Tag Archives: ISIS

Ole’s Newsletter 2018 05

MAY 2018 – WITH YOUR SPECIAL HOST OLE DAMMEGÅRD Wow, what a month… What can I say, but ‘they’ sure keep us busy. April turned out to, yet again, be one of the year’s busiest …

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Ole’s Newsletter 2017 06

JUNE 2017 – WITH YOUR SPECIAL HOST OLE DAMMEGÅRD Welcome to this month’s newsletter. My god, four more weeks with incredible ‘terror attacks’. I sure long for the day when I can have a break. …

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Ole’s Newsletter 2017 03

MARCH 2017 – WITH YOUR SPECIAL HOST OLE DAMMEGÅRD Yet another intense month of this intense year. At the moment I am part of trying to expose what might be part of a global pedofile …

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Ole’s Newsletter 2017 01

JANUARY 2017 – WITH YOUR SPECIAL HOST OLE DAMMEGÅRD HAPPY FEARLESS NEW YEAR and welcome to this month’s newsletter! Once again, what a month… So much going on, so many attempts to scare us into …

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