12498 entries.
Du är suverän 👊🏻❤️👊🏻 Största av tack!!
Keep Shining Bright,
Tack för allt genom åren, du är unik. Älskar mailen med intervjuerna, gillar att du kan avbryta ”hosts” när dom svävar iväg. Det håller fokus och stärker din integritet och pondus. Jag förmedlar, mkt av mitt arbete har jag dig, och din research att tacka för broder.
Wow Ole impressive bio!
Hello Ole,
You have done an extraordinary job at exposing the truth surrounding the JFK assassination. You have perfectly revealed the who, what, where and when aspects of the assassination.
Loving all your English interviews! The information is vast, but more so. I love your frequency. It really heartens me to have goodly Godly people like you in this world. Thank You. Much Respect. Much Love.
Thank you for all you do, from humanity and myself.
Följer det som händer i världen och även dig, och det väldigt viktiga arbete du gör.
Hi Ole, You are on top of your game!!
TACK FØR DET DU GØR!!! Peace joy love and light!
James Files, JFK and Operation 40 - The perfect analysis of Ole Dammegard
Ole's insights are a wake-up call for many. Appreciate his relentless pursuit of truth.
Another excellent presentation by Ole Dammegard. His dedication to truth is inspiring.
Ole's research connects the dots like no one else. Grateful for his contributions.
Thank you, Ole, for shedding light on these important issues. Your work is invaluable.
Ole Dammegard's analysis is always thorough and thought-provoking. Appreciate his courage to speak out.
Ole’s website has soooo much information on it. If you want to know, Ole has the answer. Like Ole says, the more of us that learn and see the clues of these deep state setups, we can be one step ahead instead of one step behind. Then when we get a step ahead of these operations we can actually stop them!!
Ole's dedication to exposing the truth is commendable. Keep up the great work
I've been following Ole for years. His analysis is always spot on.
Ole Dammegard is a beacon of truth in these confusing times. Thank you for your work!
Another enlightening video by Ole. His research is unparalleled
Ole's insights are always eye-opening. Appreciate his dedication to uncovering the truth.
I see YOU Ole
A Truthsayer
Keep your Energy
Block ALL energetic thieves👽
. Alt det beste til deg og dine. Og takk for alt du gjør for å bringe fram sannhet.
ole...my humble voice...lol...god speed u and protect you and your family
Thank you for being so gracious with your time, it was a great episode.
Feel better!
Ole Dammegard and his wife are champions of exposing the history of our society. The reality, freedom from powerfully driven political entities that suppress facts versus lies.
Ole Dammegard Kim Kamala Dammegard are my featured favorite pair for the year. High energy, overflowing with wisdom, passion for life and a deep sense of purpose for sharing truth. They both understand the world we live in today. A combination of beauty, brains and bravery.
Ole, since I became aware of your website a few months ago, I have listened to many of your interviews. And I was thinking: it seems like everything "they" throw at us (mass shootings, virusses, etc), in the end "we" use it to make the world more beautiful. Maybe there are a lot of problems along the way, but in the end everything seems to work out mostly positive. Like: create an internet to control the population and create division, and of course, this certainly happens. But also: people around the world get to know each other, making friends abroad, learn from each other, etc.
Or: use music for mind control. Also, this creates lots of problems. But at the same time, so much genuine beauty 'slips through', that really inspires people to do beautiful things in their life.
I have often heard in spiritual teachings that we need the 'baddies', and we should be thankful they are willing to play this not so pleasant role in this life. And I always more or less understood the idea of this, but it is becoming clearer and clearer to me now.
It is like we have important things to do here on earth, but if everything is simple and beautiful, we get lazy. So we needed some negativity, because otherwise we would just enjoy the beautiful weather, and the delicious fruit we could pick from the trees, and don't do all the important stuff we as a humanity are doing now.
Thank you again for all your beautiful and important work! 🧡
Ole, we are in a spiritual war ole..im 67 know all the rabbit holes...found you 15 years ago...i'm 67 lol..its not my war now,, i'll talk only to those THAT COME TO ME...im a small voice...(not vaxed) in thailand as far far away as i could get from united states and canada the west...YOUR VOICE IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE NEWLY AWOKE
Thank you Ole, You have excelled on this one. Charles Mason auditioned for the monkeys? Really ! That just proves they are all actors. No one dies no one gets hurt.
It’s all good news..
“ fool me once, shame on you”
“Fool me twice, shame on me”
“Fool me three four five times, then I just love being fooled”
🙏 Another great interview, Brother. Thank You for Sharing & Being 🐬
Hello, Ole and Jim. ...
It was good to see and hear, you fellows, with Michaerl Jaco. That was an especially enjoyable interview. Listening to the 3 of you, I gave thanks to Divine Providence that we have all lived long enough to meet James Files and to arrive at the inner sanctum of the JFK Assassination.
Mindblown Trump info
Olè is a must watch!!!!
Ole, I am a big fan of yours.
Hej Ole. Tak for dit fantastiske arbejde.
Tack kära Du 🥰 fina Ole. Vi blir Belönade
Mere words cannot fully express how deeply grateful I am that you invited me to join your podcast. I really enjoyed doing the interview with you guys.
Hello from Austria. Just wanna thank you for brinning light on conspiracys. you a a real life Superhero. sending you my Love ,Respect & Prayers. May the Force be with you -and of course your Song is really GREAT,man. Lg M3X
Thank you for all you do, and have done!
Du har så utrolig mye viktig materiale som trengs i folkeopplysning.
Hej & tack för att du finns för oss andra…
Kunde lyssnat två timmar till...
Grymt bra av er båda ❤️❤️👍🏻
Älskar lyssna på Ole❤️🙌 de är han som gäller❤️🙌🙏gott nytt år till er alla❤️😍🥳🎊🙌❤️
Bästa Ole Dammegård! ❤️😛👌🙏🙏🙏🙏
Much respect for Ole 👍
Good upsetting talk by OLE...lets pray..hope for the best...BECAUSE GOD ALWAYS WINS..
Ole …… I believe we are headed where your ending prayer has spoken in love.
This vid was truly pleasant & in-joyable,.. TY
I love the image of 3D and 4D communication, we must be aware of what Ole said, so we do not create more pain for ourselves and others... so much good information here, thank you for Ole, he is a gentle soul and needs to set the framework so we innerstand.
Thanks Ole!🤩🤗
Jag hänger vid dina läppar och inget ord som du uttalar faller till marken utan att bära frukt i mig. Jag försöker förstå hur den hän världen fungerar och jag har goda skäl att tro att du är en god vägvisare.
God Jul & Gott nytt år Ole, tack för detta spännande år!!
Tack för allt arbete du gör
Jag rekommenderar Ole för hans mycket noggranna undersökningar inom vilka områden hans sanningssökande än bär honom, innan han säger/ skriver något. då
En stor eloge till Ole med fru.
Har som så många andra snöat in på Palmemordet Jag har sett många av dina intervjuer på Youtube. Nu jar jag gett mig i kast med "Statskupp i Slowmotion" Vilken fantastisk research du har gjort och den är mina ögon en av dom bättre jag har läst i ämnet. Är förövrigt kollega med Leif Kahlbom som är ett av alla walkie-talkievitnen i gamla stan.
⚡🤺Ole Dammegard⚡🤺⚡
⚡⚡ Light On Conspiracies⚡
Du er mit store forbillede i alt dette her, og jeg er faktisk ikke sikker på at jeg var lige her hvor jeg er nu, hvis ikke der var ledestjerner som dig derude, og lige der er du den allerstørste, for mig. Jeg glæder mig usigeligt meget til at mødes med dig irl.
i was sooooo glad when you and your lovely wife and daughter got out of europe during false flag covid bull shit..
Always sent from my heart to yours,
Good on ya ole...merry christmas...have watched you for what seems decades
Wauw Ole, what a podcast, and see that Britain is not gone! The link with Britain and JFK,. Amazing how the pieces fit when not searching for own truth, but you let the truth come to you
Thanks so much for hosting us these 5 weeks. It was such a pleasure to learn more from you!
Thank you for your continuing work and interviews. I also have found helpful your comments on coping with the widening divide between people who are unaware of systems of control and those who are more aware. You described it like being on two trains whose tracks split away gradually in different directions and how, at first, you can still communicate but over time, one can shout all you want but the other person cannot hear it. Your wisdom on how to better navigate this tumultuous time would be so welcomed by many, I’m sure.
Keep up the good work and spreading the word.
I have looked at your remarkable biography. With thanks for all the work you do
Take care my dear and keep up the light!!
Thank YOU So Much again for the Opportunity to join you on a show, Ole
Good work with debunking the Beatles, Ole. Lots of detail to think about. Good lesson right now as the mind control is ferocious. Brains babbling and frozen.
Tak Ole. Du har et stort lys i DK med alt hvad du har gjort for menneskeheden!
I'm so amazed and enlightened by your knowledge and experience and how your delivery is so intelligent and articulate. I love the ones you do with Sam Tripoli from tin foil hat. I listen over and over to many of the same ones on a variety of podcasts. Amazing that your family was spies . I literally love all you do. God bless
Thanks a lot - also for your amazing work - truly inspiring!
Thank you for your work Ole!
I listen to all of your podcasts, and I like your calm and gentle demeanour while getting powerful points across. I've learned so much from you! Thank you!
I love your work
Thanks so much for the Beatles expose. We really enjoyed it.
So amazing webinar about the Beatles! Brilliant.
Enormt varmt tack, Ole, Du är verkligen en enorm guldgruva när det gäller sanningssökande.
You are the most believable being I have found. I so appreciate your knowledge of the world. Everything is so backwards. Your kindness and love for the planet brings me solace at 71 years of age! I feel as though you are my silent divine angel. Peace!
Tack Ole! Du är en ljus stjärna på en annars ganska så mörk himmel omkring oss i denna tid, du är alltid full av omtanke och välvilja till alla. Är så glad att jag träffat på dig på livets slingriga stig. Hoppas vi kan ses igen nån gång när världsmedvetandet blivit bättre.
I Love You in every dimension 💞 comes to mind. & You're 🎸 rocking this one 🕊️ I thought of Praying for You 🙏 as usual. Then was Reminded - We Are Safe in Truth.
Holy Shadow-bans Batman!
Ole is an OG. Always a must watch/listen
God bless you, your work and your family. I so appreciate you and the energy you bring to the planet. Ever since I came across your work many years ago, I've resonated v deeply with you and all you speak about. I hope you know that your voice and your energy are rare and priceless. I'm immensely grateful for you, and I keep you in my daily prayers for support and protection. Thank you for being who you are and doing what you do. May you be blessed and protected always! With gratitude,
Läser din bok Statskupp i slowmotion för tredje gången
Oh hi, just listening to your show Trump the King of Kings interview. Well, you've done it again, a real great analysis on this one, does it ever end. In another interview you said you enjoy the time in Bali more than Spain and you and you're wife brought another soul to this world, let their spirits fly as you and your great wife have!
But Ole, you have guided me to a place where my senses are sharpened to investigative thinking and has over the years, so thank you. You are definitely worthy of more help for yours and your wife's great help for this world, although as you know we all succumb to unwise decisions and animal thinking in this world.
Thankyou for your incredible guidance, take care and the commentary and research such as Covid era frauds and George Floyd helped me tremendously, those banksters won't quit!
thank you dear Ole 🙏
Regarding:Trump, False Flags & The War on Consciousness interview 5th dimension
Thank you very much for your view on the things regarding the shooting! But what I liked also very much the spiritual view on fear and the mind! And that it is always about something in the future. Never thought about that. Very, very interesting and enlightening!!
Thank you for everything you Sir have done
Thanks a lot, Ole, for your generosity!
You are a true hero, a giant, the best! Love you Ole!
I have always enjoyed your appearances over the years online and have learned so much from your brilliant wealth of knowledge.
Thank you for the work you’re doing.
Sjukt bra om Trump å örat/tumnen/skorna!
I am now old, sick, and tired, but I consider your efforts to be of the utmost importance and I want to also be a part of the preservation...
Was in Cape Coral for about a month. All is still well there! The two hurricanes in a row caused some significant damage, but it’s nothing compared to Ian two years ago. Your prediction/warning has no doubt helped to fend off disaster.
So great and grateful to see you again, thank you for our visit and for your wisdom, insight and sharing your amazing stories/testimony. We honor you, thank you. You're a joy to know, and please give our best to Kim, and our sincere gratitude and continued prayers for you both.
Thank you for your hard work,
I would like to thank you first to be here with us in our World, in second to be that you are, and in third I want to thank you for your apparently Enooormous Work!
I've recently seen your conferences "Terror are you kidding me?" and "The global terror tour" (we all need a beginning : ) Just one word: AMAZING! Your presentation has just BLOWN MY MIND!!! I know it was a long time ago but i know that you had an enormous work to make a selection to present the things in just 2 hours!
I can distinguish in your voice, a lot of Humanity and Kindness because i'm very auditive, and this is my first channel and my first sense to pick up some informations everywhere i search. Like a radio antenna connected to my mind and to my soul. I would like to say thank you at your wife as well because i know that: If there is a Great Man, there is always a Women behind him!
BIG THANK YOU. I wish you the best for the remain
Love your work Been following you for over 5 years!
Also was a part of 911 architects for truth for years in the past.
I think of You 🙏 Ole. It's important to quiet our minds, I agree
Thank you for all you do!
I love Jaco and Ole's sessions but THIS was epic....Real History from a man who was not just there but involved in so many "mysteries" ....Full Disclosure is what we need....Thank you for such an opportunity
Thank you Ole, you and Kim are truly rare, one of a kind, very heartfelt
WOW - In Ole's latest interview he blew my mind! He showed how 40 years of intense studies makes a mastering all the knowledge he talks about here possible. And still is humble in saying he doesn't know anything. None of us knows everything. Even still we can try to understand and unite as humanity. We know the enemy's actions, we know we don't know everything - we know what is right and wrong.
Thanks to Ole and people like him for putting up a fight and sharing the knowledge (light) on conspiracies and showing by example what BRAVERY is!
I think it would be good for you to get down to the truth about Elvis and report your findings to the world. You have people listening. Awesome job.
Ole, du gør et super godt arbejde ha det godt og konen din også
Stor tack att du medverkade i filmen Pandamned, häpnande och skrämmande
Tack Ole och din ♥️fru och barnen, Du är makalöst ödmjuk o begåvad..
We are very grateful to know you both and honor you for the life's work you do. We appreciate you, and our continued prayers are with you. Much Gratitude, Peace, Love, Joy always,
Hi Ole,
I wanted to let you know: I'm so happy I found your website a few months ago!
I have watched a several of your videos, and just decided to have a paid subscription for your website. It is like finally history is making sense! Somehow in studying history things always felt a bit off, like I could not really grasp it. Your information changed that a lot. Like puzzle pieces finally falling in the right place. And now I am looking into information from the Netherlands, to better understand my own country. Thanks and love from the Netherlands 🧡
Thanks for being on ole, that was great!
Praying for the Lord God to send His angels of protection around you, Ole, and all of your loved ones 💯
great webinar on Elvis, just incredible! Thank you!
Jag har följt, och lyssnat till Ole Dammegård under flera år! Han är otroligt kunnig!
Not only is Ole an expert at the false flag stuff, he gives a bit of spiritual inspiration and perspective to all this madness...love it!
Wow! Herzlichen Dank für euer Wirken und Sein und Mitteilen.
"May the entire universe be filled with
peace & joy, love & light
May everyone, specially the ones who have hurt us,
and specially the ones who are filled with fear,
be filled with peace & joy, love & light
May the light of truth overcome all darkness
So, victory to the light"
Love this song! Beautiful !!!
Very good song, amazing. Thats how it must be in the future GREAT GREAT GREAT❤️💛🧡
I have been a fan of ole for years now one of many to opened my eyes . This is amazing wow
Thankyou brilliant message to everyone love ❤ allways Wake up everybody time is now peace on earth or total control of the mind heart etc the choice is ours thankyou spread love ❤
I love this song thank you so much!
Cool and meaningful
The true power of the pyramid it's not at the top. I'm going to run with that for the next couple years.
Oh yes! Song of the year, decade.......Wake up humanity!
May this song bring the dawning of a brand new consciousness, a way of living In 'Love n Light', 'Peace & Unity' for all humanity who's souls yearn for f.r.e.e.d.o.m. from the ⛓ chains of slavery inflicted by those who truly rule from the shadows. Thank You & Blessings To Everyone.✨🙏🙇🏼♀🙏✨
Excellent! A song with a clear message! Great solo, Ole! 🙂
Love this song!!!
So spot on!
Great musicians as well!!!
❤❤❤brilliant 😊love ole ❤️
Perfect words for these times we are dealing with. I enjoyed the video very much. 🎸🎶💖
Such a beautiful song, luv u "Ole" ❤
July 2024. Just found Wake Up. Cannot stop listening to it. Unbelievably inspiring. Thank you Ole and Mo.
Wake Up - Easily the best song I've heard in 2024, very possibly the decade! Outstanding song writing and the playing is top drawer! (and I thought at the start it was just a theme for the channel)
"What you think is send out, what you feel is bring in", That is deep, never thought of it like that!! Great thoughts
Love Ole
I'm pretty sure Ole's connectivity problems have everything to do with him and nothing to do with you. Every time you have him on, this happens. While it does happen with others from time to time, it ALWAYS happens with him.
Ole. You are bang on the money and are saying exactly as I've said for the past 3yrs
Tak for dig - og alt det du deler 🙏😊
Love your work, eternal gratitude and love
Hi Ole, I want to thank you for your amazing presentation and dedication for a better world,
An honest and truthful discussion. Ole is total class. Humble , true and genuine intention to find the truth.
