Polish Minister of Health Proposes Carcinogenic 5G Emission Levels as National Norm

Hundreds of letters are pouring into the office of  Polish Minister of Health, Lukaz Szumowski, from Polish citizens and people all over the world, responding to Mr Szumowski’s proposition to exponentially raise the officially recognised limit for cell phone emissions.

Under the proposed change, new emission levels will be aligned with the introduction of 5G high frequency microwave pulsed radiation technology, with the acute dangers to the health and welfare of people, animals, insects and plant life, that 5G has been revealed to transmit.

The irony of a Minister of Health subjecting his own constituency to a barrage of highly toxic microwaves, has not been lost on those commenting from abroad. Many cite their fondness for the unspoilt nature of the Country and the fact that this could soon be reversed, with tourists reacting  unfavourably should the Government introduce toxic 5G radiation telecommunications’ systems.

In their rush to get 5G telecommunications networks rolled-out, the Polish government has cut the time available for public reaction to just two weeks, thereby restricting any potential consultation process to an unworkable sham.

The Coalition for a 5G Free Poland and and the International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside are calling for a ban of 5G microwave transmissions based on the evidence of thousands of doctors and scientists worldwide – that 5G represents a serious threat to human, animal, insect and environmental health.

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Leaves From The Tree of My Life

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Written a few years before the author Bente Dammegaard left this world: “At the moment I am 81 years old and live on the beautiful island of Mallorca, Spain. When I wrote the book I looked back on my life wondering how on earth I had succeeded in collecting so many years. Along the way I have become the mother of three wonderful and very different children, have spent a lot of my life as a translator and, as such, have translated books, films, comics and scientific texts. I have been an instructor of non-violent jiujitsu, been a teacher of languages for adults and never had a steady job but always been a free lance person, that is to say I have worked my bum off when others were on holiday, been a tourist guide at an old fortress/castle – which the Swedes built against us Danes, and I was the first and only one to conquer it. I am a Dane by birth, moved to Sweden in 1966 with husband and three children, lived there for more than 35 years and moved to Spain because the ice and snow on the roads of Sweden were just too much. I am now, more than ever, conscious of the fact that I – and nobody else in the universe – am responsible for how my attitude towards life is. I can choose to see myself as a victim and feel sorry for me, or I can see myself as surrounded by miracles, which I truly am, and be grateful.”

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Leading Swedish microwave expert Professor Olle Johansson, stated the following in his letter to Mr Szumowski:

“Deploying 5G in addition to existing technologies, for sure, will increase the exposure of Poland’s population. But beyond the additional layer of electromagnetic pollution it will constitute, there is strong suspicion that 5G, because of its technological specificities (frequencies, modulations, pulsations, narrowly focused and directional beams, densification of the antenna networks), will present even more serious health and environmental risks than existing technologies.”

From John Weigel, journalist, writer and researcher, Ireland:

“Essentially, your government has known for 46 years about the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. If you fail to protect the people of Poland, how can you call yourself a patriot by giving the freedom of Poland to a corporate technological oligarchy? If you deploy 5G, you are betraying all those who struggled and lost their lives for Polish freedom.”

People are rising-up in all corners of the planet to stop 5G and related microwave technologies from being forced upon them, by governments operating according to the profit motive of powerful corporate telecom networks, whose sole ambition is to increase their domination of the global market place at any cost to the health and welfare of humanity at large.

Julian Rose, President, International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside

ICPPC – International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside,
34-146 Stryszów 156, Poland tel./fax +48 33 8797114  [email protected]
www.icppc.pl   www.gmo.icppc.pl   www.eko-cel.pl

Przeczytaj – “Zmieniając kurs na życie. Lokalne rozwiązania globalnych problemów”, autor: Julian Rose www.renesans21.pl

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