Ole Dammegard on Global Tour

If you would like to book Ole Dammegard as a speaker, please click here.



Intensiv Sverigeturné, oktober, 2020

Wake Up Conference, Örebro, Sweden, 12-13 September, 2020

Sverigeturné, Maj 3-12, 2020

För biljettköp och mer info om Oles nya Sverigeturné i september/oktober 2020, kontakta gärna Johnny Cash, jcash@lightonconspiracies.com

Söndag 3 maj, Ronneby
15-19 Lastbilsattacken på Drottninggatan
19-20 Frågor & Svar

Måndag 4 maj, Ängelholm
17.30-22.00 En underbar kväll med Ole – Frågor & svar
Erraps Byaväg 164, Ängelholm
Pris: 296 kr inkl kaffe & fika
Betalning via swish 0709 383 063
(skriv namn)
Info/kontantbokning: jcash@lightonconspiracies.com

Tisdag 5 maj, Jönköping
17.30-22.00 Lastbilsattacken på Drottninggatan
Igelkottsvägen 1, Jönköping
Pris: 297 kr inkl. Kaffe & Fika
Betalning via swish 0709 383 063
(skriv namn)
Info/kontantbokning: jcash@lightonconspiracies.com

Onsdag 6 maj, Frövi/Örebro
17.30-22.00 En underbar kväll med Ole – Frågor och Svar
Frövidalsgatan 21a, Frövi
Pris: 298 kr inkl Kaffe & Fika
Betalning via swish 0709 383 063
(skriv namn)
Info/kontantbetalning: jcash@lightonconspiracies.com

Fredag 8 maj, Matfors/Sundsvall
17.30-22.00 Sverige under attack – men av vem?
Rude 187, Rudegården, Matfors
Pris: 299 kr ink Kaffe & Fika
Betalning via swish 0709 383 063
(skriv namn)
Info/kontantbokning: jcash@lightonconspiracies.com

Söndag 10 maj, Valdres, Norge
17.30-22.00 Spørsmål & Svar
Yrkesskulevegen 6, Valdres VG Skule,
Gulbygningen, 2920 Leira
Pris: 299 nkr, Vipps 93244343
Info/kontantbokning: in_melody@protonmail.com

Måndag 11 maj, Tønsberg, Norge
17.30-22.00 Spørsmål & Svar
Tønsberg og Ferder Bibliotek
Storgaten 16, 3126 Tønsberg
Bokning: in_melody@protonmail.com

För biljettköp och mer info om Oles Sverige/Norgeturné, kontakta gärna Johnny Cash, jcash@lightonconspiracies.com

Swedish Tour, October, 2019

Torsdag 10 oktober, Göteborg, 291 kr
17.30, “Vad hände egentligen på Drottninggatan?”
17.30, Ljungkullen 60, Sävedalen

Lördag 12 oktober, Falun, 293 kr
17.00, “Fråga vad ni vill”
”Vi möts 17.00 på OKQ8-macken, Gruvgatan 19, Falun”

Söndag 13 oktober, Stockholm, 294 kr
17.30, “How to keep your Spirit high”
Riksrådsvägen 109, Bagarmossen

Tisdag 15 oktober, Sundsvall, 295 kr
17.30, “Vad hände egentligen på Drottninggatan?”
Medborgargatan 32, Sundsvall

Torsdag 17 oktober,
Adelgatan 5b, 3 vån, Kalmar, 296 kr
17.30, “Vad hände egentligen på Drottninggatan?”

Fredag 18 oktober, Malmö/Lund, 297 kr
17.30, “Fråga vad ni vill”
Info om lokal meddelas dagen innan

Söndag 20 oktober, Skurup, 298 kr
17.30, “Dammegarding – The Ultimate Dot Connector”
Skurup 47, Skurup

Tisdag 22 oktober, Ängelholm, 299 kr
17.30, “How to keep your Spirit high”
Erraps Byaväg 164, Ängelholm

Onsdag 23 oktober, Köpenhamn, 220 Dkr
17.30, “The real truth behind the JFK-assassination”
Vesterled 35, Köpenhamn Ö

2000-talets Vetenskap, Sweden, Aug 29, 2019

Wednesday, 28 August 2019 from 18:00-22:00
Limhamns Folkets Hus
Linnégatan 61, 216 14 Limhamn, Skåne Län, Sweden

Red Pill Expo, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, June 7-9, 2019

Ole’s presentation to be used for special invites

Open Mind Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June, 2019

Secret location, more details to come

Open Mind Brussels, Belgium, June, 2019

Secret location, more details to come

Fejo, Denmark, April 14, 2019

Zurich, Switzerland, April 10, 2019

Anarchapulco, Mexico, Febraury, 2019

Swedish JFK/Palme-Tour 'Connecting the Incredible Dots'. November-December, 2018.