Ole, you and I are Soul brothers. I can't describe the connection we have, but resonance is not enough.
Ole, ole, ole, like your stuff!
Thank you for your wonderful work,
Thank you Michael & Ole. great info and video. Godspeed to you and God bless you both!! Love, Light, Peace and Blessings to you and your loved ones. ❤️🙏🏼❤️
Hi Ole! We are so appreciative of your outstanding work! your latest with Jaco & Chief Sands WOW!!!!! Thank you so much!!
I have thoroughly enjoyed your amazing webinars on the alleged Trump shooting and Elvis! I have been following your work for many years now. Its amazing, thank you for all of it!
Brilliant expose— TY, Michael, Ole and Chief Sands — God’s keeping. 🙏♥️
This Is Riveting!
This was incredibly enlightening to me. Thank you all for risking what you’ve done to share . Wowsa! Holding you all in divine, protective space and love
OMG! this all rings true. learned lifetimes of info from this one video.
Hello love! We adore Ole!, met him in Belgium talking about Olof Palme.
I listen to Ole for sure not less than 9 Years and I love his work I learned so much from him over the Years it is hard for the bad Guys to fool me in the meanwhile ....😇😊
Taking peoples fear away...That's got to be the most wonderful thing to bring to this world
Well exposed! Keep up the good work!
Ole Dammegård is brave like Peekay and Anaconda Malt Liquor. He seeks truth in places where it is truly dangerous. In America it is more difficult to imprison or kill people for seeking truth and get away with it...for now.
Brilliant presentation! Thank you so much
I am full blood Navajo. And I just seen a picture of two Grey calves photos the Native American who is on the Redskins football team logo wearing a Shriners necklace and Gloves. I was shocked to see Native American brainwashed by the Freemasons and illuminate far back in time. A real shocker to me. Thanks for your hard work. 👍🏽💪🏽
I listened to the interview and it is superb 🙏
Ole is a true Legend
Our talk has exploded, viral on my level. People want to hear you more.
How does Ole's interviews and presentations not had more views?? people are all stupid and brainwashed.. these videos need to go viral,but it never will..
Best video I've watched in a long time!
This was a great presentation by a brave man
Tack för intervjun med Bittner … dina ord är mina
I've had so much good feedback on our talk. It really hit home to people what you said. I'm surprised and it's spreading amongst the other truth speaker audiences. So they are recommending it - which is really something, because people seem to wanna rather win others than to win the enemy. So all in all, you and we hit a home run. Great!
Enough is enough!! I agree with Ole Dammegard with his knowledge & revelations
Excellent podcast, loved, loved, loved it. You helped me to understand the universe better, and re enforced my spiritual mind too. Thank you Ole, and Mark. My you both be blessed for always. ♥️♥️🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸
Keep up the amazing work you are doing and stay safe 😄
We have found the work you have done in identifying and describing the characteristics of "crisis simulations" incredibly helpful. I can assure you that many important people in Australia have heard some of the things you say and now take these matters very seriously. The word is spreading. You have contributed substantially to the promotion of national security and an understanding of the harms caused by intelligence agencies.
Fantastisk dokumentar! 💪💪💪 Tusen takk,
Tack Ole Dammegaard och Emil Borg samt Ulf Bittner !
Hei Ole Dammegård. Eg har sendt deg ein hilsen bare for å takka deg for alt du gjør.
Ole'... my Favorite! Thanks, and God Bless Ole's work, and provide him Divine Safety!
What a beautiful time was spent with the two of you. Thank you both so much. God bless you all....including Kim.
Thank you so very much for your interviews with James E. Files. I believe him and thank you so much for finally answering who shot JFK.
Såg din senaste om Elvis med killarna. Nu är jag helt övertygad. Tror faktiskt du har rätt gällande Trump.. också. Vilken blåsning. Fortsätt vara välsignad nu och kämpa på.
Jag skickar lite kärlek! BE FÖR DEM SOM FÖRFÖLJER DIG!
-Herren kommer ta hand om dom! VÄLSIGNA DEM, FÖRBANNA DEM INTE!
Thank you for this real, real wonderfull talk, peace is amanating from it!!! You are just giving a direction for inner attidute!!!!
Du är helt på spåren. Jag har tidigare skrivit om Vilddjurets Märke och om den första vita ryttaren som jag tror är Donald Trump. Jag kan bara säga WOW, om din senaste intervju med Riku Suoraan verifierar mina påståenden om Trump. Det är en korrekt och häpnadsväckande slutsats du har dragit enligt min mening.
Hej Ole!!
Tack för grymt jobb!!
Hej hjälten på paradis-ön…
Beautiful! Thank you! 😊 🙏😊
My God... vilken makalös historia kring Elvis! Och vilket fantastiskt arbete du har gjort! Jag bara satt och gapade och skakade på huvudet under hela presentationen. Jag hoppas så att detta blir känt för allmänheten nu... men som med all annan information som kommer ut och bara ignoreras så kan man ju inte vara säker på det, tyvärr. Vilken film det skulle bli! Hurra för dig Ole! Stay safe.
Love love love Ole’s work - one of the best ❤
Love, love, love both of you very beautiful men!
I use to get quite frustrated with those who didn't believe me when i told them this about Assange / WikiLeakes etc but now I realise I was just getting angry at myself. The more I pushed the more resistance I would encounter. I now seem to get better results by peacefully meditating on my truths rather than trying to push them out there. Ole is an excellent example of how to pitch it, good interview thank y
Tack Ole Damegård! Det är alltid ett nöje att lyssna på dig!
This opened my eyes even more, awesome❤ Thank you
Heroes and Villains and Victims.
It's all a stage show...wow!
I bought into the Assange psy op ...until he was freed...just a pawn being played.
We're all pawns being played.
It's all mind-control.
Thanks for a good interview.
What a delightful sharing! Thank you gentlemen!!
Ole Dammegard!! Our false flag exposing hero!!
Thank you for this valuable information. I always learn so much from you Ole, and wish you and your family peace and protection.
Thanks so much for exposing all this stuff.
Wow what a great gift.You men are my heroes❤
True Bravehearts in this war
Ole is always brilliant.
Speaks 💯 truth. Very courages.
You can tell what a lovely soul Ole is very quickly and that balance of facing truth without going into total despair isn't often easy. If you can connect to nature and have a few real friends along with helpful podcasts by such as yourselves it makes a huge difference. A lot of us fell for Assange I reckon because we do care and gradually you get deeper. Thank you for this conversation 🙏💖
Has goosebumps listening to Ole. Especially the last part of him saying he would leave the world with gratitude regardless of how he goes.
Wow, so knowledgeable.
Thanks to the pair of you, there's definitely alot explained here. There is major outcomes from this chat from the pair of you and that is to step out of the energies of fear, hate and division, to be aware but not intoxicated with all that goes on. We must really take a look at our own actions, what we post, are we actually helping or fueling, making a difference or being the psyop. We might not like to admit it because all to often we arrogantly view ourselves to be awakened and enlightened and in reality in some way or another we've been played. Saying this we should never be hard on ourselves, we're here to learn, to live, to love, to heal and what we forget sometimes is to have a bit of fun. Fantastic interview really grateful to the pair of you 🙏👍💜
Thank you for Ole, what an absolute beautiful soul he has the peace 🕊️ that comes from is devine and on a very high vibration . Peace 🕊️ love 💟 and light 🕯️ always 🙏.
Ooh!! I'm just wide awake at 3 am. In Wisconsin US..Lol and mamaged to find you!! A little late but that's ok blessing to you Ole ❤ ❤❤ glad to be here and gain some insights and love as we go !! 😊🫴✨💞✨💞 Together!! 😁
Wow! Absolutely amazing! What a beautiful man, offering truth with such wisdom and peace. Thank you so much
Feeling so fortunate to have this true gentleman Ole in our lives! Thank you
Brilliant truth bomb podcast, thank you Ole abd Mark ❤❤
Hello from Finland Ole!
We are usually quite bad with our compliments, but anyways im so grateful for your work and enlightening me years ago for what is happening around us! You have so different and unique take on many things, i will continue to spread your content to my friends and try to wake people to "reality" 😉 Kiitos!
Thanks for a fascinating webinar. I had done a bit of research on Bob Joyce, and was convinced it was him - great clip of him accidentally calling himself Elvis! - and I'm glad you think so too. The hunt the mafia stuff, and reason for his sudden disappearance, which I had assumed was for health grounds, was new to me. Thanks once again for your painstaking attention to detail and courage to further truth!
Thank you Ole and Kim for Elvis podcast. I believe all your research. It makes sense. I couldn’t believe he died and the way they portrayed his health. Especially about his autopsy on his colon. I just felt warm and fuzzy all over that he’s alive and well and has a nice spiritual average life with a new family. Thank you for enlightening us with the Truth. I understand how people need to go hiding to protect the greater good. Most people do not understand the logic but that’s ok because that’s how he pulled this off. God bless .. there’s a reason for all things. Keep up the good work.
Fantastic show!!Great work Ole!Thank you!
I really enjoyed your presentation yesterday. It was great, well done, enlightening.
Thank you for this absolutely brilliant investigation and revelation! So juicy and mind blowing. You never cease to amaze Ole! I loved the way you organized the information right down to the home stretch! It warms my heart to know Elvis may still be on this Earth living a peaceful life. Thank you for all you do and how you and Kim continue to serve humanity. With Gratitude and Love,
Grymt bra webinar! Vilket jobb du har lagt ner.
Brother, keep up the great work, it doesn’t go unnoticed 💯🙏🏽
Blir så stolt när du nämner mig Ole
Ole, I just finished watching the session with Riku and I am shocked of how I see the world the same way you do; thank you for that reassurance.
You rocked in that what you were saying, It was beyond my expectation in depth and wisdom.
Olipas mielenkiintonen🤔 Kiitos!
Todella hyvä jutustelu. Dammegardin sanoma siitä, että kiistely tästä ja tuosta sekä siitä ja tästä on silkkaa ajanhukkaa on täysin oikea. Samoin kuin keskittyminen pelkoa synnyttäviin ilmiöihin on haitallista. Ollaan niiden yläpuolella ja eletään elämäämme oikein, siis luonnollisesti ja kohti hyvää suunnaten. Se on hyödyllistä.
Briljant Elviswebinar!!!
You’re doing great work brother. I also recommend you look into the new phenomenon of “Turbo Cancer”. Think… “Warp speed” Warp speed - Turbo cancer. He screwed us all. The whole thing has been a ritual, since corona which in latin is spiked crown 👑. They’ve been crowing trump since 2016. God bless. Stay safe 🙏🏽
Jag måste tacka dig för den fantastiska intervjun Thomas Gjutarenäfve gjorde mig dig. Jag brukar ha svårt att använda tid till att lyssna. Vill hellre läsa. Men satt klistrad. Wow, vilka nyheter… Du tog upp många enormt viktiga teman och gör det på ett mycket intressant sätt. Jag tycker det är superroligt att Thomas börjat med dessa intervjuer samt inläsningar av böcker. Tack för att du kämpar vidare!
I'm a Canadian podcaster, researcher, content creator & I'd like to thank you for your amazing work.
Ole Dammegård, du ska inte underskatta det enorma arbete du gör och gjort. Allt fler börjar förstå att du har fått rätt i saker som tidigare och även idag betraktades som svammel.
Trevligt! Så fort Dammegård, Hedberg, Martinger eller någon Palmepanel presenteras så klickar jag direkt. Det är spänning med kvalité! Jag är utled på andra kanaler som nu har grävt sin sig i en mörk sarkofag som de nu inte kan komma ur. Christer A är inte troligt och nu kom även en engelsk video med AI-röst. Han kunde ha använt sin egen röst istället för att luras! Kovändning från konspiration till Christer A var inte bra. Jag hoppas att Ole mår bra där han vistas och jag tillönskar han och hans fru lycka med den nya boendeformen!
Legenden är tillbaka! Hoppas det blir viktiga nyheter. Palmemordet och Estonia i all ära, Ole briljerar mest om false flag attacks, ni vet alla dessa terror dåd som var mellan åren 2015-18, och där det alltid råkade vara en övning i samband med dåden och media basunerade ut misstänkta för dessa efter en timme.... Och de hade aldrig fel... 😂🤣
Ole Dammegård is back so nice!
Tack vare den underbare Ole ❤, som gjort ett gigantiskt arbete, är vi på väg att fatta att nästan hela etablissemanget är den verkliga "organiserade kriminaliteten".
🌟🌟🌟 Ole Dammegård : den absolut främste .. !!! 🌟🌟🌟
Väldigt fantastiskt intervju med Ole och väldigt tänkvärt för den vakne. Fantastiskt bra!!
Tack Ole och Thomas för den fantastiskt intressanta intervjun. Jag tyckte att jag läst det mesta om det s.k. Palmemordet, men du har tillfört nya uppgifter Ole. Enormt tankeväckande. Det var intressant att du fått namnen på Palmes "alter egon". Det ska bli spännande att se om du får något napp. Det var också nytt att Gösta Söderström tryckt på den skjutnes öga och funnit att han var död. Den teori jag tidigare läst om så skulle en "skådespelare" ha spelat Palme och att ingen dog på Sveavägen. Intressant uppgift! Jag måste tipsa ett antal personer så de inte missar att lyssna på detta samtal... Återigen JÄTTETACK... Jag ser fram emot fortsättning...
Det är alltid spännande att lyssna på Ole vilken kunnig man bra gjort
Mirakulöst info
Love you and love the new website
Snyggt jobbat med OP CK AS. Fortsättning följer…
Älskar Dammegårds analyser❤
Sjukt intressant, bra jobbat
OMG thank you sooo much.....I'm gobsmacked - as some often exclaim! I am so grateful for your help and support - this info from your Research Vault will be employed to the best of ends, in this crazy battle for the soul of humanity. I cant believe the insanity that is unfolding - but doing nothing isnt an option (neither is silence). Thanks again Ole... and for your mighty endeavours. All the best - lots of love from N. Wales (Bethesda)...
I’ve been following Ole for about 2 years now and find his depth of knowledge and detailed research amazing. But I think even more than that is Ole’s calm and Soul-ful way of presenting his findings and conclusions. Some researchers out there are also good, but their intensive and often angry energy is sometimes disturbing to me. Ole’s Soulful presentations are calming to my energies even though the topic matters are disturbing. Blessings to you both for your Divinely Inspired work for Earth and Humanity
Thanks Ole- I love Wake Up!
Ole you make a good job.
It was so lovely to meet and chat with you. Thank you so much for your time! We all loved it!
Thank you for your great work & commitment in this very dark & bizarre moment in history. I just watched your recent & engaging interview with Mark Bajerski.
I’m watching hurricane Milton in Florida. I really appreciate all I learned from you.
Where Fakebook is, Ole Dammegard is considered spam.
Hej fina Ole! Jag tycker att du är fantastiskt duktig
I could listen to this guy all day, great story teller and painted pictures for me the entire time!
This is the best TFH episode all year. I believe everything Ole says on this one.
Hej min fina vän och broder ❤️ jag har lärt mig av den bäste.
So informative, love Ole
Bäste Ole! Du är en stjärna 🌟
I need to stress that Ole is one of the best 'truthers' in today's world and my points are an expression of truth. There's nothing wrong with having differences of opinion as that's how we learn from each other. Keep up the good work Ole and I must thank yourself and Kim for the videos you both did during the lockdown. Sofa talks I think they were called? You both helped people (including myself) get through those days!
I support you morally and thank you for your work that I admire a lot.
Thank you so much Ole for the intel/reveals. I'm so thankful to 'conspiracy theorists' who have given of their lives and provided therapeutic spiritual guidance for all who are affected by the staged events. Movie realism has actually helped us spot the poor production values of the fake flags.
Since I continue to follow the smarter and brave Ole Dammegard Fred Teunissen is right when they advised me to change the title of my second book. It wasn't about "murder" it was about the disappearance of Olof Palme. He had cooperated on the scenario himself. Trump has a hand off of that. Good luck, thanks, smarter friends!
Tack fina Ole för att du finns för mig och allt spännande du skickar, det betyder så mycket nu när mitt liv har varit som en skärseld.
Keep up the good work mate, you’ve got plenty of Aussies in your corner!
Your Fokkin' Resume is amazing! Truly.
I have followed your work. Thank you for you being a patriot.
Thanks for all your stuff and talks though the years! Great work.
10Soon the sinners will no longer be here…You’ll look where he was and not find him.11But, the meek will inherit the land,And find great delight in the abundance of peace. Soon, these words found in Psalms 37:10,11 will finally be a global reality. May everyone be filled with Light & Love Truth & Beauty! Keep cultivating the Authentic!
My wife and I loved your recent interview on folks we thought died. Obviously, the idea that Elvis is still alive is huge here in the US. If you were to do a webinar on other celebrities thought to possibly still be alive (M.Jackson, Princess Diana, etc.), I believe you would bring in a rather large audience, us included. Thank you for all you do, and God bless.
Hey Ole, I loved your recent show. Very interesting to hear your new stance regarding Olof Palme, and we're certainly on the same page when it comes to Elvis and Pastor Bob Joyce. I really think it's him, though by now he would be 89 so I don't like to think about what he might be taking to keep himself looking younger!
Hoppas, att Matte och Gjutarenäfve samt Clas Hedberg såg och hörde Din språkstund med en amerikan om Palme, där Ni också dryftade Elvis Presley. Ni forskare har kommit långt mot gåtans lösning, och jag är glad över, att jag får Dina nyhetsbrev.
Det är alltid givande att följa din framfart - helt enormt intressant.
Thanks for your work on conspiracies, especially Olof Palme. My paternal grandmother was born in Kristianstad, Sweden, so I find your detective work on him quite fascinating.
I love your work!
