12548 entries.
You've dedicated your life to the pursuit of the truth, and in telling the truth, as best
you know how....and as such, your insight into the tell-tale signs of the commonalities of the darknesses calling cards, which are so stunningly obvious, if you know what you are looking for, and what you are looking at, and this is what you've spent your life doing: analyzing crimes scenes to find the common threads which link many of these mass casualty events... You've opened a lot of eyes, and made people think about these things in different terms: that there is an agenda, and it is global, and it is satanic, and incredibly evil! Truly.... I care, because I know you care. And, for that: thank you!God bless.
Dame good.
Thank you for all your work. Big Love,
Tack bästa Ole. Mycket uppskattat.
Du gör ett strålande jobb min vän!!!
Takk for ditt gode arbeid.
I’m happy to announce that Sacred Sight is complete! Thanks Ole! You brought some crucial info into it.
Tack för ditt senaste fina Newsletter.Så glad att du har gjort en omprioritering i ditt liv som jag förstår var nödvändig. Önskar dig all Peace and Joy, Love and Light.du kan få!

Ole & Kim, Thank you for all you do. Your support and dedication is appreciated and important to all of us who are, “in it by doing the right things”. Alone we stand together! Yes.
Many thanks for all your important work
hey ole....are you feeling better? i know you will be right as rain soon...your job is not remotely finished...take a rest...its only going to go viral as the normies npc wake up...your voice will be needed
Ole! I've been thinking that I must thank you, and it seems now is finally the time.
Because I followed you during about 2015-2020 when all those false flag attacks happened, I learned to read the propaganda.
In the winter 2020 I was building a sauna at my former summer cottage.
Occasionally I drove to the village and had a lunch in a cafe. There I read the local newspaper. When I read about covid for the 1st time, I thought WTF is this??
When I read about it for the 2nd time, I somehow recognized the aesthetics, or the style. It gave me an ahaa-upplevelse (as we call it in Finnish). The style of the narrative was somehow similar to the false flag-narratives, and instantly I knew it was BS, although I didn't know in what way it was a lie.
This happened at the end of January, or at the beginning of February 2020. It was so easy to walk through the covid-time, knowing all the time what was it all about. I managed to save my daughter from jabs, but unfortunately not her boyfriend or anyone else.
For this I am so grateful to you - thank you Ole <3!. Ystävällisin terveisin.
Thank you Ole, You are our hero
Well done, my brother! Freeeeeedom!! I celebrate with you. I’m so happy to know you are taking more time for yourself now. I am with you in spirit.
When your monthly newsletters showed up in my inbox, your's always was the first opened. Now to connect with you there are loads of interviews i've saved.
Dear Ole,
I want to express my very deepest gratitude for having been so incredible lucky to receive your amazing monthly newsletter for so long. I've been looking forward to, and appreciating each and every one of them. I of course understand and support your decision to discontinue. Was actually wondering how you were able to even find energy for this.
From my heart – thank you, to you and to Kim, also for having given me the links to your incredible amazing interviews. The fact that we all can find your impressive body of work, at lightonconspiracies.com, is such a gem.
Please, please take care of your body and mind now, recover; and know that you have already given all of us, so much more than any human being would ever be supposed to be able to give – to humanity and more.
Tack så mycket, Ole & Kim. Ert arbete betyder så mycket.
Thank you for all the work you are doing to save our world and humanity
Tack. All Love and Blessings to You and Kim
We'll miss you. Thank you for all you have done. Consciousness falls of its own weight without pillars to hold it up - thanks for being a pillar of light.
This was a really good interview Ole, interviewer was well informed and brought out an enthusiastic energy in you. I especially liked how you elaborated on your family dynamic with both parents loyally taking their secrets to their graves. And that you are just scratching the surface. Then theirs the connection to you possibly having royal blood and having that protection.
I hope you will write a book about your life as it is super interesting.
Ps I listen to all your podcasts as this one is one of my top favorites.
We the people are the blessed ones to have your gifted talents among us during these biblical times.
Blessings and much gratitude
it's been an Honor.
Kudos for Ole — his research and insights are impeccable, and he puts the right focus on things. The DeepState creates the “problems” (like pandemics) and then sell their “solutions”. Imagine — gene modifying and weaponizing nature, to force people into the digital grid. It’s diabolically evil, along with weather modification and everything else they’re doing to destroy humanity.
Totally agree with Ole- when you know, you know…
You guys mean the world to me. Thank you

