Derrick Broze breaks down a number of recent stories showing the growth of the surveillance state and the Technocracy.

Derrick Broze breaks down a number of recent stories showing the growth of the surveillance state and the Technocracy.
Tags 5G ArtificialIntelligence AugmentedReality automation BigData Blockchain Civil Liberties CloudComputing cybersecurity data collection Data Privacy DataScience DevOps Digital Privacy Electronic Surveillance Government Surveillance InternetOfThings ITInfrastructure MachineLearning mass surveillance MobileApps NetworkSecurity online surveillance personal data Privacy Advocacy privacy concerns Privacy Invasion Privacy Protection privacy rights QuantumComputing robotics Security and Surveillance SoftwareDevelopment Surveillance Awareness surveillance cameras Surveillance Ethics Surveillance Issues Surveillance Laws Surveillance Programs Surveillance Society surveillance state Surveillance Technology TechInnovation VirtualReality