Love your work.
GOD Bless you Ole !!!!!!!!!!!!!
You two are my favorite!! I don't trust too many people anymore. Thank you both.
I love Ole and my archangel Michael 💙 brotherhood of Love, thank you 🙏🏻
I went to the George live event in Hot Springs Arkansas to see for myself if Bob Joice was in fact Elvis! Everyone there knew and was not hiding the facts of him being Elvis
In pastor Bobs sermon on that Sunday he said in short: don’t trust man, pastor Bob or Elvis trust God and walked away!!!!
God Bless Ole! Keep him alive Oh Lord! He spreads the truth with a twist of humor, so kewl. A way if talking about all this wicked stuff that the devil's followers do and sli the TRUTH under the rug. When we get to Heaven, we can all visit Ole'ville!
ole and Michael you two rock ...keep up the good fight...all of you keep it up ...we got em on the ropes now
Jag tycker du är fantastisk! Keep up the good work! Bravo Ole! 💪 😊
Kramar från Norr.
Very informative podcast thank you.💗
Greatness!!! Thanks, Truth Warriors!!!
We love and appreciate you and Kim. All continued best of Anointed Dammegarding to you both, Prayers, Joy, and Peace. You've helped us to be much more aware and notice details that has helped us. We loved Eleven Strong, and the Team, thank you again. Much respect.
You are a real modern day courageous & brilliant hero imo. We love you keep up the good work.
I bought this book before it was on Amazon; I had seen Ole Dammegard’s meticulously researched video presentations and decided to get a copy of his work in writing. I’m so very glad I did. This stunning work is journalism at its best…dedicated decades in the making, and well worth the money. It is a must-have for any serious researcher’s collection and you won’t find these facts in the cartoon and cotton candy world of mainstream news. (We could only dream that today’s network journalists would ever put the time, thought and care into truth-telling at this level of sophistication.)
It takes patience to read, yes, but you’ll find the devil is indeed in the details. Questions are answered once and for all but, as the book’s description mentions, don’t accept it uncritically. Instead, use it as a launching point for your own research and study of these world-changing historical events. Once your eyes are opened, your processing of the daily news will never be the same.
I highly recommend this book. It’s pure gold.
An extraordinary piece of research, mainstream 'journalists' then as today ought to be ashamed of themselves, very ashamed. Wake Up!
I rarely give 5 stars to books, but this is so mind blowing and interesting it's actually worth it.
Ole is one of the best researchers on the planet. Get his book and get volume 2. This shows the connection of a worldwide cabal that is trying to take us down. Excellent!
I Love'd Ole's books! Now, me and my man could investigate this on our own.. Exciting!
Here is my take on Ole Dammegard's books Coup d'etat in Slow Motion 1 & 2:
This is an exhaustively researched book that has seriously impressed me. I had no idea the detail included before choosing it, and am blown away by these kinds of researchers who seem to have turned over every stone. I've long been into conspiracy subjects, but have learned the hard way how discerning one needs to be. I have become highly critical in the process. This book will become a necessary reference for generations to come, I'm quite convinced. He has done the leg work, and made it a compelling read, but future researchers will have a wider grasp of this coup d'état in slow motion, which we are today still experiencing globally, so there is still foggy spots and loads of disinformation. For example, we know that the media has been complicit at some level in engineering this and other assassinations, but how much, how, and how deeply? With the vast number of newspaper, interviews and other media references included here, I believe future researchers will be able to work out the hidden codes some of these networks are surely using through the media. I am now drawn to read all of Dammegard's works!
Tusen tack! Jag tänkte att jag inte hade tid för att jag behövde fälla ett träd på min sons crossbana men jag ville börja iallafall, nu har jag sträcktittat och vill ha mer. Jag känner i själen att ni är ärliga, och vill alla väl, sanningen är det som är viktigt oavsett hur ful den är och jag hoppas av hela mitt hjärta att så många som möjligt tar del av detta fantastiska samtal!Jag är så gammal att jag minns när sanning, ärlighet och omtanke var
något bra. Tack igen. ❤️
Tack Ole för din otroliga förmåga att se detaljer, samband, mönster, för att du lär oss att själva se och förstå dessa ständigt återkommande mönster.
Deras fantasi tycks vara mycket begränsad då de upprepar sig gång på gång.
Klockrent som alltid💪
Thank you so much!! Always remember, I sure look at things so differently now. Unbelievable!
Amazing Intel! Your such a G! Thank you!
Great show! Always love hearing from Ole.
Yeah! So happy, been waiting for Ole for a while 💙
We all love Ole! Such a great person! Thanks!!!! Awesome show as always!!!
Hello from Slovenia. I admire your work. Keep going.
I love listening to ya, ole!
Ole Smokes ! Armageddon exited !!
Ole, it was an honor, delight, and celebration of love's evolution to meet you today! You feel like a new 'old friend' kindred spirit that I have finally aligned with in light of purpose. I look forward to where our Divine Convergence takes us, and to every opportunity to bring truth to light with you. I am deeply grateful for all you are and do to inspire this spiritual evolution. Divine love and gratitude,
Har nu lyssnat på när Per Shapiros intervjuade dig Ole. Tack för ditt enkla sätt att förklara Trumps "show".
God bless, Ole. Take care, brother! We are all under threat by the agents of darkness....but the good news is: all darkness retreats before the Light, so stay in the Light, bro! Be well.
Vilket otroligt bra, fint och intressant samtal du hade med Per Shapiro. Det är ett ämne som ju mer jag hör hur du delar upp hela grejen med Donald blir mer och mer lätt att se vad som verkligen hände.
Lyssnar på din Delingpole intervju. All information du delar där...otroligt.
Ni som hjälper till att skrämma upp människor för klimatförändringar stöttar medvetet eller omedvetet de som vill införa den globala diktaturen, agenda 2030 och FN,s mål att få mandat att diktera och styra över hela världen. Lyssna på Ole Dammegard när han blir intervjuad av Per Daniel Shapiro på folkets radio.
What a gift to have time with you, my brother. I’m all lit up.
Mycket bra avsnitt med Ole. Och Per Shapiro.👍💪📣💯🙂
I enjoyed your presentation so much, Ole Dammagard (you have my great respect)
Fantastischer Song und fantastische Produktion und fantastische Message 🙏🤘💛
Still playing this masterpiece Wake Up !!!! ❤
Ole and I released the Wake Up song 3 years ago today, on the 20th anniversary of the huge false flag psy-op terror event that shapes all our lives to this day. Thank you Ole Dammegard , Kim Kamala Dammegard , Jorge Perez Soria , Eric Maas and everyone else who made this song and video happen, most of all thanks to everyone showing their appreciation and gratitude and also everyone who sent us videos of themselves opening their eyes. For example the wonderfully courageous Sacha Stone , Dolores Cahill ... and my beloved Sabine Liebel , Gaz Gaskell ... and a hundred more beautiful souls! Also thanks to Reiner Fuellmich and Max Egan for helping to promote it to an audience of far over a million people so far. I am deeply grateful for this blessing, opportunity, adventure, and challenge, we are living. May the light of truth overcome all darkness. Thank you, my friends! 🙏🏽❤️🔥🎵 Big, big hug!! Ole, brother, we’ll need to make another hit, soon! 😀
My compliments, Ole. Your songs/music is surprisingly original! Not that I didn't expect that from you, but more that you do not hear much really original music in this genre.
It pulls you in. Hopefully somebody soon sees and hears the value and gets his/her hands on it and spreads it. It deserves that, no doubt in my mind.
Dammegård är mycket bra.
Trumpavsnittet blev nästan en av Oles klassiker. "Det är inga nybörjare det här." Bra avsnitt.
The hidden agenda is to destroy america, then the world. the stakes could not be higher, and very difficult to discern how it's being done. your work in exposing is incredible.
Those who are on the receiving end of assault frequencies -- and they are many all around this world -- will certainly feel relieved to see finally yet another coherent presentation on an important aspect of their targeting...
Singing of your praises, Ole. You are the premier voice on one of the most critical topics of our time - do governments stage crimes to blame on enemies of convenience for the Hegelian destruction of our rights? I cherish our interviews
I watched James Delingpole & Trump and I am glad it confirmed my suspicions. Just found your work. I heard you mention Assange and Snowden and then I got curious. I wish I could understand the recent news on Dr Reiner Fuelmich, German lawyer in prison for exposing CV crimes. Dr Robert Malone's interest in this? I love to have clarity onto this.
Thank you so much. I feel better that their activities in Cape Coral, FL, have been exposed by you. I appreciate all you do.
Thank you for your work.
Ole Dammegard er svært interessant å lytte til. Hørte ham første gang i sendinger fra WakeUpGlobe/Sverige.
I ran across your interview with Marc Clair. You are just finding out your parents were part of the postwar craziness. Thats terrible. I just wanted to say how awful for you. At the same time, how weird and amazing. You described it perfectly.
Hi Ole!
I’m a wake-wakey💃🌴😎
And so enjoyed your several interviews regarding alleged assasination attempt....Well, me thinks our illustrious trump is just how I saw that bad suit banker in 2020! Time for a new direction— Here Comes the Antichrist. Dive deep into Prince William, lots happening now😜
Tack bästa Ole 🙌
Väldigt intressant och givande och Många detaljer jag själv inte har hört.
Michael Jaco, Ole Dammegård and Christoffer Lundquist -
empowerment for humans against the dark powers 💥
Varmt lycka till med ditt arbete!
Sherlock Dammegårds teorier är ju lite spännande! Till de som säjer NEJ till den; Han hade VÄLDIGT rätt om modet på JFK.
Love you guys
Jeg følger de fleste podkaster på Rumble du er med i👍🏻 Særlig du og Michael Jaco, love'it🙏🏻❤️
Lyssnar på din kanonintressanta genomgång av Trumpincidenten.
Been listening to your excellent interview with James Delingpole (was amazed about the Crowds on Demand website - instant crisis actors ordered online!).
Hello Ole. Would like to thank you and Kim for your very warm hospitality. It is a great honor to meeting you🙏🙏
Ole Dammegårds insikt går inte att skoja bort.. Imponerade kunskaper är bara förnamnet.
I trust you are well & think of you often🙏🏼❤️
I really appreciate your work.
Greetings and I hope you are well. That Red Ice interview on the Holohoax you recently posted up, Well done!!!!!
Ole is so impressive and brave so I got his lovely book An Inner Adventure for Kids, and his Persian family book.
Du kommer alltid att finnas i våra hjärtan. Underbara Ole...
Dear Ole, You are excellent in your analysis about the staged assassination attempt of Trump. I am not even a specialist in this area but my girlfriend follows you and holds you in high esteem.
The man! The best of the best!
Ole has Wonderful words of Wisdom. I'm pulling for the world. I have 3 children and 5 grandchildren. My heart yearns for continuation of their lives with love, health, prosperity, compassion, kindness, humility, truth and honor. Our world depends on us.
love your explanations!
Thank You Brother 🙏 I deeply appreciate your work.
Thanks for your work drilling down on the assassination attempt.
Thank you Ole. I think you and your work is WONDERFUL. I've listened to you for quite a few years. Sending my gratitude to you.
Oh yay! I’ve been following Ole for YEARS! So happy
Great work great work
Olé Olé!!
I love the fact that Ole keeps it on a real level . The specualtion makes my JW brain want to take over and see your material as apostate lies . ( i am only a year out, so i am still struggling with learning TTATT )
But the fact that he doesn't makes me able to believe it
Awesome! Loved it.
This guy nailed it.
Great show . Ole's one of the Heavyweights in this area and did not disappoint. I wonder what he'd make of the Hamburg false
Thank you for enlightening ExJws
I'm so amped up...I am going to be late for my eye doc appointment
Eg har fulgt Ole Dammegard i mange år. Det er uhyre interessant og lærerikt!
This is your best video yet Quinn and Ole. If only it came out prior to March 2022 I would have shared it with my little sister and i guarantee her eyes would be opened, her life could have been spared. She was very much into studying & debating this stuff with symbology, new world order, Masonic history etc, it all fascinated her and seeing it's connection to the religion she joined after escaping another religious cult, there's no way she could cast aside what u and Ole put forth in this video. It all adds up and makes sense, who and what they really are. Powerful. No denying it.
The part about the welcome destruction of this world and building back better with their new system = completely one and the same!
Sharing far and wide.
I remember Ole from back when pizzagate was going on,I'd consider him an expert in the NWO disorder,I like how he does not speculate - "Just the Facts ma'am" as Joe Friday would say. JW's have been shielded from so much. It's good to know what THEY are planning for us,it's good to KNOW and be on guard!
Hej Ole
Jag är sååå tacksam för att du avslöjar satans lakejer, en efter en och deras agendor, tack åter igen. Tyvärr har jag inte möjlighet att stötta dig ekonomiskt men jag välsigna dig i Jesu Kristi namn trots att jag är väl medveten om att du inte lagt ditt liv i Hans händer.
Jag har följt dig längre tid än jag varit frälst och anser du varit en av anledningarna till detta. Tillhör ingen religion, församling eller annat utan följer bara Guds Ord och litar på Hans Helige Andes visdom som lärt mig så mycket hitills. Kram till dig och din familj❤
HERO! The greatest bullshitdetector of our time,i salute u OLE. Incredible work!!
Congratulations and celebrations! Jubi jæhæ!!!
Goodness gracious! This video was spectacular! Love everything you share and I am so grateful 🙏. With love and light ❤️
Ole, thank you very much for the love you bring to life, which is all we need, as John Lennon sang.
Thank you, Ole. It was just what I needed today, beginning to end. Keep up the good work. Aloha
Good luck to you! Truth is not a good business model in this world. We are in for a real rocky road in the coming period.
The cabal has its hooks in the new multipolar regime and the next generation is in for some existential issues.
Take time to enjoy yourself, life and the world. That is part of our obligation to the eternal essence.
Thank you. We love watching your videos and fully support what you do.
Dear Kim and Ole,
Thank you for a great webinar, it was very helpful to understanding the situation, and it made a lot of sense to me. I especially was glad that you touched on the red herrings as I had been noticing a lot of them. Also for mentioning the hidden themes in these events, because that is not something I would get on my own. Thank you for getting the truth out, as you said "truth makes the veil transparent". I just wish many more people will see it and wake up to it. I am astounded that there appears to be no damage to Trump's ear. You would think they would make that more believable. How are people buying this? I am so grateful you ended on such a positive note, that we are not hopeless, and reminding us that love is the way. Kind regards and thank you again!
If you have a suggestion, let me know! Your work is so important! And I know how lonely you are on this road... You are really amazing and inspiring for thousands!
Super impressed by Ole’s research. No one else is taking about this, even podcasters and researchers whom I highly respect. I had fallen for the mass deception myself, and it wasn’t until I watched his webinar and listened to an interview with Ole that I really digested the information and now am completely convinced.
Thanks for all your hard work trying to figure out what the heck is going on.
Your mind is amazing, Brother.
Dear Ole!
I dit nyhedsbrev 1. august skriver du bl.a. “As far as I know, I have been more or less the only one in the world who is showing evidence that this was a completely fake,
and staged inside job with Donald Trump 100% in on it.”
JA Ole, DU er den, der med din store erfaring kan se det, men hvad der måske er vigtigst i denne sag tror jeg, er at du vover at stå frem og fortælle det! Mens alle mainstream medier underholder verden med den ene forklaring efter den anden på ’the assassination attempt ’var DU hurtigt den, der sagde ’ Kejseren har ikke noget tøj på ’! Verden vil bedrages - og bliver det.
Jeg ’vågnede’ først op marts 2020 og det går med turbofart nu. Det gør ondt at se og vide og det gør ondt at vide, at folk flest ikke ser det! Hjertevarme hilsner med de bedste ønsker til dig og Kim.
Enastående jobb du gör, du öppnade mina ögon för detta för snart 10 år sedan, tusen tack Ole! Den som lever i sanning är också fri!
Beloved Ole and Kim! Thank you for the very informative webinar session. You have my great thanks for YOUR inspiring work and for your courage ---courage to say the difficult things AND the courage/determination to revert to a home base in the positive.
Tack Ole! Webbinaret var väldigt bra, en ögonöppnare för många... ❤️
Mindblowing QoA webinar on Trump today!! Thank you Ole for all the work you do totally dissecting the official story! Lots of love for your efforts around the clock !
Tack och lov, finns det så många därute som bevakar olika områden i det TOTALA KAOSET OCH VANSINNET som pågår i både Sverige och resten av Världen...🤔 Jag vill speciellt TACKA Svenska människor och kanaler som Ulf Bejerstrand, Lennart Matikainen , Håkan Bergmark, Öystein Rönne , Ole Dammegard , Aida Reva Begovic , Thomas Gjutarenäfve , FrihetsNytt , Swebbtv, Samnytt, Carl Norberg , Mathias Andersson , Jacob Nordangård , Johan Widén för att bara nämna några och Många, många fler, som tillsammans hjälps åt för att belysa perspektiv som INTE ter sig så UPPENBARA vid första anblicken, men vid en djupare granskning visar sig vara det...🤔
Det är ett Gigantiskt Pussel där det mesta hänger ihop, där flera Intressgemenskaper / Maktstrukturer samverkar inom ramen för de områden där de har gemensamma "VINSTER" att göra...🤔 Därav uttryck som exempelvis "FOLLOW THE MONEY" och "Problem Reaction Solution" nästan alltid finns med i dessa sammanhang...🤔
Ole Dammegard belyser perspektiv som få andra ens reflekterar över... Vilket alltid adderar till det "lilla" vi kan se och uppfatta själva... 🤔
Très intéressant
Massor med kärlek till er för allt ni gjort för mig längs den här resan. Så otroligt tacksam för all hjälp och stöd. Också så otroligt tacksam för att jag fått lära känna er på djupet och att jag verkligen känner jag fått en bror och syster här ner. Guds vägar äro outgrundliga. Vi får se hur resan framåt blir nu.