2nd time listening to this. Love Ole!
I have to respect what Ole is saying. The possibilities of what he is saying is not that far out there if we are going to be completely honest about it.
Ole and his humor helps us to look at things seriously but don't give in to negativity. It has always been and always will be up to US We The People. We must not get lazy. Lot's of love
Oly Always tempers my thot's and gives me insight! Thanks OLY D.!! I hadn't thot about the "card game" for some years, yet it is good to re-visit. I will watch what happens! I will also remember that the Good Guy's came in 12/63, post JFK Assassination (11/29/63). So they've been working details for 60+ years to re-set Humanity to the proper timeline. That would include the timeline of these "Cards" , meaning the WH put these cards out with "their plans" and included the BH intentions, so we could see it occur! That's my take so far. My conclusion is the WH are IN CONTROL! They gotta play the military game of covert practice.
It's a real pressure cooker! Thanks! Much respect and appreciation - from Oregon.
Disagree about Trump, but awesome mental process and Ole makes many great points about patterns.
LOVE hearing Michael with Ole.
I believe what we are seeing right now is a combination of what Ole is saying & also what Michael talks about.
This is an operation perhaps to make people immune to drama, fear & chaos and to ultimately make people more self sustaining and less reliant on leaders, the government & news. #We the People! 
Totally agree with all you say Ole, i take my attentions away from it all
Love your work Been following you for over 5 years! Also was a part of 911 architects for truth for years in the past.
Ole, thank you for your (family's) endless sacrifices shining LIGHT on fact based TRUTH(s) for humanity's benefit. The TRUTH is what sets us FREE! CHEERS to FREEING humanity from the chains of ignorance. Blessings and endless gratitude.
I recently listened to and watched the interview discussion conversation between Ole and Catherine and Cathy O’Brien....one of thee best verbal exchanges I ever viewed....
Heja Ole!
Käre Ole,
Jag vill tacka dig för allt arbete du gjort för att avslöja de konspirationer som pågår i vårt land, vilket mod du visar!
Ole you strong honest personality give us hope to survive and know the truth
All my respects to you 
For some souls it is their mission to focus on this dark stuff full time, no matter how dark it gets, no matter where it takes their energy. Its not their hobby.That is their job, their soul contract. Because they are able to do it. Other people can take a time out and go and be with nature but for some people they are meant to do this full time and they are often protected. They cant be killed. David Icke is one example. I believe Ole is another. But Ole manages to keep a lightness to his work and always refocuses on the positive aspects. I dont know how he manages it but i admire him tremendously for that abilitiy.
I love this guy. He knows about so much darkness yet holds firmly onto the light. He’s so wonderful to listen to. Lots of love to you Ole. You inspire me to “let go of fear”.
LOVE Wake Up!!!!
Thanks for your work, it is immensely appreciated, best wishes to you and your sweetheart!
Dear Ole, more than all I want to thank You
For Your Work, your Time, your Love, your Peace, your Care and your Dedication.
Thank you for being!
You are an amazing Author and Speaker and I want you to know, that your presence is amazing and what a pleasure it is to listen to your investigations. I can't Stop the Videos and Shows you're on.
Thanks and greetings from Cologne Germany Wishing you and your Family luck!
12.mars 2020 stengte Erna Solberg ned. Og sidan eg følte noko skurra noko alvorleg med dette, så undersøkte eg og leita på nette etter andre som "følte" det samme som meg. Dette handla om noko langt meir enn eit farleg virus. Og eg fann masse info frå kritiske stemmer som både filma og snakka om det som foregjekk. Ein av dei eg har stor tillit til er Ole Dammegard. Han og kona satt i Spania og rapporterte dagelg frå der dei bodde og la ut på YouTube.
Vill bara säga att du är skönt unik
Ole, you're doing an amazing job! I'm actually speechless. Thank you so much for your hard work!
Hello mr. Dammegard I just saw you on @nephilimdeathsquad . Incredible work.
Ole is all about transmutation of these dark forces and I am in alignment!
Dina skrifter är helt fantastiska. Vilket arbete du lagt ner.
Du är suverän 

