12472 entries.
I salute you on the brave work you do Ole! Peace and Joy to you my friend, there is something special about how you conduct yourself in the interviews I have listened to and I hope your work continues.
You magnetize good stuff! That’s really awesome!
Thank you for enlightening people, continue like this and never surrender!!! I'm here whenever you need, whatever you need. Peace, joy and love my friend!
I sqw how you were welcomed in the Netherlands, with a plane and a banner. Ohhhh wooooow! THAT MAKES ME CRY!!! Not only is that the coolest welcome ever, you are most deserving of a welcome like that!!! It’s so good to see that the good guys are still appreciated and respected in some places in this world!!!! It should be the kind of welcome that you experience everywhere u go Ole! Just know that everyone of us that know you, salute you. You are vital to our survival.
Your prayer for 'the entire universe' is so helpful - always - but especially in these present times. So very gratefully yours
Kære Ole Mange tak for dit mod, din varme og din sandhedssøgen. Jeg ser frem til flere rystende, men opklarende møder. De bedste hilsner
Takk Ole. Jeg gråter, tårene bare kommer og vasker vekk sinnet så jeg får puste og slippe inn kjærligheten og handle riktig.
Hello Ole, Thank you for your work and spiritual devotion! You are a man of my heart! The world needs more people like you! Please keep up the good work! Love and cares!
Thank you for keeping up with the truth, sir. Appreciate you, as many do.
Stay safe, which I know you will. You should get a Pulitzer for your work. You’re very brave.
Makes a lot of sense. WOW.
OLE Be CAREFULL.. Your a brave man.. I cant help but.Think of William Bill Cooper when listening to you and what sadly happened to him in the end. I cant Thank-You enough for the Info shared in this video. Fantastic. Yourself and Kev Baker made my day... May God Be With You. And protect you both from pure evil in high places. I ask our Lord God Please to protect you, and Please watch over you both. With all of the power of his Holy Spirit.. In Jesus name Amen ..... And I will be praying for you.. Keep up the good work
Totally love Ole Dammegard
Good Job please keep going. ????????????????
Tack Ole för din grymma hemsida och allt annat du gör. Det har gett mig så mycket ska du veta.
Just want to thank you from USA. I hope people of Europe are waking up to the false flags. You are the person of the century, in my opinion.
Been watching you for only a short time, but you couldn't be any more genuine in my opinion.
I had the most extraordinary reaction to one of things you mentioned in one of those podcasts. At the very point where you mentioned the piece of copper wire, in the cowboy boot that was gifted to Bob Marley, piercing his big toe, I instantaneously broke down in floods of tears. A case of the raw truth going straight to my heart. Thank you for all your hard work
Thank you Ole, Keep up your brilliant and important work. We have many caged minds to free. Yours is an important tool.May God bless, protect and guide you,
Sherman McCall, MD, PhD (Cantab.) COL, MC, USA (Ret.)
Thanks for all of your efforts to illuminate what is going on. Your work is much appreciated!!!!
Praise my Savior that theres people like you in this corrupt world. As you know your story is blowing up on the Net about the March being predestined.
Ole is the man !
Thank you, Ole! I have followed your excellent work for some time now. Often share your articles and videos on Twitter, where I am much more active. Thank you for waking up so many people around the world ????
We all REALLY appreciate the work you have been doing I wish i wasn't so broke I could get in on your newsletter.
Please keep up the great work sir! Thank You!!!
Thank you so very much for your work. I am so grateful to you, and all who work with you, to shed light on the dark. From the depth of my being to yours, a million blessings and so much gratitude,
Brilliant as always
Thank you for your your great contributions to mass awakening.
Ole, I am a big fan ????
Dear Ole, I followed your work a few years. You are amazing !! thank you so much for all info you are bringing us !!!
If we all get through this you Ole will be remembered as a hero to humanity.
Thanks SO MUCH for all your excellent work!!! Just posted your finding out that the permit for the DC March for Our Lives was filed for months before the event- awesome work!
Dam excellent stuff.
Heard many good things about yourself - and your work - over the years. Keep it up!
Thanks for all you do! Great Job on Parkland & Texas Connection
Ole! My man! Great discussion on Camelot as always.
Kristy and I would like to extend our deepest and greatest appreciation for all you and Jim Feetzer have done in the search for the truth. Great Project Camelot Presentation! Thanks Guys!!!
Thank-you for all your work and lifelong sacrifices. Your interview was very good. Hopefully many will wake up from this video. I have been trying to wake up one of my conservative friends and hopefully, this video will do it.
Hi Ole, thank you for your awesome work! God bless and protect you and your family!
"God bless you for supporting Conspiracy Granny & Side Thorn!"
Thank you Ole. You are looking tired in last few interviews man :/ Rest up.. Peace
Pyramid Alert! Grand Rapids MichiganConstructed By Steelcase, occupied for several years then vacated. Clearly in view from all flights to & fro Kent County International Airport- Map It. What does it mean?