Jag älskar dina böcker och ditt skrivande, Ole! Stort tack för att jag får möjlighet att läsa in alla godbitar!!!!
We have had great feedback regarding the in depth presentation you did on the attempted Trump assassination and I just wanted to say thank you for your effort.
To blessed to be stressed-Me like!!! 💚 Exactly! That is physically impossible??…..wow!!!
Hi Ole, big fan of your work. Thank you for your many years of enlightenment!
Be safe and be well, dear man.
I love your approach so much! I love the idea that everything is a bullshit! 😂
Such an extraordinary meting! Thank you!
Sending blessings and prayers for your protection and continued good works.🙏🏻
Du nailer det igjen og igjen!!! Superb!!
Lihkku beivviin Ole Dammegard ☀️💐🍰
Loved your interview with MJ! Great info! XOX
July 2024. Just found Wake Up. Cannot stop listening to it. Unbelievably inspiring. Thank you Ole and Mo.
Wake Up - Such a beautiful song, luv u "Ole"
Tak for din fantastiske indsats..! Guds fred
Briljant Webinar. Det bästa! Var orolig över att så många inom rörelsen trodde på att det var på riktigt!? Blev glad när du visade att det var fejk.
Ett enormt tack till dina år av jobb med att undersöka fall och väcka världen om vad som verkligen är på gång. En skam att vi inte än har någon officiellt svar på mord som JFK, Palme, samt om Estonia, Nio elva och mer. Eller så har vi det, men det är inte officiellt accepterat. Vi är väl så nära, vilken tid att leva i denna tid.
I just saw your video last week for the first time. Amazing what you do. Love it.
Sanningen segrar.
Ole is so humorous.. so true.. ridiculous
I love Ole. He is so spot on and makes you awake. Lot's of love to all
Thank you for what you do
Ole is reasonating. I remember in wag the dog good ol shoe or old shoe to get this likeable character elected, and it worked masterfully. Nailed it!
Ole's a wealth of wisdom, knowledge, understanding.....He's also quite funny in an ironical way 😄.
I love it when Ole says “really, really?”. Great interview, thank you
Hoppas det är många som hörsammar allt du gör!
Ole is spot on. War is a theater, governments are the actors and the human race is nothing more than willing extras.
Amazingly amazing
Ole is BAF!
I love Ole. I know what he says is what really happened or not happened (false flags). Refreshing to hear the TRUTH!!!
Ole' ole' ole' ole' 😊
Tack för du sprider ljuset!
Vi träffade dig på en manifestation i Kungsträdgården i början av Covidbedrägeriet och pratades vi en stund Vi uppskattar ditt fantastiska jobb med den kunskap och upplysning du förmedlar. Hoppas du kan göra det många år till.
Det var dig jag lyssnade på innan covididiotin bröt ut, som gjorde att jag vaknade upp och började söka mer information. Stort tack för det🤗
Dear Ole,
I am celebrating your birth day anniversary! You have been an incredible teacher for me; not a day goes by when I do not put to use the awareness, perspectives and skills you impart. You continue to be a very important part of my life, even though I do not ‘tune in’ so often now; you have done your work very well and it is a part of me. I send my deep appreciation and affection to you and Kim for you are as family to me. Enjoy, little brother! Yuptukirara — still unburnt, unbowed and unbroken!
Thank you for your masterpiece Trump-presentation tonight on LFM.
Happy Birthday President Mind Blower
Trump webinaret! WOW! Glimrande- heter det inte så på danska...Och intron! WOW där också!🙏🌹❤️
Tack för alla dessa beskrivningar som sammantaget borde räcka till att avsätta och lagföra ett stort gäng...... Tack alla ni äkta grävande journalister!
Your new intro WOW and the Trump webinar BRILLIANT!!!
Thanks for the wonderful session today and for offering 11 Strong, which is a great inspiration.
Thanks for doing all you do to inspire us and for shining your light in the world at such a dark time! It’s a great pleasure to meet you and to share this time together, my brother. With my love and gratitude,
Great stuff, got to love Ole Dammegard
Ole' Ole'
Ole, you are a fabulous soul. 💕 And all of you are so BRAVE!
This was an excellent interview and highly appreciated. Thanks.
That was EXTREMELY interesting!!!
I always love to listen to OLE. I thoroughly enjoyed this, one of the best yet! I'm signed up for the webinar on Sun, can't wait!!
Great podcast, you are all hero’s trying to right the ship. History is so important. It’s sad it’s been stolen, by infiltration, manipulating, etc. But we need to learn the truth. God bless and continue to bless these brave men. Best wishes ♥️♥️🙏🙏
Wow det var godt nok lidt af en udlægning, superfantastisk....
Tack för vad du gör och tack för den uppriktiga och kärleksfulla energi du delar med världen i alla dina intervjuer. Det går inte att undgå, känslan av uppriktighet och givande (grundenergierna i skapelsen) som du sprider. I hur du svarar på (många gånger) omedvetnas frågor och inspel.
ag känner du sprider till världen på två nivåer: förebild för kärleksenergin / grundenergin och den viktiga och ödmjuka sanningen. TACK FÖR DIG, strålande landsman!. Som det sagts dessa dagar…. ”Ljuset kommer från norr”. Även om det just nu befinner sig i öster;-))
Just want to let you know how thankful I am for the Trump webinar. So many things struck me as odd about this event, and I really appreciate what Ole had to say, and it makes me feel like I'm not going crazy for noticing unusual things.
After watching several of Ole's interviews, I'm starting to pick up on things now. I also wonder who Trump really is and what this event was really about, but as Ole said we'll have to watch and see what events are going to play out.
So many questions still that we may never have answers to, but I'm glad my eyes have been opened to no longer taking at face value the mainstream narratives anymore. Thank you for the light you shine to expose the dark agendas and bring the Truth to light.
Ole, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. Cody was a good man with a big heart for people. I pray for you and your wife that as you continue your work that you will be protected as you bring truth to light!
TAK for Trump-presentationen og for det enorme arbejde, der ligger til grund. Jeg har stiftet bekendtskab med Ole Dammegård via interviews med Flemming Blicher, meget interessante og spændende interviews, som gjorde mig nysgerrig på Oles forskellige “arbejder”, derfor måtte jeg se denne video ..og senere - når jeg har bedre tid - gå mere i dybden med andre af “tingene
Thanks so much for all you do!!
Stay safe, Light On and keep up the work!
Tusen tack för Trump-videon! Jag fattar inte hur mycket detaljer och material som Ole lyckas se och lägga till ett pussel som makes så mycket sense! Det är bara helt mind blowing. Tack gode gud för er!
It’s rare to find the kind of knowledge and loving wisdom you and Ole both share. I appreciate you both beyond measure.
I have been following Ole for many years now, and I am so grateful to be part of his sharing of the thruth. It has helped me to navigate through the crazy times we have been - and still are - witnessing. And it is just that: what he delivers is helping me to witness, instead of getting involved/being a part of.
Of course this has been a part of me for all my life, to scrutinize and investigate what is behind the scenes - in myself, in relationships and in the society. And I have taken many blows and been deeply disappointed many times through the years. That is why it is so soothing to get confirmations from Ole. His investigations have supported my suspicions, and given me important eye openings. I am not as brave as Ole is, to share on my part what I know, so this is a thing I so admire, him being brave, open and lovingly direct
This Trump-video was as usual excellent and I am again very grateful to be one who canreceive Oles lovingly delivered kowledge on deceptions. I am not alone! A "thank you" is the least I can say. But that is what i feel, a deep, deep gratitude. THANK YOU!
Your a good man Ole. Thank you so much for your kindness in this world 💜
Incredible webinar,amazing, Great thank you. I have listened to ole since i think about around 2010. His interviews with Henrik Palmgren at rediceradio about the fake murder of olof palme got me really started.
Great job, magic man!! As always, points to the bigger psyop the whole circus is!! Brilliant!! :)))
Thank you Ole, Great research again.
Thank you. You're such a wise teacher. Dot-connector
I just finished watching the Trump video and it’s excellent!! Thank you for all that you do! I just wanted to add (I saw from another video) that the blood marks on DT’s face also resembles the Crowdstrike logo in which the company was involved in a worldwide shutdown of computers etc. Also, convenient name right? Just wanted to share. I love your work and I learn so much from you. Thank you!! All the world is a stage!! Much love,
Tack bästa Ole, nu lyssnat. Väldigt intressant. Mycket nöjd. Tack, tack, tack. Din analys kommer med tiden att starkt bidraga till att få den kollektiva dimman att lätta.
Beloved brother of light!
I was so honored to have been recognized in such a kind way by you on your marvelous event this morning. This follows a long spell of silence on my part, largely because I have been somewhat overwhelmed by the deterioration of so many of our world's long-time tenets and other things we could believe in come rain-or-shine. The webinar content today was marvelously well presented and I am sure that all of the others onboard were enlivened.
Check out your applause, Ole Dammegard! You were on fire, amigo... as always! 😀🔥💖
Dear Kim and Ole,
I felt the Trump shooting presentation was brilliant and confirmed so many of my first impressions also. You have trained us well Ole!!! Once I saw those iconic photos I knew that Getty images was having a field day!! I also thought the man to the left of the strange JFK Jr guy who wore a wide brimmed hat and white t shirt who was crouching forward to see what happened was suspicious. And how the heck did shoes come off Trump anyway??? And the fake blood - OMG. So much - and I am always amazed and so grateful for all the detail and research you give to us to fill in the obvious gaffs. In the universe of smoke and mirrors, you are a clarifying and shining Light. And a big thank you Kim for being a great executive producer 😄👍🙏❤️
Namaste, all love and gratitude,
Well Done! Thank You so… very much! Know you that you both are Cherished, Appreciated, & Loved by Many!
UNDERBART att det ÄNTLIGEN händer som vi har väntat på - allt AVSLÖJAS
Love the work you do. Best to you and praying for your protection, Ole.
Hi Ole, Love your actions! Keep up the awesome work!
Ole Dammegard I’m so looking forward to ithe Trump shooting webinar Thanks for being you! The world is a better place for it.
I look forward to hearing Ole Ole Dammegard unpack the whole thing this Sunday, he’s doing a live breakdown across several countries. He is the world expert on false flags.
Legend truth seeker 😎
Thank you for everything you do for mankind, peace on Earth and spirituality. So HAPPY to know you from here and elsewhere. 🙌🔥👏❤️
Divine timing
Surrender and release
Detta budskap, dessa ledord fick jag på en sittning för många år sedan av en spirituell kvinna. Kom att tänka på det när jag såg ditt och Mikes samtal om tilliten till en ”högre kraft”Tack Ole och Tack Mike🙏❤️ Maken och jag lyssnar alltid på dessa!
Tak for alt det gode arbejde, du gør for os alle. Må det kommende år bringe alle ønsker til opfyldelse.
Jag rekommenderar Ole för hans mycket noggranna undersökningar inom vilka områden hans sanningssökande än bär honom, innan han säger/ skriver något. då
En stor eloge till Ole med fru.
En trogen o hängiven ”ole-fan”! Och som lärt sig att se taffligt genomförd magenta-teater, nu med mr T i huvudrollen.
Love this!!!!
excellent show!!!
Ole, you are a fabulous soul. 💕 And so BRAVE!
Thank you Michael J, Ole, and James Perloff for the great discussion of similarities between plotters in the background, the people who advanced through misdeed, and those severely and unfairly punished. Gruesome but very interesting.
When I heard what had happened to Trump, my thoughts immediately went to Ole. I knew it would be a big task for him! He is a world champion in this kind of thing.
thanks, Love your work..
Ole, your calm in the face of all of these demons is inspiring. And your interview with one of, or the assassin of JK was incredible!
Frihet är definitivt ett själsligt tillstånd!!! Håller helt med
En sån underbar intervju med Ole Dammegard!
Notre Dame Rouen 7. 11. 2024. Selv jeg kan begynde at se et mønster. Tusind tak for dit arbejde.
Thank you for your amazing radio show A Mobile Death Squad. WOW! Fascinating stuff, Your knowledge is astounding. Gratitude for all that you are dong!
Great interview
Thank you so much Mr. Ole, I always look forward to what you have to share with us
Love it. I listen to Coast to Coast often. Thanks for the heads-up.
dear Ole .... truly appreciate all the courage of speaking up regarding truth that unjust controllers have been trying to hide. We must all do our part. Crimes against humanitywill be exposed.
Hey Ole! You're so inspiring! 😀
I listened to your music and it’s great! When did you play in Berlin-years ago?- too bad I had missed that. Your Guitar playing sounds great, by the way. Do you know somebody named David Gilmour? Just Kidding! Music can make a big big Difference!
Thank you for being a positive force in the world!
Dear Ole I truly appreciate you raising conscious.. Love&Light is increasing and good is winning over evil.
Skitbra! Världsklass!
Skitbra! Världsklass!
Ni förtjänar minst 1 miljon visningar...Just keep em comming!!🇸🇪️️
Jag har lyssnat nu på Ole och Christoffer Lundquist. Mycket bra! (Sommarpratarna på SR kan slänga sig i väggen… 🤭)
Intervjun med Christoffer är den bästa jag sett med dej ever!!!
Been listening to your album From Prison to Paradise. Wow u are really moving!! It's amazing! I can use ur music in ceremonies. Let's get this music to the masses and start healing!
Good to see Ole !! One of the first truth seekers I followed decades ago! Great interview.
Good talk, Gentlemen. I had always wondered:
-why the hell rap music “took off”. It was nothing but vitriol and disrespect for everyone, with a beat perhaps, but not music.
-Seeing musician friends struggling to make a living, and seemingly the ones who do well are captured and promoted.
-why did the music and the movies die?
Thanks for answering my questions today!
This was one of your best shows! Thanks Ole, Christoffer and Michael...love and light to you and all!
Great show! Thank you as always Ole that was such great information. We will not conform any longer. Lot's of love to all
What a beautiful conversation 🙏🤍🦋
This was the best conversation I have heard in a long time on the internet. Thanks
It was great to be with you! I love the frequency in your conversations! Thank you so much!
It was great to be with you! I love the frequency in your conversations! Thank you so much!
God bless you, Ole. Boy, big things are brewing here in the states... Maybe things will turn out well, after all? I pray it is so. Be well, brother! God bless you and Kim!
Tak for dig og dit enorme store arbejde,
Wonderful souls...woooo
Angels bless Ole, Michael and Kristoffer!
Tack för Webinaret igår! Tacka Kim också. Ni gör ett fantastiskt arbete. Och hennes tavla är mycket vacker!
Have learned so much from you and have great admiration for your work and you as a person,but every time I hear you use the term meat suit I just cringe. To me it is disrespectful and sounds like the creation of some new age asshole. So there, i've had my say, do with it as you wish. Stay well
Mycket intressant sätt att tänka och visst ligger det mycket i detta! Stop Wining and start shining! Tack Ole
Har just lyssnat på din och Mo Antons fina WAKE UP. Mycket fin sång, och jag gillar verkligen videon också.
Every best wish for your good health, thank you for all your work on our behalf,
Hej Ole! Lyssnat mycket på dig. På din kunskap och din visdom.:-)
I saw through the Annecy children's playpark 'stabbing' thanks to Ole - to this day, despite all the unbelievable inconsistencies, nobody believes me..!!!!!
Jag har följt dig och ditt enormt viktiga arbete ett bra tag. Passar här på att uttrycka min uppriktigt och djupt kända uppskattning och beundran för det enorma arbete/livsverk - med allt det innebär.
Tack för att du "tar tag" i de här bränderna. Jag känner som du: det är en ny nivå av gränslös ondska och vi kan tydligt se att det inte är första gången de här grejerna används mot oss. Det är oerhört viktigt att människor ser detta. Tack!
At Utøya har vært en insider psyop tror jeg mange av oss outsidere har oppfattet lenge. Takk til Ole Dammegard 💚
So cool to see you playing guitar on this Ole, great tune! Great vibes !
The true power of the pyramid it's not at the top. I'm going to run with that for the next couple years.
Oh yes! Song of the year, decade.......Wake up humanity!
May this song bring the dawning of a brand new consciousness, a way of living In 'Love n Light', 'Peace & Unity' for all humanity who's souls yearn for f.r.e.e.d.o.m. from the chains of slavery inflicted by those who truly rule from the shadows. Thank You & Blessings To Everyone.
Wake Up!
Excellent! A song with a clear message! Great solo, Ole! 🙂
Love this song!!! So spot on! Great musicians as well!!!
brilliant love ole ️
Wake Up - Perfect words for these times we are dealing with. I enjoyed the video very much.
Such a beautiful song, luv u "Ole"
I just want you to know that we are many out "here" that are watching you and
respect the work you are doing. It must be tough to run a one man band and you have looked a bit tired recently. We do stand by you, Ole.
I feel so drawn to support you but I live on very little myself. I have so much to share.
Enjoy and may the force be with you!
Hadde folk bare visst en brøkdel av hva deler av oss vet,ville STOR TINGET blitt tømt i løpet av en dag.Ole Dammegard har helt rett og jeg har lært av ham.
Tack Du är suverän. Jag lyssnar ofta på Thomas Gjutarnäves intervjuer, och jag gillar när din medverkan. Ha det så bra på Bali (tror jag det var) och hälsa din familj. Jag gillar verkligen det du gör.
