Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America – Charlotte Iserbyt

Many old time ed and political researchers helped to make this book as famous as it is today, and you know who you are, especially the editor, publisher,and son of the publisher, who in his teens (!)  did all the formatting.   And not to be forgotten, Athens Printing Company in Georgia, and Joel Pett, Pulitzer Prize cartoonist who provided me, at a ridiculous cost (like nothing) all the wonderful cartoons.

Free Download Here

Thanks to all of you who put “it” together; contributed research to “it” ; and have continued to forward it to others for their enlightenment.

Thanks to my Sam, who was involved in much of its pre and post-birth, and for his brilliant decision (when we realized “it” was being censored by the leading conservative groups in the nation) decided to make it into a FREE pdf so the whole world could have access to it.   Sam had an email from a blind woman in Vietnam who thanked him for making it audio accessible!!

Thanks to Jane Aitken, NH, who has reconfigured my website  to extent that much research, including work contributed by many of you reading this email, can be accessible to the world.

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education

Exposing The Global Road To Ruin Through Education-Trailer Links

3 Minute Trailer
26 Minute Trailer
Full 8 Disc YouTube Video Links

To order the updated abridged 2011 version of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America  click this AMAZON ORDER LINK


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