Gothenburg, Nov 29, Kävlinge (Hög), Nov 30, Stockholm, Dec 2, see details below:

Torsdag den 29 nov kl 18.00 – 22.00
Utby kulturförening
Österlyckan 3
Buss 58 Hållplats Österlyckan
Pris 150kr/biljett inkl kaffe & fika
Betalas via swish 0709383063 eller på plats.
Anmälan på stadgolvteknik@gmail.com

Kävlinge (Hög):
Fredag den 30 nov 18-22
Företagshusvägen 7
Kaffe/te och surdegsbulle med ost ingår.
Boka/säkra din plats genom swishbetalning
0709 383063 (Eller kontant på plats)

Söndag den 2 dec kl 18.00 – 22.00
Hälsans hus
Fjällgatan 23b
299kr/biljett inkl. kaffe & fika
Betalning via swish 0709383063 – skriv namn

Opening speaker at the JFK Assassination Conference, Dallas, USA, Nov 15, 2018.

Full Day Seminar on 'The Assassination of Martin Luther King'. For the first time in Denmark. Copenhagen, October 7, 2018.

DATO: Søndag, 7 oktober, 2018 TID: 10.00 – 18.00 STED: Vesterled 35, København 2100 Ø PRIS: 200 DKK

Full Day Presentation in Tilburgh, The Netherlands, October 5, 2018.

Seminar on 'The Assassination of Martin Luther King', Gothenburg, Sept 29, 2018

Appearing together with Judyth Vary Baker at the Alternativa Bokmässan in Gothenburg, Sept 29-30, 2018. Cancelled by police and Swedish authorities

The Open Mind Conference, Copenhagen, September 15-16, 2018 - Cancelled

The Ultimate Dot Connector – Since the year 2014, researcher and international lecturer Ole Dammegård has been able to predict approximately 12 planned false flag terror attacks. He has also personally played a part in defusing several planned massacres.

So how does he do it? For over 30 years, Ole Dammegård has devoted his life to understanding and exposing orchestrated state-sponsored terrorism around the world, where the guilty parties are not Muslim terrorists, but ice-cold private contractors or assets brought in from the US Special Forces, NATO, the Gladio network or secret intelligence agencies.

At the recent Open Mind Conferences, he has exposed many of the templates and players used in this brutal agenda. This year, he will take us on an amazing tour, showing us how he has managed to connect the dots and how we can learn to spot the hidden clues ourselves, so we too can help to prevent possible future “attacks”.

Prepare for yet another mind-blowing presentation from Ole Dammegård, who has not only received the Prague Peace Prize and has been adopted by the Apache Nation, but has also had his last name turned into a verb. Researchers in many different countries are “dammegarding”, joining in this global forensic search in an effort to establish global peace and harmony.

Deep Truth Conference, New York, June 8-10, 2018

Like last year, the Left Forum Conference in New York City has again banned our panels for this June. But our speakers refuse to be silenced. This year we are holding our conference online. http://deeptruth.info/panels/

The first Ever Oklahoma City Bombing Conference, April 19, 2018

Please check back for further details

Full Day Seminars on 'The Assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme - the World's most expensive murder mystery'. For the first time in Denmark. Aarhus, April 14, and Copenhagen, April 15, 2018.

DATO: Søndag, 15. april, 2018 TID: 10.00 – 18.00 STED: Vesterled 35, København 2100 Ø PRIS: 200 DKK

Fake News - Mask of the Truth Conference, Sacramentskerk, Breda, Holland. Together with Dutch whistle blower Ronald Bernard. April 8, 2018

The Multiple Realities Conference in New York, October 20-21, 2017

On the road for 2 months, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia, Jan - March, 2018

The Open Mind Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, September 16-17, 2017

Please check back for further details

Conference in Prague, Czech Republic, July 20-23, 2017

Left Conference in New York, June 2-4, 2017 (via Skype)

Conference in Warsaw, Poland, April 21-23, 2017

Talk at the The Technical Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark, April 21, 2017

Talk in Ålborg, Denmark, April 19, 2017

Conference in Tallinn, Estonia, April 14, 2017

Please check back for further details

The Forum talk, 4 Feb & Keep Talking, UK, Feb 6, 2017

Please check back for further details


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