By Spiro Skouras
The headlines regarding the coronavirus are inescapable at this point, as more and more cases are being reported across the US and across the world.
At this point no one knows for sure how bad this situation really is, as we have seen major issues with the testing, especially here in the US, where more often than not, many people are not even being tested.
In this report, we focus on who is benefiting from this crisis — specifically, who is financially benefiting from this crisis. As any detective or investigative journalist worth their salt will tell you, follow the money.
Re-Mind Me
by Ole Dammegard
‘Re-Mind Me’: The manual on how to dissolve the matrix, or how to reach enlightenment,or how to just live a better life.
Here is a simple guide that might help you unlock some of the most profound and deep secrets of your life. It is especially well suited for children, teenagers, adults, old timers and seekers of all ages. It is a great tool to see if you are aware of what is going on in your life. What is real, and what isn’t? How do you deal with so called good and bad? It might also help you make your life as easeful, peaceful and useful as possible.
Based on what might be universal truths, this game-manual gives you very valuable inside information that can change your life for the better – if you choose to listen.
Do you want to try out the game – or are you already playing it? (With foreword by Nalanie Chellaram)
To preview the book click on the thumbnail below:[real3dflipbook id=”37″]eBook Kindle Version
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