One of the colleagues with whom I network regarding vaccines, Christina England of the U.K., asked if I could give exposure to her article and interview with world-renowned aluminum expert, Christopher Exley, PhD, of Keele University in Staffordshire, England. Dr. Exley is known as “Mr. Aluminum,” a moniker he apparently earned as a result of studying the dangers of aluminum for the last 35 years. In the U.K., aluminum is referred to as aluminium.
Below are a few comments, plus paraphrases, I chose to highlight while listening to the interview.
“Without the aluminium adjuvant, the vaccine would not work.”
“There has never been any safety trial…”
“There is no regulation on aluminium…”
“The amount of aluminium used produces a certain type of response…”
“The adjuvant works by producing toxicity…”
Aluminium can produce its own immune response… a memory to aluminium … which means with the next significant exposure to aluminium, the body starts to produce an immune response against that… there’s the possibility of producing a cascade of events not only around the injection sites, but around the body… this is a real worry…
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Leaves From The Tree of My Life
by Bente Dammegard
Written a few years before the author Bente Dammegaard left this world: “At the moment I am 81 years old and live on the beautiful island of Mallorca, Spain. When I wrote the book I looked back on my life wondering how on earth I had succeeded in collecting so many years. Along the way I have become the mother of three wonderful and very different children, have spent a lot of my life as a translator and, as such, have translated books, films, comics and scientific texts. I have been an instructor of non-violent jiujitsu, been a teacher of languages for adults and never had a steady job but always been a free lance person, that is to say I have worked my bum off when others were on holiday, been a tourist guide at an old fortress/castle – which the Swedes built against us Danes, and I was the first and only one to conquer it. I am a Dane by birth, moved to Sweden in 1966 with husband and three children, lived there for more than 35 years and moved to Spain because the ice and snow on the roads of Sweden were just too much. I am now, more than ever, conscious of the fact that I – and nobody else in the universe – am responsible for how my attitude towards life is. I can choose to see myself as a victim and feel sorry for me, or I can see myself as surrounded by miracles, which I truly am, and be grateful.”
The safety trials for the HPV vaccines were not correct… “They have gained illegal approval, for one thing…”
Merck has a proprietary adjuvant no one can obtain nor study… Merck apparently manipulated one form of adjuvant and made it more toxic in order to get the immune response they needed. Up to 2.5% of HPV vaccinees will experience adverse events.
Listen to what Professor Exley says about Merck’s HPV vaccines around 25 minutes on the timeline.
One in 50 HPV vaccinees gets a serious reaction!
Silicone apparently can protect fish with aluminium toxicity, Exley found in his early studies of aluminum effects on fish. Silicone helps humans, too, especially silicone-rich mineral water. Drinking SR mineral water has to become a lifestyle, rather than a detox program.
Professor Christopher Exley, Aluminum Toxicity Expert Interview
44:59 minutes
Christina’s article can be accessed here.