Dear Ole. We must be part of the same Oversoul or something. I don’t know where this crazy world is headed, but in this infinite cosmic journey I will meet you at the next bus stop. Love always - always
Hi dear Ole - I am just sending LOTS of love to you. I always remember that night camping in the mountains when you told me the stars ‘dance around’. And they DO! Big hugs to you, my old Friend -
One of the Best ever ...
great conversations, thanks
Thank you once again. Love frequency brought me to you! Thank you for your work!
Tak for dit kæmpearbejde 🙏❤️
Thank you for your Holohaux video! Im utterly pissed off by the falsifying of our History! AND IM A JEW!
Tusind tak for dit kæmpestore arbejde for sandheden og friheden. Det er en stor fornøjelse at følge dit arbejde.
You’re a true Gladiator.
Ole, jag var inne och lyssnade lite på din musik på spotify, det var lite som Pink Floyd Chris Rea och Jan Hammar jammade ihop
Love you discussing Hot Topics! ❤️😊🙏✝️
Thank You for your stories and insights! This is one of those videos that my wife and I (mainly ME) needed to hear. This is making a difference in my being even as I type this. God Bless you. Thank You!!!
Fabulous show gentlemen! 🥰
Thank's for being herę, thank's for your work. It's really useful these days in Warsaw.
As Jesus taught, "Be in the world but not of it". Thank you Divine brothers for an uplifting conversation. May God bless one and all 🙏🏻💛🌼
Ole is a wealth of information. He has been around for years pointing out the deep state games. Amazing.
LOVE Ole ! 💜🙏
too blessed to be stressed - love it! this video is a total life saver. I am going to watch it again and again and let it sink in. Transcend mentally! Lift yourself! SO COOL!!!
Divine 🙏 Divine 🙌 Divine
Jesus said that evil 😈 will destroy itself.
you two are such an awesome combo! ⭐😎💖
That was a very nice show. I really appreciated your energy… You’re openness… And you’re humbleness… Came through with such a lovely strength of humility. Thank you for being vulnerable. It’s beautiful. 😇✨🏹
Love you two discussing Hot Topics! ❤️😊🙏✝️
Ole's energy always promotes grounding and integration.
Love ole, great man
Love Ole! Lots if love from Norway 🙏❤
I LOVE Ole Dammegard!! The more channels he's on, the better.
My bro KIA KAHA ( pronouned kea carha) forever strong. Keep on speaking the truth Ole, you and your wife are red pilling many people namaste aho.
I found listening to you reassuring on such a deep level i cant quite articulate. Truth. Thank you so much. X
Wow I loved hearing Ole's perspectives. We are in a world of information Disinformation all around.
Ole Dammegard has incredible healing voice and energy.
Thankyou Ole May our Creator protect you and your wife where ever you go Namaste aho.
Our gathering today was very educational and Blessed! Truth, Light, Peace & Joy,
When you have learned about falseflags from the best,you can smell it miles away. Versegod Ole Dammegard and takk.
Ole - more enlightenment to my vocabulary
Such a great sharing of insights. Thanks
Intriguing and interesting chat, as Öle says we all see truth in a different light and isn't that it, at the end of the day sometimes we are guilty of climbing the high horse and shutting off from other opinions, just as I wouldn't agree with every thing he says, I have the utmost respect for him and he the wiser man with more knowledge and experience. I'd really love to have a peek in all those files, must be some amazing info there. Thanks to the pair of you, an amazing chat.
I love Ole. Could listen to him for hours.
My goodness, I know this Ole guy from Michael Jaco! Good to see you guys together having a good time! Continue to carry your light, guys 🙂
Wow, What a great interview!! I can relate when you talked about you don't need to dig, just focus on the good etc...And what you said about colours reflect and so on its so true. Thank you for this Mark. It give me a lot
It is wonderful to see two great guys having a chat. It has really made my day
Thank you Ole and Mark for taking the time to do this truly amazing video
Wow! Its so great to see Ole again
What a breath of fresh air indeed! It was amazing listening to the 2 of you. Ole's prayer was just so perfect . Thank you so very much Mark and Ole ️
I like this man Ole - A real truther.. Its problem=action=re-action-solution.
This is what real investigative journalism looks like
Support Ole and get his breakdown from his website. He needs to eat too.
Ole Dammegard is a beautiful soul; always love to hear his point of view, wisdom and humor. He is also an amazing musician; his guitar playing reminds me of Pink Floyd - very cool.
Ole is pretty smart fellow. Observant AF.
Ole Dammegard did the best True Story on Lahaina, Maui.
Love Ole. Bless him and family. 😇
I REALLY like this guy Ole!! He's definitely on the right track!
Let's keep exposing dark to light.
Thank you greatly for this interview!
Incredible! God bless and protect you! In Jesus ’ mighty name! Amen!
Ole is one of my faves - thank you 🙏
Ole is the best, been at it for years and is usually dead on with his forecasts.
So much food for thought here! Thank you.
SO-O-O G-O-O-D to Ole' is STILL out there & BETTER than E-V-E-R❗
Thank you for lifting me up and walking with me as I’m finding my way home. Blessed to know deep and true friendship, thank you. 💫
I love your dedication and knowledge and the way you are opening my eyes.
Thank You! You're so sweet.
I Have great respect and admiration for you and would love to open up many more to your amazing depth of knowledge. Thank you,
My Dear Lion & Lioness, You are simply the best!
FABULOUS SHOW MICHAEL AND OLE! One of your best. You touched on so many things in History I have been researching. Thanks so much!
Ole is a true hero..
Love when Michael and Ole talk, two light warriors on fire!
Stay strong all of you, we are almost there. Thank you🙏❤
Thank you for Ole
Oh I love OLE for saying... Maybe it's not going to get worse. Maybe this is bad as gets. I see both roads. But I say maybe we get thru this with nothing major, horrible happening. Maybe we can get thru next six months. Hey Ole, Heavenly Father is telling me the Patriots, the Good Guys, etc. Are doing job of , utmost to not panic public. Yes it's a war. So far a silent sorta war I am hoping for that too. Thanks for saying what you said. Wow.
Ole great info we would have never known.
Always love hearing Ole. First heard him on Caravan to midnight with John B Wells back in the old days.
Amazing show Mike and Ole...yeah, we all have been duped by the evil ones...
“...the future is not for the fainthearted, but for the brave...”
-President Ronald Reagan from a speech back in the 80’s
Ole is a very gifted man to be able to see through all the BS 👍. Thank you for enlightening us 💡
Love you 🤍
Love Ole!! Always a great conversation when he is on. Thank you
Thank you Ole and Michael. Just amazing how much informstion you both give. Lot's of love to all
Ole for CEO of CNN!! Imagine that? He could SAVE this world. So $ixk of this life. We are all FED up. JUSTICE TIME, crimes of treason is NOW! Non-free $atanic ma$ons are NOT above the law, and HELL is next for these lo$er$ who do not follow their hearts, those who NEVER learned the laws of Karma! Law of Nature, you reap what you sow. Got Bless Jaco and Ole!! Dodge the bull with a red cape! PTL!
We have been lied to for years..Now some of us are waking up.Lots to be cleaned out for people and truths.
Great interview! Love you guys!
God’s keeping, guys! Always love us some more Ole and MJ!! 🙌🏼💛🌼
How refreshing I am finding this conversation about the real truth of WWII and Adolf Hitler! I am a former Uniformed Officer who is the daughter of an Army Intelligence officer from WWII. Of course, my dad would never speak of what he did during the war. He would only say "whatever I did, I did for my country". With what is finally coming to light, I truly believe my dad would be rolling over in his grave. I believe he was aware of much of what we have come to know, but he would never have spoken of any of it. My greatest regret is that I will never have the opportunity to talk with him about all of the knowledge that is coming out. I now understand much of his post war issues of drinking too much and his difficulties with interpersonal relationships with me and my siblings. For what ever reasons, religion/faith was not a part of my family's life when I was a child. Rest in peace, dad, I think I am finally beginning to understand.
Tackf! Ole har en " kringkunskap" och en översikt som få andra har. Detta med att ifrågasätta eller undra över den officiella versionen, varför är det känsligt? Varför kallas man för konspirationsteoretiker om man undrar, känner att ngt inte stämmer, ställer frågor?
Yees, Ole e tebaka Alltid lika intressant att lyssna på!
Fantastisk! På vei mot toppen! Tusen Takk fra naboen i Vest 🙂
Dear Ole,
you are always nice and I am very thankful that People like you are in this World, I was sad to hear that Cody passed, better said I was kind of shocked, I remember years ago when you introduced Cody to us and I felt he was a honest Person as you are. I can`t do much but I make your Work public as best as I can, I think your Informations are important, take care Ole
All heder och tack till Ole och Kim Kamala med många många många fler för allt ni gör och har gjort. Tillsammans verkar vi ju bara för människans frihet och för sanningen bakom slöjorna ❤️
I’m so sad to learn about Cody!!! My heart is broken knowing our favorite warrior isn’t fighting these worldly battles with us anymore but I am happy to know he’s gone on to a pain free happier place and can rest well while he helps us in the battle!!!!!!
You look great & sound wonderful & I have so missed just being able to reach out whenever I want & talk to you, and Cody, too! Believe me, you are one of the first people I thank and appreciate in my prayers every single day & ask for God’s protection. It has been quite a journey…hopefully we can visit and catch up soon!!! Thank u for still being out there keeping on! You are changing lives and making a difference all day everyday…and dearly loved for your enormous contributions!!!!
Happy anniversary to 2 adorable angels!🌹
Keep up the great work & be safe!
Michael & Ole are unstoppable.
Ole NEVER disappoints. His brain amazes me!
FABULOUS SHOW OLE! One of your best. You touched on so many things in History I have been researching.
Love ole 🤍
I’ve got to watch this again!! Just fabulous work. Thank you
Wow-wonderful show!
I hit the Like Button before Ole even opened his mouth! 😂
Ole Ole Ole!
This is an incredible story of how we’ve all been hoodwinked for decades!! It is so interesting and all coming to a head. Gosh I’m excited to learn all about it. Only thing is I’m in my 70’s and there is not enough time to learn it all. Michael and Ole you two are the best, thank you for sharing all you learn.
Ole, You're a Joy, and a "Miracle" to know, Ole, whom clearly, God keeps sacred in the Throne Room of the Supreme Court of Heaven, (you and Family) protected and close to his heart for the extraordinary Life's Work you do. You're Super Special. Sending you and Family Big Love&Light. Thank you for your tremendous expertise, Peace and Joy, and we love your term: "Too Blessed to be Stressed".
Tack för alla klipp med häftiga insikter!
We deeply respect your privacy, conversations, Life's Work, and we are honored to meet you and the Divine time we spent with you. You are a great inspiration and thank you for the encouragement to stay focused in the high vibrations as we continue to mindfully and safely push back on any dark forces with our Heart Light Plasma. These conversations are in our sacred heart. Again, we Honor you, and look forward to seeing you again.
Jag har köpt Oles bok, båda delar. Extrem detaljerad och fakta baserad, man kan dela Oles teorier eller inte, men ingen kan påstå att boken är inte fakta baserad. Rekommenderas, samt INUTI LABYRINTEN, båda böcker är ett måste för den Palme intresserad.....
Tack Ole! Din bok i 2 delar har hjälpt mig i min forskning! Du var tidigt igång med research och har skapat ett mästerverk Ole. Jag hyllar dig och Sven Aner i min senaste bok "Ett lurat folk!" Vi drar samma slutsats: Palme mördades inte 28/2 1986. Det är i den änden vi bör starta nystandet av det som är sant! Tack Ole för ditt mästerverk! Du har inspirerat mig och jag är din vapendragare och vän!
Oj oj oj så bra. Jag har läst så otroligt mycket i mina dagar sedan jag som liten flicka första gången kom in på stadens bibliotek. Tyvärr har jag i många år inte kunnat ta till mig det jag läser. Så numera är det bara ljudböcker som gäller. Så 1000 Tack för detta Ole
Fantastiskt skrivet av käre Ole
Du är grym, vi har alla blivit lurade!
På ett sätt förstår jag varför så många väljer att tro på Oles teorier. Mannen gör ju ett sanslöst sympatiskt intryck. Han äger kameran som TV-folk brukar säga.
Grymt som vanligt
Tack. Ni är otroliga på att upplysa människor om de bara vill/vågar ta till sig. ️
Ole är en ljusbärare!
Jeg vil gerne udtrykke min taknemmelighed for al den spændende information, der kommer fra dig.
Jeg ønsker alt det bedste for dig og din familie.
We are Standing Valiantly Strong and No Fear. You are such an inspiration to us, in learning to further connecting the dots especially after reporting on the Maui fires/Dew weapons. Thank you!!! It's all making much more sense now. I was just out with the goats this morning, talking with them, giving them hugs. Hummingbird flew in, who represents Joy and flees from all darkness and discord, a lovely confirmation in staying in high vibrations! Peace, LoveLight and Joy, God's Truth Shining Brighter and Brighter!
Hej, jag har ofta låtit mig imponeras av det du sagt och gjort under årens lopp.
Varmt Tack Ole för ditt idoga arbete, mycket viktigt med din kunskapsbank och slutledningsförmåga.
Tack Ole för att du så ihärdigt kämpar för sanningen. När svenska folket förstår att vi har rätt = att Palme inte blev mördad bör alla gå man ur huse för att kräva arr det en gång för alla måste bevisas att Palme verkligen blev mördad på Sveavägen 1986.
Thank you for all your hard work !
Hej, Ole. Bra intervju med Sofie! Hoppas att allt är bra!
Thanks for all the work you have been doing for the past decades, Ole 🙏
Ole. You are much loved Kram
Thanks for all the good work you are doing Ole. We love you and want the best for you at all times Good bless!!!!
I love Ole...
Thank you for your important work. I'm grateful that there are people who are willing to put themselves on the line to bring us this information and these insights. I know that we will have a great turnaround for the better in this world.
Hej vilken kunskap och spännande att lyssna på Ole han är alltid spännande att lyssna på
Hej Ole! Må solen skina på dig!
Ole, en mycket stark och enande kraft mot ondskan i världen.👏♥
Amazing show, as always when Ole’s on.
Ole’s emotional intelligence is so strong— this was another awesome dialogue, TY,
Big Ole fan here 🙂↕️
Ole Dammegård : BÄST !!!
En legend...
Nu klarnade bilden oerhört mycket! Om det verkliga mordet på Palmes "stand in" orsakade panik så är väl "Zapruder filmen" något liknande i JFK-mordet!
Ole var en av dom som gjorde att jag grävde djupt i olika dårskap vi människor går igenom för mig är han bland dom bästa som söker och ser vad som pågår ovanför människan tacksam för detta
Så himla intressant som vanligt, skulle kunna lyssna ett par timmar till
Ole är en av dem som väckte upp mig.
Om makten jobbar i lönndom - hur kan vi ens tro att vi vet mer än en bråkdel av det och alla dess avsikter...? Självklart kan vi få veta mer om sådana som Ole finns och jobbar helt obetalt och med fara för livet. Jag är oerhört tacksam för Thomas, Ole och många andra upplysande journalister.
Ett stort tack, Thomas o Ole !
Härligt höra från Ole igen.
Ole du e bäst…
Bäst bästa Ole! ️️
Lyssnar just nu, det är mycket intressant som alltid att lyssna på Ole.
Ole vet ALLT om ALLT!!
You’re my 5th favourite Swede, along with Anni Frid, Benny, Björn & Agnetha 😊😂
Thank you for all your amazing work Ole. Sending love from Liverpool, UK ❤️
Cheers from Melbourne Australia, loving watching all your videos in my spare time, you’re AMAZING!
Ole is always on fire and a step ahead!!!
Ole is by far the best. Bravo!
I totally love Ole! He is a precious soul!!! just amazing shows! Thank Ole for also exposing the targeted community and you treat everyone with such dignity! Thank you thank you!
Ole is amazing
I like Ole. He does not beat around the bush!
Amazing show, as always when Ole’s on
I just listened to you on Michael Jaco's Show, another epic interview!
Tusind tak
Thanks again Ole x could have listened to you all night. Thanks for all that you do x
Thank you so much Ole for sending this great video today "How to Get a Better Understanding of False Flags", I much enjoyed it.
Thank you for your Amazing Life's Work, Ole, and All Continued prayers and best of God's Blessings to you, Family and Team.
I like Ole!
Ole is awesome
Yes! Love me some Ole Ole Ole Ole 🙂
When Ole is on it is a MUST WATCH.
Ole, I read your book, Shadow of Tears this Spring. It was so interesting and I ran the gamut of emotions through it. I recommend it to everyone who follows your work.
it always makes my day when I see Ole, thanks! 🎇💖📯
I am so happy to have found you.
Thanks for the awesome coaching.
This is a fantastic discussion. Ole Dammegard just keeps getting more and more knowledgeable. Thank you to all involved.
To anyone who is thinking of getting Ole's vault, I can't recommend it enough. I use it all the time for the research I do for my studies. There are documents and videos on so many things, things that will explain anything that you might think is a Conspiracy Theory. Ole researches thoroughly and that alone leaves me with the time to do other things in my studies. Well worth the money. And another thing I like is how accessible Ole is to get in touch with if you have a question!
Sir, for years I have been immersed in the world of conspiracy and have consistently been seeking answers. I heard your interview on Sam Tripoli’s show and I have to say I’m dumbfounded by the topics you mentioned (especially the Shoes and the color Purple).
I have started watching some of the videos and reviewing some of the material in your Research Vault and all I can say is Wow! Great composition of information. I love what you have done. Thank you! Wow Ole! I can’t believe it! The Nobel prize yes
God bless you, Ole.
Hi Lighthouse Keeper for the Lord, yes YOU, Ole 🙂
Thanks so much Ole!! ♥
You truly are a truth angel!
You are so appreciated & loved!
May you continue to be blessed with love, protection and abundance!!