Största av tack!!
Keep Shining Bright,
Tack för allt genom åren, du är unik. Älskar mailen med intervjuerna, gillar att du kan avbryta ”hosts” när dom svävar iväg. Det håller fokus och stärker din integritet och pondus. Jag förmedlar, mkt av mitt arbete har jag dig, och din research att tacka för broder.
Wow Ole impressive bio!
Hello Ole,
You have done an extraordinary job at exposing the truth surrounding the JFK assassination. You have perfectly revealed the who, what, where and when aspects of the assassination.
Loving all your English interviews! The information is vast, but more so. I love your frequency. It really heartens me to have goodly Godly people like you in this world. Thank You. Much Respect. Much Love.
Thank you for all you do, from humanity and myself.
Följer det som händer i världen och även dig, och det väldigt viktiga arbete du gör.
Hi Ole, You are on top of your game!!
TACK FØR DET DU GØR!!! Peace joy love and light!
James Files, JFK and Operation 40 - The perfect analysis of Ole Dammegard
Ole's insights are a wake-up call for many. Appreciate his relentless pursuit of truth.
Another excellent presentation by Ole Dammegard. His dedication to truth is inspiring.
Ole's research connects the dots like no one else. Grateful for his contributions.
Thank you, Ole, for shedding light on these important issues. Your work is invaluable.
Ole Dammegard's analysis is always thorough and thought-provoking. Appreciate his courage to speak out.
Ole’s website has soooo much information on it. If you want to know, Ole has the answer. Like Ole says, the more of us that learn and see the clues of these deep state setups, we can be one step ahead instead of one step behind. Then when we get a step ahead of these operations we can actually stop them!!
Ole's dedication to exposing the truth is commendable. Keep up the great work
I've been following Ole for years. His analysis is always spot on.
Ole Dammegard is a beacon of truth in these confusing times. Thank you for your work!
Another enlightening video by Ole. His research is unparalleled
Ole's insights are always eye-opening. Appreciate his dedication to uncovering the truth.
I see YOU Ole
A Truthsayer
Keep your Energy
Block ALL energetic thieves
. Alt det beste til deg og dine. Og takk for alt du gjør for å bringe fram sannhet.
ole...my humble voice...lol...god speed u and protect you and your family
Thank you for being so gracious with your time, it was a great episode.
Feel better!
Ole Dammegard and his wife are champions of exposing the history of our society. The reality, freedom from powerfully driven political entities that suppress facts versus lies.
Ole Dammegard Kim Kamala Dammegard are my featured favorite pair for the year. High energy, overflowing with wisdom, passion for life and a deep sense of purpose for sharing truth. They both understand the world we live in today. A combination of beauty, brains and bravery.
Ole, since I became aware of your website a few months ago, I have listened to many of your interviews. And I was thinking: it seems like everything "they" throw at us (mass shootings, virusses, etc), in the end "we" use it to make the world more beautiful. Maybe there are a lot of problems along the way, but in the end everything seems to work out mostly positive. Like: create an internet to control the population and create division, and of course, this certainly happens. But also: people around the world get to know each other, making friends abroad, learn from each other, etc.
Or: use music for mind control. Also, this creates lots of problems. But at the same time, so much genuine beauty 'slips through', that really inspires people to do beautiful things in their life.
I have often heard in spiritual teachings that we need the 'baddies', and we should be thankful they are willing to play this not so pleasant role in this life. And I always more or less understood the idea of this, but it is becoming clearer and clearer to me now.
It is like we have important things to do here on earth, but if everything is simple and beautiful, we get lazy. So we needed some negativity, because otherwise we would just enjoy the beautiful weather, and the delicious fruit we could pick from the trees, and don't do all the important stuff we as a humanity are doing now.
Thank you again for all your beautiful and important work!
Ole, we are in a spiritual war ole..im 67 know all the rabbit holes...found you 15 years ago...i'm 67 lol..its not my war now,, i'll talk only to those THAT COME TO ME...im a small voice...(not vaxed) in thailand as far far away as i could get from united states and canada the west...YOUR VOICE IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE NEWLY AWOKE
Thank you Ole, You have excelled on this one. Charles Mason auditioned for the monkeys? Really ! That just proves they are all actors. No one dies no one gets hurt.
It’s all good news..
“ fool me once, shame on you”
“Fool me twice, shame on me”
“Fool me three four five times, then I just love being fooled”
Hello, Ole and Jim. ...
It was good to see and hear, you fellows, with Michaerl Jaco. That was an especially enjoyable interview. Listening to the 3 of you, I gave thanks to Divine Providence that we have all lived long enough to meet James Files and to arrive at the inner sanctum of the JFK Assassination.
Mindblown Trump info
Olè is a must watch!!!!
Ole, I am a big fan of yours.
Hej Ole. Tak for dit fantastiske arbejde.
Tack kära Du
fina Ole. Vi blir Belönade
Mere words cannot fully express how deeply grateful I am that you invited me to join your podcast. I really enjoyed doing the interview with you guys.
Hello from Austria. Just wanna thank you for brinning light on conspiracys. you a a real life Superhero. sending you my Love ,Respect & Prayers. May the Force be with you -and of course your Song is really GREAT,man. Lg M3X
Thank you for all you do, and have done!
Du har så utrolig mye viktig materiale som trengs i folkeopplysning.
Hej & tack för att du finns för oss andra…
Kunde lyssnat två timmar till...
Grymt bra av er båda 

Älskar lyssna på Ole
de är han som gäller

gott nytt år till er alla

Bästa Ole Dammegård! 

Much respect for Ole
Good upsetting talk by OLE...lets pray..hope for the best...BECAUSE GOD ALWAYS WINS..
Ole …… I believe we are headed where your ending prayer has spoken in love.