The owner's of The Impeccable Pig are a mother, Laura, and her daughter, Jenny, just like the Bushes. And both families live in Dallas.
I admire with gratefullness your work.
For info: If you did not notice. Cruz street 6600 is the next closest street to Galindo/Vargas Street where the alleged "bomb" "exploded" in Austin Texas. As you for sure know the alleged gunman (patsy) in Parkland school was namned Cruz.
Thank u for all the good things u do ! Best wishes and greets from Germany.
Ole Ole - I almost didn’t watch your austin video but whoa glad I did
I have a hard time believing there are so few views on the Jason Goodman interview from Austin ...such an important video...Ole is such an expert on these “events”...I’ve learned so much from him and have so much respect ...
Awesome interviews, as always!
Great show with Jason Goodman, hope you feel better soon!
Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole...Ole....Ole! Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole...Ole...Ole! :D
Ole hit the nail on the head!
Yes Ole! disregard the wicked!
I agree with Ole regarding criticism. Never give away your energy to those that seek to feed on you.
Personally, my attitude is: Whether you do good or whether you do bad, outsiders (to self) will 'judge' you. That is THEIR problem - not mine, so long as I am true to MY core / Soul. BTW, 'thou shalt not judge' is one of the 24 commandments.
Very good advice Ole thats how I handle it aswell... and it works very well for me... !!!!
Ole is 100% dead on with what the agenda is. This fits perfectly with Trump saying "take the weapons first once there's a problem." Now, they are going to call anyone who disagrees with the official narrative "mentally unstable", and a risk of randomly shooting people en mass. This is exactly where it's headed. The whole time, there was no shooter, not one victim, no real cops, no real investigations. It was ALL -- THE WHOLE TIME just scripts being played out by actors.
The additional angle is that everyone on an SSRI is now suspect. They have prescribed SSRIs to nearly all the population who'd take them over the past 30 years.
I know they leave clues & calling cards behind. For the betting pool/death pool. You Ole is such a great teacher!!!!!! thank you!
You Ole is astounding.
Ole is just so on point - it's not the guns, it's not mental illness, it IS the deep state - that's IT.
I do like the way you go about your work with love and light
Thank you Ole! You are a peaceful light for the world! I have learned so much from you!
Many current Forecasters are correct, yet they are also incorrect. There will be a disastrous collapse of the economy, in fact it is already underway, but because they exclude the ecological – environmental collapse happening now as well is not to see how the worship of mammon and usurpation of Authority has infected the human soul. When the Arctic finally experiences a blue ocean event ...… acceleration of profound change will quickly manifest...believe you me...it’s sooner than most will admit...mammon , Idolatry and any of it’s forms will have no value anymore. This is the real meaning of the Apocalypse. Spiritual Truth and it’s Reality on the other hand will be sought as Recognition of real escape from worldly eminence that cannot be bargained for, nor does it seek recompense. This is why the Elite whom worship Ego self look for off world or underground refuge as they see what’s ahead and seek to escape the Final Vision. Truth is already at hand…..but it’s Recognition by the mind of the son of man cannot be made aware until the Truth seeker becomes Truth Seer and awakens to the Christ within and the presence of Love everywhere. Who would not welcome True Vision where the Ego conscious universe can never get or achieve or ever have. What has All Value and what has no value at all will be in clear view in peace at last.
Your Overwhelming Honesty has inspired this message to you.
Gratitude! I look forward to the Attenborough-style documentary series."
Love you, Ole
I love your videos which I’ve watched on YouTube and Sane Progressive’s website. Bless you!
Ole is a true warrior and friend !
Your interview on Sage of Quay Radio was just fantastic! I’ve listened to it already at least three times and keep going back to it. It’s really great how you present all the evidence. Listening to you makes one see how ridiculous all these false flags are and you really make me laugh! It’s becoming so obvious that they want us to remain in fear. But they’re losing the game. So thank you, thank you, thank you! All the best and may the force be with you!
Excellent interviews!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Ole so wonderful to see you together with Field, David on Jason's show. I tune in to all of you separately now WOW 4 faces of TRUTH on one screen....You were intelligent and articulate as always.
Ole, it is so clear that you are unique among those in the YouTube community - kind, patient, humble, compassionate, gracious towards others, and all the marks of a yogi in the Kali Yuga!! Your presence on the web and on the Earth is Grace, healing to those who listen, and and whatever we can do to assist - bingo - we're here!!
Gratitude! I am slowly learning the \’language\’...!"
I could listen to Ole all day...
Thank you for everything you do for us out here! Have a good one!
Greetings Ole. My name is Efua. I just wanted to thank you for the work you have devoted yourself to...I really enjoy your videos and lectures.
Thanks Ole. much love and respect. all the best to you and your loved ones.
Your work is terrific!!!
Thanks for your work to bring some sense of all of this to the world.
