrated the hugely popular worker-led new political movement known as The Third Way and landed Poland with a draconian IMF loan whose repayment terms wrecked the country’s industrial base.

A very similar scenario was repeated in Greece whose people are still struggling at the hands of the same treatment meated-out by The European Commission, the IMF and the European Central Bank, collectively known as The Troika.

Now ‘The Shock Doctrine’ is back with us again – with a vengeance. But this time it’s not just a national shock prescription, but a global one, executed on the concocted premise of a dangerous virus which is purported to have escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, at the turn of the year.

The first move of this latest attempted grand heist has been to get around half the population locked-down in their own homes and induced into a state of fear paralysis. A formula that is activated by the ‘instructed’ mainstream media spreading a panic-warning of said virus spooking its way into all avenues of life and causing some form of untreatable sickness.

The effectiveness of this fear based indoctrination programme has been remarkable. A recent national opinion poll conducted in the UK suggests that more than 60% of the British public – believing what they are hearing and consequently suffering the Covid fear symptoms – do not want the lockdown measures to be lifted or even eased. This might be explained by the fact that the BBC – a masterful spreader of political disinformation – is regarded by many in the UK as ‘god’, followed closely by the Queen, on whose estate the Pirbright Institute is housed, a Coronavirus patent is officially registered and a Covid-19 vaccine is being developed.

The tactics currently being deployed rely upon deliberate deception, preplanned social engineering and applied behavioural psychology being trained on great swathes of the world population via a completely compliant media which works hand in hand with a corporate/ banker/political cabal whose sights are set on nothing less than totalitarian control of all avenues of human society as well as of the human brain.

As long as actions taken in relation to the grand Covid scam can continue to be sold as a genuine attempt to protect citizens, rather than screw them, the lockdown can be largely kept in place, enabling the implementation of a rapid desecration of the fundamental constitutional rights of citizens living in what are claimed to be ‘democratic’ countries.

But as soon as a critical mass see through the veil and cease to buy the lie, the tables will be turned; an event likely to lead to a showdown between a steadily emerging recognition of truth and a rapidly fracturing ‘fortress lie’. Our job at this moment of time is to catalyse this process.

Notwithstanding the fact that any and all preventable premature deaths carry with them a real sense of loss, the outrageous absurdity of pretending that the release of a virus recognised to be a strain of common flu, should constitute a valid reason for wrecking billions of people’s lives and income sources, from one end of the world to the other, has got to be revealed for what it is: an act of preplanned genocide.

Enough time has passed and enough evidence accrued to know that the death toll ascribed to Covid-19 – as farcically imprecise as the statistics are – is less than the average loss of life brought about by the standard annual winter flu cycle in Northern hemisphere countries – and just a fraction of the deaths resulting from cancer, heart disease and the other major sicknesses to which modern man typically succumbs.

So instead of pouring over oceans of epidemiological evidence as though training to acquire a PHD in virology, we need to turn to face the enemy and take direct action to halt the advance of the lie machine. Studying the small details of exactly what forms the constituent parts of this particular strain of sickness, is a deviation we cannot afford to indulge in. Let specialist doctors get on with this; but let the rest of us jump to our feet and slam closed the oak door that protects our most fundamental freedoms from being eviscerated right in front of our eyes.

Doctors, recognising that they are being deeply misled about the nature of this so called ‘pandemic’ must refuse to go along with the lies. They should form their own informal committees in which to share their knowledge and help those in need using best practice and common sense. Thousands are in danger of breaking the Hippocratic Oath by following directives that defy logic and rational thought.

Within the legal profession, let all those who retain some human judgement demand that an immediate emergency injunction be tabled in the high court of law in their country; leading to a court order being issued against all attempts to change national constitutions and other legal acts ‘on the hoof’ without any proper debate or opportunity for those under attack to put their case and defend their lawful rights.

Let all those who work in communications and media recognise that they carry a moral and ethical responsibility to do more than simply pass on a purely superficial repetition of what it is they are on hand to report. All too often journalists today act like robots – without ever exploring and reporting on the deeper issues that lie behind significant news events. Editors are equally culpable, if not more so. Both tend to land-up as hired hands to billionaires and bought-out governments.

May such individuals now wake-up to the realisation that they have a duty to inform the general public of whether those whose statements they report are acting in the interests or in abuse of the health and welfare of the greater public they are supposed to serve.

Journalists of all descriptions have a vital role to perform at this time. If acting responsibly means getting kicked-out of one’s job – so be it – one will at least regain a blessedly clear conscience and win the opportunity to club together with other members of the resistance, to form real and much needed new avenues of independent communication, thereby conveying words of enlightenment rather than being complicit in the further dumbing-down of fellow human beings.

Teachers; stop forcing locked-down children to sit behind computer screens for hours at a time. The harm this is doing far outweighs the value of the teaching and lands parents with the task of acting as psychologists for their own distracted children. This torture must cease, as indeed must all thoughtless compliance with State educational programmes.

To all those who are in any degree enlightened, regardless of what profession, job or other diverse interest one may feel aligned with – now is the time to rally to the cause. The cause of saving families, friends and communities from being enslaved by what has increasingly shown itself to be a despotic, sinister and ruthless cabal fully intent on destroying the rule of law and replacing it with a fascistic police state. It’s no good hiding one’s head in the sand and praying it will never come to this. It already has – and we have to act accordingly.

As a senior member of the British House of Lords said recently “Historically tyranny isn’t imposed, people give away their freedom for safety”. Well, we’ve had quite enough of this sort of cowardice, and what’s more – there is no ‘safety’ on the other side of this particular coin. To fail to act in defence of life when it is obvious that every valuable aspect of life is under attack, is to be complicit in the crime.

Another prescient statement concludes “When injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty”. Everyone of us must be primed for action now. Do not consent to being treated like a mindless automaton unless you are one. Hammer those who hold positions of office and don’t allow them to simply follow the script they have been told to adopt.

Remind them that their support for the Covid Shockdown plan to take a totally disproportionate wrecking-ball to the basic constitutional rights of the individual while using the excuse that they are protecting the health of the population, is a criminal neglect of duty which will not stand-up in a court of law. And while you’re at it – tell them you do not consent to being irradiated by WiFi 4/5G microwaves emitted by telecommunications networks, transmitters and masts erected without any public consultation or approval.

We have no option other than to take back control of our individual destinies and throw off the chains of hypnosis under which too many have been blindly operating for far too long.

This is an auspicious moment for mankind – so have no fear. Once on this new path we will find ourselves guided by powers far greater than those attempting to enslave us. This is the call we cannot turn away from. Step bravely forward and embrace its radical nature, we are coming together now in common commitment to light the fire of truth and justice – and to forever keep it lit.

Julian Rose is a writer, organic farmer, international activist and holistic practitioner/teacher. Two of Julian’s books ‘Creative Solutions to a World in Crisis’ and ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through’ are particularly prescient reading for this time. See for more information.

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