Keep up the outstanding work!
Wishing you & yours a peaceful & loving festive season
Upptäckte för en tid sen att när jag lyssnar på Ole händer det saker med mig och livsandarna vaknar till liv igen!. Jag har fått svar på så mycket som ingen annan kunnat hjälpa mig med!! TACK!!
You know I love listening to you both I know he had rough past but he’s very calming I am watching his old YouTube videos. I just feel blessed you all reached me do I understand it all what is happening nope I’m just holding on just a special needs nobody mom in Ohio trying to navigate this crazy world hang in there Ole we got this whatever this is we all come through and thrive on the other side whenever however that happens. Cody good soul so are you both a gift glad you were a blessing to him later in his life you really were meant to find each other in this realm. Love and light dear one love and light all is well
Listening to Ole is like attending a seminar I should have attended a long time ago. Many, many thanks for that.
I just wanted to express my appreciation of the sofa chats you and Ole and, of course Milo, was so good in doing during the difficult Lockdown. I always felt uplifted afterwards and that's sometimes been hard to do during these crazy days, so massive appreciation.
I found your work and love that it involves worldwide issues, mixed with spiritual health
Your course has hit a nail on the head for me.
Thank you for an inspiring journey, it's been a great 4 weeks and my soul feels settled and full of hope.
My name is Adrienn. I have been following Ole's work for a while, and I am very grateful for all the precious knowledge he is sharing.
Hello Ole, I just came in to drop you a message about your latest video with Ronald.
That was a VERY, I mean extremely VERY powerful interview! The best you have done!
Ole, You are a credit to the truth seeker movement and have a heart of gold 🙂
Du er skarp!
So much love
Ole Dammegard about the Stock Exchange fire. VERY exciting.
har set jer to dybdeborende mandfolk i dag omkring børsen og jeg må sige I to forstår til fulde at ødelægge en solrig dag -- på bedste vis - tak for jer - og ja - jeg er enig -
Lyssnade just på en 3 timmar lång intervju med Ole Dammegard om bla Estoniakatastrofen .Späckat med information och superintressant. Har liksom glömt bort Ole en tid i allt medlabrus .Han är ju helt fantastisk!
Det kryllar av kanaler och intervjuer , men inte alltid det blir så djuplodande & intressanta frågorr . Tusen tack !! Grävande journalistik på hög nivå . Underhållande med . Tiden försvann!
Tusind tak for jeres oplysende arbejde
Vi tänker på er och hjärtat fylls av en enorm respekt för allt du gör, men du måste också tänka på att vara lite extra försiktig 🥰
Idag kan vilken idiot till journalist som helst skriva om osanningar. En journalists roll är att undersöka, granska, analysera och utvärdera och använda sig av triviumprocessen. Journalister som är utbildade på journalisthögskolan är sopor; de har glömt bort att vara objektiva och driver en agenda som endast gynnar sin Kult.
De skriver som en tioåring; de kan inte skilja på vad som är rätt och fel och skilja på de eller dem.
Jag är utbildad radiojournalist och studerade på Kaggeholms folkhögskola, och där lärde jag mig att använda mig av följdfrågor: hur, vad, när och varför. Den här konstarten, att vara en objektiv journalist, håller på att försvinna. Jag vet några få riktigt bra bildade journalister och granskare av makten idag och det är Ole Dammegård, Jacob Nordangård, Juri Lina, Jesper Johansson och Lucas Alexander ( Age of truth).
I’m so sorry about Cody just heard on your interview I really liked him have his book etc thank you for being a good friend to him I know he is looking out for you fly high Cody
LYSSNA PÅ "WAKE UP" med fantastiske Ole Dammegard och Mo Anton. From Prison to Paradise! Den nya GLOBALA KAMPSÅNGEN för fred, frihet, kärlek och sanning!
An investigative journalist Ole Dammegård seems to be a threat to an establishment, as even YouTube is downplaying the algorithms by putting down the viewer numbers... an hour after the Live (with far more viewers) it only shows 16 views, meanwhile it had 90 likes.
Our viewers wanted to thank you for decades of work in bringing the truth out.
Ole, You the man . Let’s stay in touch .
God Bless your works Ole.
Crack that whip!
Ole Dammegard er en kløpper på å avsløre psyops og falske flagg operasjoner 💚🙏
Har fulgt både Ole Dammegård og Mark Attwood i flere år nå, har sett utallige podcaster og lest masse av det som er skrevet av de. Jeg har bare godt å si om begge, bedre og mer hjertegode menn som opprinnelig bryr seg om menneskeheten skal man lete lenge etter.
We are patriots from Spain, we follow your videos and thank you for them.
You have people who love you all over the world...
I've just listened very carefully to the interview with Ole Dammegard. I just want to tell him a big thank you and also a big encouragement for him. From the depths of the countryside where I live, my family and I are aware of everything that Ole is developing. Of course, we haven't done the meticulous research that he has done, but we are aware of the world and all the illogical things that the media throw at us. Yes, we are trying to remain free and we are not afraid. He's not alone and I'm sure that gradually the Truth will come out and people's consciences will wake up.
Belle découverte, cet angle de vue pour déceler les points chaud sur notre terre, est particulièrement intéressant. Cet homme dévoué et honnête, fidèle à son ethique a trouvé sa mission de Vie. Beaucoup appréciè la fin de la vidéo...Merci pour cette interview menée avec intelligence.
Thank you. I love your work. You are probably one of my most favoured interview/interviewee.
Jag känner en enorm ödmjukhet och tacksamhet inför din livsgärning och har fått så mycket hjälp av dig att navigera vår konstiga verklighet.
Hi Ole, Thank you for your wonderful work.
Hej bästa Ole. Jag måste bara få hoppa in och säga att...OH my god vilket nyhetsbrev härom dagen, vilket enormt obeskrivligt jobb du gjort med alla psyops över världen. Jag satt och läste och jag förstår inte att du orkar. jag är så fylld av beundran så jag blir tjock i halsen av rördhet💜
Bless you always brotherji
great guy Ole. So rational and inquisitive
Ole D... Legend truth seeker 😎
I recommend Ole for his very careful examinations in whatever areas his truth-seeking carries him, before he says/writes anything. A big compliment to Ole with his wife.
Hello Ole, my wife and I are great admirers of yours and your invaluable website, Light on Conspiracies. I own your book, Coup D'etat in Slow Motion, and consider it THE must read on the JFK Assassination, because you explain to the reader that this was the basic plot they used for all other assassinations!
I just listened to the podcast with Jason Christoff. Thanks for great content. I am born in R'dam and understand it strategic position.
Thank you for all that you do and share. I really enjoy listening to your interviews.
Have a beautiful week & keep shining truth!
Keep up the good work, we have learned so much from your interviews and we really appreciate all the information you provide.
Thank you for all the work you do to wake people up and send out love and light.
Thanks for all your work!
I learn a lot from you, as for example I learned about the aerotoxic syndrome in your impromptu explanation during the Michael Jaco interview 🙂.
Thank you for all of your work in compiling the contents of the Research Vault.
Good luck with your discovery work and thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Hej jag tycker att du har gjort och gör ett fantastiskt jobb.
Takk for jobben du gjør ❤️
Thank you for being here!!! Much love & gratitude
Thank you so much from my heart to you and Ole.
It will be so amazing to share all your knowledge with my audience as I mention you often - you have been the person that I have been ‘following’ for the longest !
Thank you for all you do Ole, I am a big fan!
Great show. So many bits that had not occurred to me and was great to hear from you. Thank you!
Thank you for all your fantastic and audacious work!!! God bless you and your family!
Du skall veta att du är en legend i ditt arbete!
Great show on Jaco the other night😊
You are protected!!
Tank you for your friendship, dear Ole! This is the most valuable gift for my birthday tomorrow (28)!
. Very cool. Thank you for producing incredible content and truth.
I can't thank you enough for bringing Ole on. I have followed him for years. He was meant for this time, he has brought so much clarity and reason to the truth movement. He never stops trying to make sense and to see the truth in what we know now as false flags. His website is amazing and you could spend days there and still not see the half of his research through the years.
I love also that Ole never pretends to know more than he does. He will tell you when he doesn't know or that he doesn't bother with certain things. The man is who he, a much needed bright, truthful profound researcher who was meant for these times. We needed him and so God sent him and Ole answered the call. I am forever grateful that he did.
Really Enjoy Listening to Ole. Really makes You Think about our twisted reality.
Merci pour cet interview passionant et éclairant sur les conspirations passées et actuelles. Quel être éveillé et lanceur d'alerte que cet Ole Dammegard!
Pricksäker som Ole
Your work is great.
I have been watching you for many years and appreciate what you do.
I have been watching for many years, great work.
Tak for din daglige uvurderlige inspiration og indsats i oplysningsøjemed.
Loved your interview with Mark.
Thank you for all your amazing courage, strength of spirit and pure heart 💝
TACK, TACK, TACK för underbar inspirerande tröstande intervju med Mark Attwood!!
Loved your latest interview.
LOVE is the highest vibes in the multiverse. “Love withheld is a Burdened Heart”, so Ole, I send my LOVE to YOU and YOURS.
So glad to see Ole again — just brilliant 🙌🏼
Love hearing from Ole! He is very deep researcher.
Ole... he is a lovely bloke
Love Ole you're the best for busting these evil ones agendas.
Ole ole Luv him ❤️
Damm, Ole is truly amazing. The amount of research he does is Unbelievable! Always love his interviews
Jeg takker for din enorme indsats.
Wish I was in Bali with you. Love what you do.
It was great to see you again… Look forward to the next time soon 😇🏹 Tj
Thank you for your interview with Mark Attwood, and especially for the prayer.
This man Ole is one of the smartest men ever. He has been spot on many times. He knows what he is talking about people! Stay in happiness and live in the moment!
Just saying 👍🏼💖😘
Never ever get sick of listening to Ole. There are some people with interesting stories, etc and it's the same thing just with a different host. With Ole some might be the same but it's said differently or new little nuggets are thrown in to spice it up a bit.
Love, love, love Ole!!...Thank you for all you do to shed light on darkness.. God Bless
I LOVE Ole Dammegard!!
Ole Dammegard... He is a brilliant man who has a soul that is so pure and a mission to always seek and bring truth and shine light where ever there is darkness. He has taught us all many things to watch out for when assessing any happening and how to suss if they are false flags or not and most are. I am forever grateful that he is in my world this incarnation for he has made it far easier for me to understand and live in without going completely bonkers.
May The Entire Universe Be Filled With Peace & Joy, Love & Light.
Every one of us currently trying to shine a light on this dark world stands on the shoulders of giants. One of those giants is Ole Dammegard.
Ole Dammegard has been part of my life for many years, yet this is the first time I have spoken with him. His tireless and meticulous work over the years has helped so many of us uncover the inner workings of the darkness that has engulfed us, especially in the true understanding of the nature of one of their most powerful weapons against us - the False Flag.
Tack för dina fantastiska program, Ole!
Ole! Your research is unbelievable, and you produce fascinating work.
Jag rekommenderar Ole för hans mycket noggranna undersökningar inom vilka områden hans sanningssökande än bär honom, innan han säger/ skriver något. då. En stor eloge till Ole med fru.
An incredibly good interview with Ole Dammegard take the time and reflect.
Dear Ole, You, David Icke, Sasha, Nissim Heramein, and Kerry Cassidy are my main go to's and I love you all, and Kim.
Jag vill igen få skicka en stor kram av tacksamhet att jag kan ta del av dina fantastiska intervjuer med olika personer. Jag ska lyssna på den sista i em och det är alltid så intressanta saker de vill prata med dig om.
I am writing to say Thank You for your service! As a veteran of the armed forces, when I hear those words, I cringe, thinking about how hard I was duped by the military industrial complex. I do not think those words are appropriate for those who have "served" the MIC. However, the words are appropriate for journeymen like you who have been educating us on truth and reality for so many years.
I always appreciate your videos, but especially lately your work with Sarah Westall and now SGT Report with the esteemed Dolores Cahill. Your work has always resonated with me since the first day I heard you speak. I know you are a true investigative journalist.
Thank You, sir, for always being willing to speak out. I have great respect for your work, your intelligence, your ability to look at reality and present it to us in a way that is not twisted -- as the mainstream media does on a daily basis.
Living on disabled veteran pay doesn't allow me to send financial support to great people like you, unfortunately. Therefore, I write to people who are doing AMAZING work and express my Gratitude and Respect for all they do. I hope it helps somewhat, though I'd rather be a millionaire who can send money to all the people trying to get truth and reality to people! I'd like that position much better than my current one! : )
Thank you, Ole.
With Gratitude and Respect,
Tusinde tak. For dit enestående arbejde og dit mod !
Det er en meget interessant og imponerende virkelighet du ble født inn i og ikke mint alt det arbeidet du har lagt ned for å forstå hva som har skjedd og hva som skjer. Det hele er meget komplekst.
Ang Börsenbranden, Vi må ha' inspector Ole Dammegard på banen!
Great job Ole! Thank you
This When Terror Struck Norway-films brutal. Love Oles work
Ole is great!
Ole, you have become such an awesome incredibly beautiful soul as you were born to be.. Your service to mankind is phenomenal. May you stay forever blessed. In Its loving arms…..
I want to thank you for your incredible work over the years. I don't know how long since I started watching your detective work, but it was a huge part in putting some of the jigsaw pieces together for me and I am very grateful for you being in the world.
Thank you! I love Ole
Love and appreciation for all you do.
Ole Jag lär mig mycket från dig och från dina intervjuer du gör, har tittat på dig och följer dej sedan många många år! Stor stor värme och kärlek visar du alltid tillsammans med dina djupa kunskaper i allt jag sett som du gör!
Ole Dammegard 'When terror Struck Norway'
Thank you soulmate, love you 💚
Hello So love your podcasts!!
With a deep bow of gratitude for all your good work,
Du er så unik med al den viden du har researched dig til. At du med alt det du ved kan fremtræde med en ro og kærlighed, der smitter selv gennem en videoskærm er imponerende. TAK!
Absolutely appreciate Ole, and sincerely wish to thank you for doing this . Its amazing with his wonderful wisdom. With gratitude.
This guy brings simplistic views every time! thanks OLE.. keep up the great work!
agreed Ole been accurate for decades. terrifying most of the time..
Ole is my absolute favorite!
I enjoyed our dialogue immensely.
So love all your podcasts!!!
Thank you for all your work.
Thank you for everything.
Hej fina och härliga Ole! Tack för webbinariet igår! Och tack för allt du har gjort och gör. Är tack vare dig som jag (liksom många andra) har blivit medveten om många av de typiska mönstren i samhället och media och den bakomliggande agendan/strukturen i framför allt ”nyhetsrapporteringen”. Tack för att du lyser upp mörkret Ole! Lyssnar ibland på dina föredrag när det känns lite isolerat att ha vissa perspektiv och insikter, för att du trots att du talar om så allvarliga saker är så lugn och lyser upp mörkret som en sol.
Laura and I loved the zoom yesterday.
Dear lion and lionesse🥰
Thanks again for you amazing and inspirational show on #sunday. I feel that we are heading for a bumpy road ahead of us and that we Will have to face our emotional reactions. YOU guys are So apreciated, Just So you know 🥰
Wow. Awesome. Thank you Ole for another great video.
Love your work
I wish you the best in all your endeavors and to me, you are a blessing to this world.
Much gratitude and love,
Idag var jag med & lyssnade på en Q&A med ett underbart par Ole Dammegard& Kim Kamala Dammegard. Så oerhört ödmjuka, empatiska & varma själar. Det var ett rent nöje. Tack för er ! 💕
Tusen tack! Varmt Tack för er! Bästa hälsningar från Göteborg och Blessed Be!
Ole Dammegard, You’re 🌞 in the dark! Thank you 🙏
Very good I like demmegard Keep on trucking young man!
Excellent show- GOD Bless
Great show! Always love to hear Ole’s perspective - thank you!
Love Ole, who is this man?
Ole is probably correct about the bridge video. Really enjoyed listening to His take on many things. Thanks 🙏🏻
Ole fick mig att vakna upp angående psyop. Plötsligt blev allt klart och numera har jag nya ögon att se med dessutom en helt underbar människa som strålar. Varmt tack
As always thank you so much Ole we love when you share Great info.
We have won, fear is a illusion! Ole brings a lot to the table, love it!
Ole is the Best! Thank you!
Ole is so special! love him!
Love your work.
I could listen to Olè all night, love the way he breaks things down into illustrations.
We could all tell there was something amis about those Baltimore bridge videos but he has a way of illustrating what we saw that makes you realise it wasn't what it seemed
Ole!! Thank you for another great discussion and update! Ole is a wealth of info. So bizarre to hear how the air toxins on inflight systems when flying are harming people(!!) omg 😱
Ole has a way with his humor!😄
Ole is my absolute favorite! Thanks for sharing his knowledge!
Ole does a job like no other people, so it's right to support him!
Måste bara säga att din låt "Wake up" är super bra, en riktig hit 👍och Videon är bra relaterat till låten..
I just want to thank you so much for opening up my eyes, and unlocking my mind, you are the one who set me on my path for greatness, I love you, much love and light, stay blessed 🙏❤✌
God bless you, as you do what you can do to open people's eyes as to what is happening in the world. Take care, brother.
Ole er bare helt igennem et dejligt, skønt og behageligt menneske, med en viden som få dejlige skønne og behagelige mennesker har🙂
Fantastisk interview
Mycket intressant intervju som jag såg från början till slut.
Coup d'etat is such an amazing achievement, and maybe even more important here in the spring of 2024, than when it was written in 2005. Sweden is currently preparing for a war with exactly that country (Russia/Sovjet) that is integral to solving the Oluf Palme mystery.
