TED Talk On How Your Smart Devices Know and Share Everything About You — Everything

By B.N. Frank

All wireless “Smart” devices collect data often without users knowledge or consent while simultaneously emitting harmful electromagnetic radiation which can make people and animals sick (see 12345678) AND increase their cancer risk (see 1234). More details about data collection from “Smart” and WiFi-enabled products by 2 tech experts.

From TED Talks:

Once your smart devices can talk to you, who else are they talking to? Kashmir Hill and Surya Mattu wanted to find out — so they outfitted Hill’s apartment with 18 different internet-connected devices and built a special router to track how often they contacted their servers and see what they were reporting back. The results were surprising — and more than a little bit creepy. Learn more about what the data from your smart devices reveals about your sleep schedule, TV binges and even your tooth-brushing habits — and how tech companies could use it to target and profile you. (This talk contains mature language.)

This talk was presented at an official TED conference, and was featured by our editors on the home page.

From the transcript: SM: If you decide to make your home smart, hopefully, you’ll find it less infuriating than Kashmir did. But regardless, the smart things you buy can and probably are used to target and profile you. Just the number of devices you have can be used to predict how rich or poor you are. Facebook’s made this tech, and they’ve also patented it.

KH: All the anxiety you currently feel every time you go online, about being tracked, is about to move into your living room. Or into your bedroom.

SM: The devices Kashmir bought range from useful to annoying. But the thing they all had in common was sharing data with the companies that made them. With email service providers and social media, we’ve long been told that if it’s free, you’re the product. But with the internet of things, it seems, even if you pay, you’re still the product. So you really have to ask: Who’s the true beneficiary of your smart home, you or the company mining you?

KH: Look, we’re a tech savvy crowd here. I think most of us know that these things connect to the internet and send data out. And fine, maybe you’re OK with living in that commercial panopticon, but others aren’t. We need the companies to rethink the design of these devices with our privacy in mind, because we’re not all willing to participate in “market research,” just because a device we bought has a Wi-Fi connection. And I have to tell you, even when you’re aware, generally, this is happening, it’s really easy to forget that normal household items are spying on you. It’s easy to forget these things are watching you, because they don’t look like cameras. They could look like … well, they could look like a dildo.

Utility companies also collect user data 24/7 (that they sell to 3rd parties) when they install electric, gas, and water “Smart” Meters (see 12). It’s likely that you already have them installed on your home since tens of millions have been installed worldwide. If you don’t have them yet – you probably will soon because millions more are being deployed despite all the problems associated with them including fires and explosions.

Of course, there will be people who won’t be concerned about the invasion of privacy and marketing of their personal data from any of this “Smart” stuff. But what about the constant radiation exposure?

Original Article


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