CUTV News Radio Spotlights Speaker and Author Charlotte T. Iserbyt

Dresden, ME – Charlotte Iserbyt is an exceptional key note speaker, American freelance writer, and author of many highly regarded publications including her eye opening books “Back to Basic Reforms”, and “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America-A Chronological Paper Trail”, and her one-page pamphlet “Soviets in the Classroom…America’s Latest Education Fad”. Aforementioned three published works are available as free pdf files at

Charlotte’s primary thesis is this: Parents have been diverted from the number one problem going on in our nation and the world: the restructuring by the UN-controlled education establishment and the tax-exempt foundations/corporations of the traditional K-12 classical academic education for upward mobility of students rather than what is being implemented as she writes: tax-funded school choice charters without elected boards. The world’s children are being trained to be the cogs in the wheel of totalitarian global government at the same time spinning off profits for the global elite.

In her meticulously researched well documented book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America,” Charlotte reveals the intentional immoral teacher training and immoral curriculum-planning, going on in our public school system.

Charlotte says, “People don’t need to do their own research. All the documentation is in her book. It comes out of “their” mouths, not hers.”

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