Jeg beundrer ditt arbeide for å avdekke ting og få oss til å forsøke å tenke selv. Viktig at verden har sånne som deg. Stå på !!!
Thank you Ole for being so pro-active! You're a shining example for all of us.
If Ole says it...it’s true! One of the most decent, honest people I’ve ever met.
In my opinion,.... our recent interview was wildly successful and shows true promise to go down in history as one of the most informative Conspiracy Genre videos of all time.
I can't say enough about your comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter and it is a subject that I have been studying since I was kid (and that was a long time ago).Good Work. I'm totally sold on the idea of you as a light bearer in our modern times of darkness, a new Dark Ages. Somebody's got to do this, many have paid for it with their lives.
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life! Wake up and turn to him before it´s too late! He is the only way to heaven!
Thank you for doing your part, with the the gifts that God has given to you, to help others awaken. Love and light to you
Ole, I salute you, oh Warrior for God and Truth, and all that is good and right in this world. The Lord gave you the heart of a lion. I salute you. Your Ark Midnight appearance last weekend was fantastic. Thank God we could get it out to the listening audience of terrestrial radio. The Lord is working through you and it is a wonderful thing. Thank you for all you do, Ole. I pray the Lord sends his warrior angels to protect you. May you be surrounded with legions of angels with Archangel Michael commanding his angel warriors to protect you in all your ways. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen
Thank you for your excellent site.
Ole,I am a poet and songwriter in Az. I just listened to something you said on an interview and it made me think of something I wrote called "One Breath".This is for you Ole.
One Breath © kevin Shearer
Inhale life. Exhale love. Let all people know. Inhale life. Exhale love everywhere you go.
Inhale life. Exhale love. One Breath deep and true. Inhale life. Exhale love in everything you do.
Try no more to understand and you will come to see that understanding will be yours in One Breath.
Inhale life. Exhale love. One Breath in the same. Inhale life. Exhale love. Do it in His Name.
Inhale life. Exhale love. One Breath deep and true. Inhale life. Exhale love in everything you do.
Ole, God bless you for your great work
An Avid supporter of your cause!!
Long time since we have spoken. My dear friend your message this month brought your teachings of love and mindfullness back into my heart. i need to connect with you for guidance.
Hi Ole, great work. It would be amazing if you could trace the 21 missing Granite p-700 nuclear missiles, that was stolen from the Russian U-boat Kursk year 2000.
22 was originally stolen and one was used (the one that hit the Pentagon on 9/11) but there is still 21 Granite p-700 nuclear missiles hidden somewhere, waiting to be used for maybe another false flag attack (or real) blamed on Iran, North Korea, Russia or someone else to start something really evil against humanity.
Thanks again for a great work /SS-19
I am reading your section in your wife's book "So What Can I Do" and very deeply appreciate your knowledge, wisdom and deep concern for humanity and our earth.
I am exploring your territory, lol, I have been looking at Alexa Meidnik, she has 2 facebook accounts, one in Skippack Pennsylvania with friends, but no family and Married, Dec was last post, the other Facebook Account has no city with less friends and has family on friends List, last post says Oct, I think the Family might be Crises Actors, plus all the friends seem like fake Accounts, its like dajaview from site to site, I can Feel Ole, their gonna Use these Kids, like Germany, Socialism, You know Kids Ole, They are always looking for a Persona, the Image of Proofing Ones Self, I Win You Lose and I find as we get older we start realizing, that is to Divide, Not Love, Not Unity, now the Sheriff Ireal in Broward county is not only Crooked, he is calling for websites that post "Graphic Content" should be Arrested, I think They Are Going All In Ole, With this Confusion, Where Are We Ole, You Think We Ready Ole, Let us come to Center Ole, let us go into the Heart, Bare Our Soul, Let Us Bring All We Have Inside, Let Us Unit, We Are The Reason We Are Here, To Love As The Beautiful Family We Are, in case we don't meet or they Win, I Love U Ole
Thank you for the invite to your site. Lots of interesting topics. We should never stop learning.
Will be subscribing on YT
Ole, you’re doing wonders in helping to get vital information to the public. Best wishes to you and for the safety of you and your family.
Please carry on fighting the good fight.
I'm looking for ways to put my focus on changing the energy on the planet. Your prayer at the end of your interview helped.
Thank you for the great work you're doing. Kudos to you.
Thank you Ole for sharing wisdom of love with our world. You are brilliant… Om..om..om.. Loves Nalanie
I just adore your bright and shining soul! Way to go my dear Friend! Keep up the excellent work!!
Vill tacka dig för ditt fantastik arbete och engagemang för bättre värld. Detta behövs mer än någonsin. Läste din bok om Olof P. för många år sen som fick mig att vakna på riktigt. Tusen tack för det!
Hi Ole, Love your work. My wife keeps bugging me about the Boston Marathon Bombings. She wants to know what happened to Martin Richards, who allegedly was killed. If he wasn't killed, where is he? His family still lives in the Boston area.