If you have not yet read this book, I recommend you to get your skates on. That is because you will understand the world, and in particular Sweden and what currently goes on in the Nordic countries, much more intimate after you have finished reading it:)
Jag satt som KLISTRAD! Ole var otrolig!
Hurra, vad glad jag blev att jag hitta detta .
Ole är en folkets hjälte han har egentligen allt att förlora på detta med livet satt i spel gör även här i Sverige och andra allierade hade inte tvekat..ole fortsätt göra det du gör du var en riktigt ögonöppnare min sambo har öppnat ögonen men sen har vi den äldre generationen mina föräldrar som i ett splittrat land så splittras även familjer för mig runt covid då jag snabbt förstod att medias skrämselpropaganda skrämde upp allt och lalla och i och med det moraliska i det hela att folk riskerade sina jobb om dom inte valde att våldtas för börjar man hålla på att sedan dels upp sammehalle i grupper där ovaccinerade stod på jag hade världens mest kärleksfulla föräldrar men dem har ett hinder hindret att vägra rubba den trygghet dom slet hela sina liv arbetsliv med start på 52 64 tills idag dem har blivit så äckligt lutade i att betala skatt i tron på ett värdigt liv som pensionär men vi kan inte längre umgås dom umgås med mina barn och min sambo men jag kan inte, jag har försökt få dem att lyssna jag har försökt skicka videor på något som verkar föga intressant när jag var barn så var pappa min idol jag såg hur han brann som ung demonstrerade han i USA mot Vietnam USA ut ur Vietnam men idag är han som den äldre generationen ryssar jämförelse med dem som faktiskt vågat och offeat sina liv dem yngre generationen som vågat protestera mot det dem ser medan dom äldre verkar vara betydligt svårflörtade till något annat än det dem ser på den statligtstyrda Public service gröten med svts hela armé av troll tokerier och allt det andra gör att vi krockat så mycket att jag ju mer jag orkar så letar jag efter saker att forska kring men min pappa sa till mig för något halvår sedan med sin karismatiska Lule.mål "nu ska jag berätta en sak för dig dem sa på nyheterna att man ska passa sig for "fejk news" det säger alltså SVT rv4 på bästa sändningstid
Min pappa är mentalt en också i botten segjävla norrlänning men och en person som. Nu plötsligt så blev.jag helg själv jag förlorade min morfar samtidigt och egtetosn. Vi delades upp jag och dem så var jag inne och begravde honom det är csd detta gör det splittrar familjer sättet dem lurar skiten ut dem som minst förstår teknologiska saker ole är grym
Bra spanat Ole!
Ole fick mig att vakna upp angående psyop. Plötsligt blev allt klart och numera har jag nya ögon att se med, dessutom en helt underbar människa som strålar. Varmt tack 🙏
My dearest Ole, You're so kind and I appreciate your gift of having the ability to see your efforts and valuable experiences and knowledge of our universe!Sending love and blessings with gratitude 🙌
Jag lyssnar på när du informerar om Israel... fantastiskt hur du sammanfattar det hela. Tack...
Thank you for all your good work in the world. We are all doing what we can. With a deep bow of gratitude from South Africa,
Many thanks for all your important work in the world! With deep gratitude,
I am 70 yrs on low Social Security income. I love what you do and have been following you for very long time. With sincere compassion and gratitude,
Kære Ole ❤️ 1000 tak for det kæmpe arbejde du gør for os allesammen.
Alltid flott å høre på Ole:
Ole Dammegard er en av de beste på å søke sannheten å formidle den 🙂
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your family and send His angels round about you all, on every side, to protect your lives from harm, in His name I pray!! Amen.
Kärlek o tacksamhet till allt du gett mig,
Ole, your website is so great and I love watching your videos and listening to your podcasts
Your Sofa talks during 2020 were important...
Take care and thank you so much for all your wonderful work!
Ole är super, har sett flera intervjuer med honom på Filmetablissemanget. 👍
TUSEN TAKK Så herligt for denne eksklusive Gjesten Ole Dammegård ...
Bäste Ole Dammegard heder till dej! Och stort tack! För alla dina program på youtube med alla tänkbara scenarion och infalls vinklar och jag kan bara hålla med dig liksom vilken sund, vaken människa som helst att ang Palmes bort tagande så handlade de just om stats kupp i slow motion! Och tyvärr så sover många svenskar än pga att de är så hårt indoktrinerade av den social demokratiska rörelsen och dess styrande över dem så mångas individuella tänk samt det kollektiva tänket för vad som är verkliga omstänfigheter i landet uteblir! Och som varje vaken människa förstår lever de styrande gott på det! Sen att det är en sk höger/mitten regering nuförtiden så här långt så håller ändå trots detta sossars och vänsterns paroller sk laga kraft hos många svenskar trots alla lögner och inte minst deras indoktrinering av folket med undantag av de få vakna svenskar som trots detta ändå finns
Min mann ber meg sende hilsninger - han som jeg synes du gjør en fantastisk jobb ifbm. å avdekke hva som skjer i verden.
Tack för allt ljus du sprider. ❤️🌿
Puha Ole. Hold kæft en rejse jeg er på mens jeg læser dine bøger om Coup D'etat. Wauw. Og de enorme implikationer budskabet i bogen har for eftertiden Sverige (fra tiden omkring mordet), og den spil-over effect ind i fx. dansk politik, bare for at nævne et lille passus i det store billede!!!
Cheers & keep on fighting the good fight!
Gud vad jag älskar att lyssna på dej Ole!. Så fruktansvärt påläst du är!!❤️❤️❤️
Ole, you are a titan in this business and I am thankful for our friendship. You have a lot of nerve (in its most positive sense) .
Thank you for all that you do. God bless you and your Lady.
Greatings from Holland from those who love you.
A few weeks ago, maybe a month or two, I placed a notice in my calender.
At that time I read something you wrote about a big attack on the 22 of marz.
So spot on. I would say …unbelievable. But I know now it I not.
Un saludo Amigo!! Me encantan tus videos y tu trabajo 👍👍👍
Hello Ole, I have just started listening and I love the way you deal with what could be a kind of a 'trendy' intro....I find it is giving the same message as Laura Eisenhower, to whom I listened earlier! Not fighting it all but transcending! Creating a moral backbone. You do bring everything into a positive harmonious rhythm. Searching for Truth.
Thank you,
Be well! And thank you. Shine on!.
Great Ole been listening to you a long time.
Eye opening... when truth is so near we must stand together like a living fence !!!!
Thanks, Ole!
Ole... Such a master in research.
What a great and informative message in this potcast!!! Thank you
The reason for the fake website in Ole's name with the legal system i think is to disrupt traffic to his real site...this is done all the time to confuse people looking for the truth.
I never get notified about you videos..YouTube at it's "best".. They do what they can to silence you.. But they will NEVER EVER succed.. THANK YOU FOR YET ANOTHER FANTASTIC VIDEO... we actually talked about Ole Dammegard a few days ago and wondered where he was .. and VOILA: there he is.. YESS!!!
Ole we love it all ❤so deep info. God Bless 🙏 and protect you from the threat of EVIL
I totally get what Ole is demonstrating and what he says.
This is mind-blowing stuff! It is always a pleasure seeing Ole's presentations.I hardly hear anything from him since they've deleted his Patreon. He once did an entire presentation on those shoes and numbers and it was amazing, and now I always notice the shoes!
The photo of Shoe's are priceless,!! ,How the hell would people who are shot have the time to remove their shoes,..!! Wow so Obvious ..Thanks Ole !!
Once you see you can’t unsee.
Thank you
Ole is legendary!!!!!!!!. he is such a calm presence in the face of tyranny - I am so much more aware these days because of Ole's revelations ..
'Olé' shouted the matador!
Love you
Ole’s work is so important!
Really amazing - this analysis and I want to say that those who reject this talk because it is a conspiracy theory are themselves, in a little time tomorrow, they will surrender to the same conspiracy, but without theory - Greetings to OLE DAMMEGARD
Ole Dammegard is a true seeker after truth who will let nothing stand in his way.God bless him and keep him in his fine work.
Ole is always great
This was amazing, thankyou. I'm now binge watching your stuff 😌
wow !
I’m just listening to this today with Ole talking about the shoe symbolism. As you know there was the little sub that imploded at the Titanic site and I think a day or so before they went down they were talking about the wreck site blah blah and items on the sea bed. What do you know they showed a pair of shoes! I have not believed the given narrative but hearing you talk about the shoe symbolism only makes me think it was fixed!
Ole's taught me that the world's not that scary and these people are very evil.we had one happen here in N.Z in 2019..didn't feel real.god bless you
You go Ole….Wissen….❤
Jeg berømmer innsatsen din, der du belyser alle disse obskurde hendelsene, der det tydelig kommer fram at noe helt annet ligger bak, enn det 'myndighetene'; vil ha oss til å tro. Stå på og lykke til med den uhyre viktige jobben din! Du er helt tydelig utvalgt fra Lyset og Godheten og Rettferdigheten. 🙏💚
Ole you put 2 & 2 together so well. There is no coincidence.
Wonderful interview on the Blue Roofs. You’re onto something. Hope it works! Congratulations and admiration, my friend!
Ole, du skal vide at din information den gang var med til, at jeg ikke gik i panik som alt for mange andre gjorde. Jeg beundrer dig for dit store arbejde og ønsker dig og din Sweethart (som jeg mener du kalder din søde partner) alt godt! Og pas godt på jer selv !
Thank you and know we the people are grateful!!
God bless and thank you 🙏 and to your dad, he and you both helped these stupid Americans connect the dots. the key really is in the ring. 🙏 for us all it is the most amazing time to be alive
Tack Ole för det enorma jobb du lägger ner för oss alla att få ta del av! Det bekräftar så mycket misstankar som jag gått ensam med i så många år. Att det är värre än man kunnat drömma om är inte kul...men ett måste för orienteringens skull.
Hej Ole, vill tacka dig för den senaste videon där du blir intervjuad om din barndom. Riktigt vackert!
Wow Wake Up is cool.
Congratulations 🙌💪💪💪💪💘
Love this song!!!
So spot on!
Great musicians as well!!!
brilliant, love ole ❤️
Fantastisk lyssning! Det finns bara en Ole och har varit på föredrag med honom, ❤️🙏
Tack för mötet Ole.
Vil bare si tusen tusen takk for den utrolige jobben du gjør.
Thank you so much for all you do!
So often I want to thank you for your presentations but I cannot find words. Now, I realise, that the greatest thing you do (IMO), is reach people at a deep level, the level we most need presently, to be touched by Goodness. With grateful blessings
I deeply appreciate your work....
Takk for den du er
Hi Ole, I enjoyed your piece on Marilyn Monroe, and your debunk of the Kansas City shooting. Thank you for your fine work and warmest regards!
Live well, brother! Thank you for all that you've done, and are doing, Ole.
You matter. I am so glad you and Kim got out of Spain and are in a warm,
beautiful spot! Take good care of yourself, brother! God bless.
Ole 🧡 I agree, Ole. Peace for all. This just gave me another reason to not fear. They are ridiculous. Like comic book writers.
Thanks for all you do to bring light to the darkness...
very awesome exposing these bullshit narratives invented to sway public opinion .... just evil
Love Ole ❤️
as always great information so we can ALL ascend into peace and happiness.. love bubbles all arounds.. thanks
Ole always has such good presentation! Gotta hear you sing Ole!
Love Ole’s insight. Thank you so much
Thanks for your time and all you've done for the patriot and truther community. You're definitely an inspiration.
keep fighting for the USA Ole. You are a brave man. Is it worth it? I think that it is worth it, yes.
Love your song " wake up"
Thank you for your brilliant work and dedication to humanity in general.
You opened my eyes about the shoes in photo's. I remember seeing old photos of the holocausts and seeing photo's of mountains of shoes and eye glasses. Seeing that at a young age planted a seed in my brain when I was very young. Interesting now after seeing you exposing the shoes in photo's around mass shootings.
I am so amazed at how much we have been lied to about everything.
Ole with the tasty leads on guitar. Well mixed!!!
Dammegard is the best at exposing the fragile and cowardly liars.
Gratulerer med intervju her i mitt lille fantastiske land norge! Utrolig fantastisk bra! 🙂
Always so great hearing from Ole. So glad he enjoyed a long refreshing time away with his wife, Kim, truly much deserved. (the same cough/fever flu was hitting people everywhere in January) Stay strong and free! 💖🙌🏼✨
Ole’s so right. Striving is a huge energy drain and a big negative. Soak up the LOVE and LIGHT!!
God natt och fantastiskt bra jobbat Ole! 👏🏻👍🏼
Thankyou Ole, It was wonderful to meet you.
Glad for everything my friend Ole Dammegard has taught me these past 14 years💖😇
Love listening to your findings, Ole. You are an awesome human being! ❤️ love & 🕯
Annie M
OLE, you look SO refreshed & renewed!! You deserved that after all your hard work, research, answering questions & for gifting the world with what you found out... Congrats on your restful, invigorating Vacation & for sharing your insights.
Ole is a Great guest......so much info. Eye opener......
Always enjoy Ole!
I love it , Ole. This was so inspiring to hear your journey. I want to plan a time off grid… this is so transforming. Thank you again.
Stort tack till Ole Dammegard för att du förmedlade något nytt och nödvändigt Återigen var jag övertygad om att endast kunskap, självutbildning och självkännedom blir vår mogna egendom när vi kommer till den och skaffar den själva...
Frid och kärlek till alla ✨💜
We love you Ole D.👍
Always love when Ole is on. Different to hear about his music. I've played guitar for 55 years. Even though I learned scales, modes, etc early on, I had an epiphany in my early 20's where everything "clicked" and just made sense. Ole has a brilliant mind! Love listening
Absolutely love Ole. What a beautiful soul. ❤️
Ole! Good to see you again! You look so refreshed and happy. Great info! What a toxic and stressful environment most of us live in and don’t even understand the effects it has on us!
Western Pennsylvania loves you brother.
I really appreciate Ole's personal catch up about his recent life. I too, need to hear, do and see more of the REAL. Does anyone else feel that the computer is a trap? For me, it funnels me into the mental realm, which I love. But I don't want to stay there. It's almost like an obsession or addiction.
Transitions times are often very confusing. Ha! I've been there for 3 years. These times are prep periods for what is to come. I Finally, coming out which is why Ole's share was so meaningful for me. Thanks Ole.
I love Ole he's my favorite ! Always a wealth of information.
I love ole’! Been listening to him for a decade or more. Almost two decades, I think
Love Ole, ! Best guest, every single time. Thank you! 🙏
You are inspiring me Ole to go have a getaway with hubby. Great insights.
Thanks Ole, you’ve motivated me to break pattern.
We LOVE Ole!! What an amazing body of work he has!!
After 4 years of crazy many patriots are feeling like Ole. Thank you for articulating so well.
Amazing testimony……..
Excellent Ole!
Love Ole. So proud him and his wife got to take a much needed long vacation. Thank you so much for all you do to help everyone. God bless you. Lot's of love
I’m taking Ole’s advice & unplug for a while! I really need it! Thanks
OLE, you look SO refreshed & renewed!! You deserved that after all your hard work, research, answering questions & for gifting the world with what you found out... Congrats on your restful, invigorating Vacation & for sharing your insights.
Thank you sir for the inspiration. I am for the first time in my life, in a position so do exactly what you did. I am going to seriously write down what I want, what I can live without, and GO....... thank you.
Hej Ole,
Hørte din medvirkend i podcasten tin foil hat. Spændende !.
thank you so much for being yourself and doing the work you do.
Re-markable booklet 🐉🌟🌟🌟
Madeleine Thomas
Hejsan bäste Ole. Jag har tänkt så mycket på dig och jag förstår att det finns en orsak till att du är lite mindre härinne. Jag vill bara få skicka en stor kram från Håkan och mig här i Luleå och en hälsning om att du är värdefull. Det är extremt tunga energier härute och ibland tror jag man ska tappa förståndet på allvar, men vid de tillfällena brukar jag titta på någon video där du är med och hjärtat liksom tinar upp. Jag är så otroligt glad att du finns, och hela din familj såklart stor kram kära du och krama om dina nära o kära från oss🥰
A mind blowing interview. Thanks be given all around 🙏
Väldigt intressant och lyssna på dig och hur du förklarar allt, lyssnade på random making movies podcast som du var med och gästade och blev helt fast i det du pratade om.
Såg din video med Michael om förhindrandet utav en terrorvåg. Så fantastiskt bra jobbat!!! Tack för allt du gör för den här världen.❤️
Hej! Lyssnar på din nyaste video. Tack! Jag är så glad då jag följer ditt arbete. Beundrar ditt mod och din energi. Du utstrålar godhet Jag har jobbat med dylika amatörforskning sedan 1997 och känt mig så ensam med detta. Fortsätt med ditt värdefulla arbete.
Thanks for the gravy
...thanks to Owen I finally stumbled upon your great work.
I follow you on you tube . You are doing a great job. 😃
I have just become familiar with your work and hav e listened to some of your interviews. I am also based on costs del sol and wanted to say thank you for putting your message out there, it is appreciated.
Hej Ole! Jag vill bara säga att jag är så glad att jag hittade dig via new earth project. Jag levde i en naiv tro att cabalgrupper inte hade ett så starkt fäste i Sverige, men tji fick jag när jag har lyssnat på och sett en del av ditt material!
Hey Ole, this is to express my admiration and respect for your life choices. I am from Moscow and also have to relocate to Spain, Alicante as a whistleblower after exposing high profile criminality - Moscow mayor and other satanists and Knights of Malta behind the system murdering Russian population in millions, secret services killing people for real estate in Moscow in hundreds daily, gang stalking for 10 years. Only Katherine Horton's efforts and her affidavit campaign have put an end to my decade of horrors. Sending rays of love and gratitude and blessings to your family.
