Tag Archives: MI6
Ole Dammegard on International Marathon Radio 1 & 2
Global Conspiracies with Ole Dammegard on the Jeff Rense Show
Ole Dammegard Multiple Interviews on a Fire Side Chat
Ole Dammegard on Conspiracy Queries, Canada x 3
Ole Dammegard on Capricorn Radio x 3, Ireland
Mediakrig,se: Ole Dammegård, Experten på Mord & Konspirationer
The SGT Report: Ole and Dr Dolores Cahill Regarding Vaccines
SGT Report: Our Plan Versus Kissinger’s
Ole Dammegard on The Unexplained, UK
Ole Dammegard on the Copenhagen Attacks in Denmark
Ole Dammegard on The Unequivocal Truth
Ole Has Close Talks with Former CIA-Assassin Chip Tatum
Presenting The World Freedom Alliance
X22 Report: The Elites Drive the Whole World’s Economy
Ole & Cody Exposing It All on the Lost Info Podcast
Ole’s Warning about a Planned Bilderberg False Flag Massacre
False Flag Warning Warning of a possible False Flag Massacre in Copenhagen I had the great honor of being invited to the Bilderberg protest event as one of the key speakers. I expected the same …
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