I’ve been following your work for some time now and I very much appreciate it. I think your work is amazing and I so wanted to see you on London Real telling your story of how these evil beings do what they do and get away with it. I’m prey the day will come when we all hear what you have to say. Keep up the fantastic work.
I found your work last month and it has helped me tremendously in my own research..
Ole, I’m a big fan
Tak for alt det gode arbejde, du gør for os alle. Må det kommende år bringe alle ønsker til opfyldelse.
Tack bäste du för alla trådar du binder ihop så vi andra kan se hela långa tråden och förstå verkligheten massa bättre🙏
Before I got to know you I used to learn stuff. Now I know better-I learn unlearnl!
Thank you so much for your work and the braveness it takes to carry out your Mission, you are a genuine michaelic fighter! Recently I watched the last interview tog yours together with James Delingpole, it moved me to tears! !Lots of love,strength and Protection to you,
Much appreciation for your help and healing for humanity all these years and decades. May God show you so much goodness and grace now. Thank you for giving your insights and information and being with us on our beautiful planet.
Jesus Kristus välsigne dig och ditt hus!
Great Intel! Thank you for your time and all you do. God bless you in this new year!
Ole!!!! Great show fellas!! Happy New Year to you
Har stor respekt för dig Ole och allt ditt ständiga arbete. Helt fantastiskt!🌺
Tack bäste du för alla trådar du binder ihop så vi andra kan se hela långa tråden och förstå verkligheten massa bättre🙏Gott nytt 2024 till hela familjen
love to Ole
Love 💕 you too magico hombre!
Sam Giancana’s nephew wrote a book a few years ago basically corroborating what Ole said. He even said his uncle confessed to his brother that he had Marilyn murdered. So sad, like Elton John’s song about her “Like a candle in the wind…”
Ole Ole Ole !!!
I just wanted to say that I'm hopeful. And a big thanks for everything you've done in the past year and up to the next year, it should be interesting.
I discovered you Ole through the clips you made with Thomas Gjutarenäfve, with Filmetablissemanget on YouTube.
I am currently busy with absorbing all your material, but I just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU for all your efforts. You are nudging this world in the direction of being a better place. 💚
You are AWESOME, your research LIBERATES Humanity. You PROVE that TRUTH cannot be suppressed. DeLIGHTED,
WOW! AMAZING Wake Up video! Loved hearing you play guitar on the beach and in the water!!!! Lived it!!
Ole always rocks!
Amazing!!! As always! Thank you
None of this could have happened without you. The world owes you a debt for all you're doing and i am gonna make super sure the world knows and the world acts like you and i do.
Have just subscribed to your website. I am American. You may know that WE don't get real news here. Only the "news" US MSM wants US to see/hear. Am listening to your audio re. Gaza / "attack" on Israel. Very mind blowing
Ole - Godt menneske! God romjul og eit vakkert 2024 i sanningens teikn! 🙏
Ole always rocks! You guys are a good team. Love, respect and regards to all!
Michael and Ole, we love you both so much!!!! Thank you for your gift of truth to the world.
Ole & Michael - THANK YOU BOTH!!
You are Angels by bringing REAL NEWS to those of us who refuse to watch Mockingbird TV or Propaganda msmedia, read DS newspapers or listen to crap radio! God Bless & Protect you both!
Get well Ole and family. He's so informed. A wealth of knowledge
Thanks for your interviews. In Christ from Oklahoma, USA.
I just found out about you. I think it's obvious why these evil people don't want your website up. I feel this is a huge spiritual battle, one we will win in the end.
Detta är mitt stora tack till dig för det enorma fina arbete du utför.
Elegant, tålmodigt och fantastiskt!
Your work on James Files and on Marilyn is excellent.
6 hours ago
♥️ Ole’s presentations — humble, concise and highly researched
Wow!!! Excellent information!! Thank you Ole, your work is SO IMPORTANT for the next generations…blessings and prayers to you for healing ❤️
Still praying for you Ole and all in need of prayers!!! Thanks Jaco and Ole for all you are doing to get to the truth!!!
We love Ole. Stay safe
Wow! What a great show. Love Ole. His research and putting the pieces together is so great. Very tragic life for Marilyn Monroe.
So Love Ole! This is how I got my Stubborn Dad to start waking up. Forever Grateful
Kram fina ni och tack för att ni fortfarande orkar ❤
SOM jag älskar detta samtal med Sofie Williamson Jag kunde knappt andas för jag ville inte missa ett ord. Tack för allt du delger oss från ditt liv. Du är en sådan fin människa O L E 🙂
Tack finaste ni för allt ni gör
Fantastiskt webinar!!! Tack!
Tack OLE D för allt du gör för oss andra🙏
Spännande och intressant!
Tack kära Ole för de kloka orden💜
Mycke intressant 😊
Dear Ole Dammegard, I I just saw you on Corona Investigative Committee, and want to thank you for your work.
I love the interviews with ole
Jag önskar dig och din familj lycka till med ert viktiga arbete och ett
Gott Nytt År.
God jul älskade vackra fina du 💖💖💖
Whauvvv du er en flot mand Ole💪
Thank you so much for an interesting show… So many things I didn’t know…. It’s going to be an interesting year As we relearn, who and what we are all about as a species… Lol things are not as they appear that is obvious that should be the saying for 2024. I think I’ll make that mine 💗🎄🫵
Buorit Juovllat ⭐️
Thank you Ole and Merry Christmas to you and your family💖 😇
Hey Ole, can't tell you how much I enjoy your visits with Mike Jaco...I've never heard of you until your appearance on his show. So much interesting information that I lived through....I was born in 55 so all these things you are talking about resonate with me...just wanted to let you know, and Merry Christmas Ole boy....hope you get rid of that cough.....take care
Thanks Ole for all you do , digging in to find truth.
En go’ Påg 🙏❤️
Heja dig! 👍💚 Och din fru….
Tak for dit fantastiske arbejde
Thank you for all the work you are doing to save our world and humanity
You Super Star
Bäste Ole Dammegard!
Amazing and beautiful soul
Such a handsome man!
Power of the spirit. Since its based on truth
Ole är ännu mer aktuell nu än någonsin, tycker jag.
Starstrucked som fan... Ole Dammegård!
Hola Ole, desde Seattle. 💜
Tack för all din information 🙏
Tack bäste Ole för allt du gör för mänskligheten💜kram från Håkan och Madeleine i Luleå
Likt Tårar i ett Regn - Spännande och intressant!
Incredible Jimmy Files Interview, my friend!! You are amazing!! 🔥👍🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Jag njuter i vanlig ordning av dina intressanta reportage och intervjuer.
Handsome dude!
So handsome brother!
I still remember the exact spot on our living room sofa in our detached house in Sodankylä where I was sitting when, if I recall correctly, the youth program Kaleidoscope was interrupted, and the news of John F. Kennedy's assassination was announced. I then read the first books that speculated it was a conspiracy. Now, this 60-year cycle is coming full circle, and thanks to your efforts, I know the truth about it.
I'm ecstatic to see you're still around and alive! I had discovered you, Ole a year and half ago, then everything fell off the map. I thought they got you! Hallelujah!
Compelling discussion! For many years I practiced a form of Buddhism that involved daily chanting. This lineage taught that chanting, actively connecting with the universal laws through sound, is a more progressive practice for this time, and that meditation was meant for a prior era. I feel the same way about meditation as Ole, but noticed more benefits from chanting.
God bless you and protect you from the evil that lurks about on our beautiful planet! 🥰💕🙏🏻💕
Det er en meget interessant og imponerende virkelighet du ble født inn i og ikke mint alt det arbeidet du har lagt ned for å forstå hva som har skjedd og hva som skjer. Det hele er meget komplekst
You truly are a truth angel!
You are so appreciated & loved!
May you continue to be blessed with love, protection and abundance!!
Keep up the outstanding work!
Tack för allt arbete du gör !
We so appreciate you & your work!
Stor eloge för Ole och tack 🙏💫💚❤️
Tack för all denna mycket intressanta Info !!! Har lyssnat på alla delarna innan också - Men måste backa för att riktigt kunna ” hänga med ” i allt detta !!! Ni är Verkligen Beundransvärda
Har stor respekt för dig Ole och allt ditt ständiga arbete.Helt fantastiskt!🌺
Kan inte få nog av dessa Ole Dammegård intervjuerna, kollat på exakt alla på kanalen,
Vilket otroligt jobb ,ett stort tack !
Ja, Ole, ditt långa och noggranna arbete har burit frukt till sist och pusslet är lagt. Men dom mörka krafterna lever fortfarande och är lika farliga som tidigare. Wallenberg har ett finger med i spelet och det är inte överraskande. Den familjen hade inga skrupler att köpa upp naziguldet och gömma det i bankfack i Schweiz, väl medvetna att det var tandguld från miljoner mördade judar.
Ole är ju helt fantastisk!
Fantastiskt 🤩
Ni är grymma👍
It's a honor to know you sir .
Keeping you both, Michael and Ole in my daily prayers for continued healing and strength! So much love is being sent to you both!!!!
I have been following Ole’s incredible work for quite some time. Hope I can be on the list soon! Much love & protection to you & your family
You’ve done great things and wonderful work. Please don’t undermine it by making possible mistakes in public. From a very grateful listener who is telling you this as an ally and friend,
Five weeks with fever... They cannot break you. Don't they get that yet?
Thank you. Ole 's a true champion. Asking God for his and his wife's healing.
God bless you both and protect you from the evil that lurks about on our beautiful planet!
Love you Ole. So mutch good info! Thank you. Love and light from Norway 🙏❤
Takk Ole Dammegard
WE're the Billions🔥 - THEY🙃 fit in A room.....and WE're taking back the power real soon✔️ WAKE⏰️UP av Ole Dammegard og Mo Anton.
KAN ikke spilles for ofte, og MÅ spilles HØYT.
Oh yes! Song of the year, decade.......Wake up humanity!
May this song Wake Up bring the dawning of a brand new consciousness, a way of living In 'Love n Light', 'Peace & Unity' for all humanity who's souls yearn for f.r.e.e.d.o.m. from the ⛓ chains of slavery inflicted by those who truly rule from the shadows. Thank You & Blessings To Everyone.✨🙏🙇🏼♀🙏✨
Wake Up
Excellent! A song with a clear message! Great solo, Ole! 🙂
Praying for healing, hourly, while awake, for you Ole, to be well, dear God we pray
Great show! Looking forward to more Ole. Thank you.
Phenomenal show!
Holy crap...
Your work is absolutely needed. It is waking people up. I feel that you are truly lovable & I want you to heal!! Please protect yourself with this Grace!
Hi Ole - just watched your interview with Michael Jaco - and see you are having health issues and wanted to let you know you are in our prayers for staying strong and protected. You have huge courage! Also want to say that your work resonates deeply with my understanding of the world - I get "insights & understandings" given to me during meditations which helps me know truth from untruth. That's all - hope you and your good lady recover quickly and continue to spread the light into the dark corners. You are making a difference in the world! Peace from New Zealand!
So Dear Ole, I love what I see in you--! Just watched your De's c. 12 with M Jaco--what an informative talk! I love what I see in you. The Truth Shall Set You Free. Tremendous what you do. Funny, asa I saw you cough, I, having also just recently "caught" something in my lung passageways and immediately wondered if we caught the same thing...?! Michael also looked better when he exposed the "abc's" for what they have been become.
So it's extremely helpful your exposures of what normal thinking people would suspect--something is wrong because it doesn't work properly. Anyway, your light is more powerful than all the darkness:;))
I love u both for your hard work, perseverance, intelligence, dedication...i pray that u are covered by the grace of God. I support u both in the etheric field, as i practice energy healing and send love and light. Blessings!
Feel better Ole, as well as your sweet heart. Thank you, Mike and Ole, for what you do. ❤️☀️🙏🏼
Awesome as usual,cannot believe people aren’t talking about this
Amazing show! 👏🏻👏🏻
Ole always brings the TRUTH with a humorous twist to the shenanigans, makes me laugh. Slip the TRUTH under the rug with humor and get away with it. WT? Thanks again.
Great video!!!
Ole , you stun me with your depth of knowledge. You are a very brave man sharing what you know . Please take care of both your mental and physical health. A very important conversation.
CQ CQ Thank you. The pieces are coming together. God Bless. End.
Great info Ole thankyou
Praying for healing, hourly, while awake, for you Ole, to be well, dear God we pray 🙏🌿
Praying for healing, hourly, while awake, for you Ole, to be well, dear God we pray 🙏🌿
I love what you’re doing my brother.
Wishing full health and recovery for you and your partner. Thank you for all you do to reveal truth.
Hi Ole, Just finished watching your 12/12/23 show with Mike Jaco ("Exposing Crime Families"...) & I want to answer your question to Mike "Do you think what we do makes a difference" (paraphrased)...YES!! What YOU DO makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE, Ole. YOU are helping to Change What We Know & Our Perception & Answer the same Questions some of us have had for our entire lives (I'm 63) about assassinations, 9/11... all the S H I T in the world that I KNEW was organized & for a purpose... YOU fill in the info I lacked & doing that brings me some peace. I share your shows as much as possible to spread the word. PLEASE, I know you are tired, you work so so hard, God Bless you for doing that, and Please Know How Much I Appreciate all that work you do!!! Rest, Recharge, Breathe Deeply & Know Your Value is Trememdous.
Hi Ole, Just finished watching your 12/12/23 show with Mike Jaco ("Exposing Crime Families"...) & I want to answer your question to Mike "Do you think what we do makes a difference" (paraphrased)...YES!! What YOU DO makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE, Ole. YOU are helping to Change What We Know & Our Perception & Answer the same Questions some of us have had for our entire lives (I'm 63) about assassinations, 9/11... all the S H I T in the world that I KNEW was organized & for a purpose... YOU fill in the info I lacked & doing that brings me some peace. I share your shows as much as possible to spread the word. PLEASE, I know you are tired, you work so so hard, God Bless you for doing that, and Please Know How Much I Appreciate all that work you do!!! Rest, Recharge, Breathe Deeply & Know Your Value is Trememdous.
Super great show, thanks for your great efforts
Ole & Jaco...what you are doing is useful. Realistically it is happenstance how many of us survive to see the end result. Sorry to break the news so harshly.
Incredible show. Thank you. Without people like you, I wouldn't have a clue about anything going on. I hope you, Ole, get over what ever is afflicting you quickly.
love and light for you Ole 💛
Prayers for Ole. May you and your sweetheart be healed completely today, Lord willing. Bless you both.
Incredible show. Thank you to the both of you. Without people like you, I wouldn't have a clue about anything going on. I hope you, Ole, get over what ever is afflicting you quickly.
Ole's research intrigues me. I love it. My grandpa was in WW2, my dad Vietnam. Anytime THEY say single shooter, single bomber. You know it's an inside job. We are finding out how corrupt the U.S. is. We put ourselves on a peddlestool.
I worry for the both of you , you bombs are hitting there mark , I will surely keep you both in prayer
Love Ole and do t want anything to happen to him, one day he will be big in History. I believe.
Love Ole and do t want anything to happen to him, one day he will be big in History. I believe.
Love Ole and do t want anything to happen to him, one day he will be big in History. I believe.
Get well Ole!
Gratitude to you both for all the truths you continue to reveal ! May you receive the highest healing, protection and success. True Warriors!!! Thank you🙏
Love listening to you both!!! Thanks for all you all do as well. Prayers for you Ole, of healing!!! God Bless You Both!!! Much Love
Love Ole!!
Every discussion with Ole has been phenomenal! This has exceeded all of that! Thank you both for being here and helping humanity! ❤️❤️❤️
Prayers for Ole and you! Ole…May you and your sweetheart be healed completely today, Lord willing. Bless you both.
God Almighty please PLEASE protect & heal both Ole and Michael J 🙏 & their families & crew.
Thank you both and God bless you both and your families 🇺🇲 I hope it is over soon and blessings of the ministering angels to you. Praying for your health and protection
❤️🎄Merry Christmas Michael & Ole🎄❤️ Thank you for always bringing it & encouraging us to keep our minds open❣️
Ole, Ole, Ole! Love when you two spitball the current events. Michael, Thank you for another great podcast. You guys always make me think outside the box. That's a good thing.
Ett stort tack Ole! Mycket intressanta samtalsämnen och din stora kunskap inom flera områden. Tror du att JFK kan vara i livet?
You. Are. The. Best.
I just want to say thank you for your work, all the enormous risks that you take, the service-driven attitude in your life and all the online content that is there lot of it for free. You are a guide for all of us, because you are guided, and through your guides we are guided as well, because the Truth is their Truth and becomes your Truth and then our Truth, and it is healing / repairing / reuniting us with the source,
Always good to see Ole. His early research into false flag events has been a touchstone for those who followed. His observations about the "shoes" are classic.
Welcome back Ole!
It was lovely to see you looking so well and young on Jim Fetzers New JFK show today. In gratitude for all that you do and share Blessings in abundance
The big news is so exiting!👍🏻💖
This is a GREAT Interview. Will be referenced forever. I looked, and Biden logo does use the 3 bars for E same as the Erickson logo. I wonder if Gladio has a phantom fleet of aircraft for the Aerial-Spraying of the chemtrails. Gladio + Weather Warfare = about the $2 Trillion each year Pentagon says they can´t track thru their financial-accounting system.
Gripping interview. Ole! You know it is special when Sam Tripoli is silent most the time
Ole is a real researcher!
FUCK YEAH OLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOLE OLE OLE OLE OOOLE OOOLE!!!!!!
Ole is awesome!!
Wuut wuut 🎉