12472 entries.
Thanks so much for your excellent work. I watch and listen to all of it and refer many people.
Saw your talks on youtube at open mind conference. Thank you for sharing your work. Cleared a lot of itches in my mind . I am a muslim . I live in Malaysia. Hope to keep listening to your good work. keep up the good work.
In one of the Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) of the end of times (akhir zaman) it saya that the sun will rise from the west. Most take it literally but I understand it as the light of truth will come from the west. I can see that truth seekers from the west have the guts and means to speak the truth. In the east truth seekers a far behind the truth seekers of the west. We are actually taking direction from you guys. So thank you again for your work.
God Bless
Fiaman Allah (in Allah's protection, as in may Allah protect you)
Ole...keep up the work and shine some light.
Ole! Tack för att du finns! Frid! Var vid gott mod, sanningen är absolut, sanningen sätter oss fria, tack!
Tak for alt det du gør Ole - du er min helt
Love your work. Thank you.
Love what you are doing.
Thank you for your inspirational work Ole. Hope you have a healthy and happy new year.
I just finished reading Ole Dammegard's chapter on OP40. Certainly this is by far the best research ever published. But certainly this kind of groundbreaking work is the norm for Ole with his exceptional work. Ole has gone where no one else ever has with his Chapter on OP40. I know a fair amount about it because a good friend of mine knew a member of OP40. Highest commnedations for his unmatched work on OP40. Truly he is one of the world's top covert govt crime researchers.
Ole I loved you concept on missing people.
I followed missing411 and its good, but dammit, you are the first to look at the bigger picture in your feb 11th 2017 interview. I cant believe no one jumped on this theory in a year!!!
Hello Ole, I appreciate all the work you do! You are a big inspiration for me!
Tusen takk kjære Ole 🙂 Nå slår det sprekker over hele verden, nå som lyset kommer inn i mørket.
God fortsättning på det nya året Ole,Jag är uppgiven och tror, åtminstone för närvarande, inte att vi kan göra något alls åt makten. Du har ägnat en stor del av ditt liv åt sanningen och det för den gärningen älskar jag dig men den information du och andra goda människor delger andra leder ju inte till någon förändring av samhället. Finns det mer konkreta idéer om vad vi -som med gott fog anser oss upplysta- kan hitta på?
För min del studerar jag just nu mycket religion och mest bhuddism och tänker mig att "the powers that be " helt enkelt får en taskig karma så att rättvisa på skipas på det sättet.
Trots det ovan sagda har du mitt stöd för att fortsätta söka och delge den verkliga sanningen som motvikt till Peter wolodarskis och andra falska människors sanning.
Ole it would be great to hear you interview the former soviet nuclear officer Dimitri Khalezov how the 9/11 event was done. He can explain everything in detail how The twin towers was nuked/brought down from 77 meters below the ground in the bedrock by planted 150KT civilian nuclear devices. And how the russian P-700 Granite missile (Nato: SS-N-19 Shipwreck) penetrated the Pentagon and why the Dooms day planes was in the air an much more.
You can maybe find him on his website http://www.911thology.com or at his youtube channels
A interview with Dimitri Khalezov in 26 parts about 9/11 can been seen on Youtube. Part 1 of 26: Dimitri Khalezov - WTC Nuclear Demolition [1/26] www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAV_BUQoGBw
The book he wrote about the 9/11 event is called "The Third Truth about 9/11" and can be found at his site http://www.911thology.com or direct at
/Regards Reinhard. G. Love and light
I just watched a video of you speaking the truth and spreading the word of awakening. I absolutely love what you have done. And when I get the money I will donate and buy books from you.
You are a very special person
I’m in a very tough low point in my life. But just listening to what you’ve said makes me feel optimistic about my future and the future of this world.
I love you and what you’ve done
You’ve lived a remarkable life
I just wanted to write you And let you know you’ve had an impact on my life.
Thank you because you’ve really given me hope.
Glad to see another "watchman on the wall" during these sometimes depressing times when you can't find anyone with a bit of discernment. Love you brother - "thank you for your service"
Jeg er meget facineret af dine opdagelser, som lyser op i min forvirring over, hvad der foregår i verden. Mange tak.
Thank you !!
Thanks for stepping up. The truth will set people free. We pray for your safety !
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the groundbreaking, pioneering, prophetic work you have been doing for years. Your loving commitment is beautiful.
Tack för ditt enorma arbete Ole. Jag slukar information från din sida så gott som varenda dag och förstår mer och mer vilket otroligt arbete du har lagt ner för att sprida denna info till oss här ute!
I just had to email you again since your email was really the first email I received that started me on the road at looking at what was happening to me differently. Shortly after that I discovered the spiritual aspect of the targeting and that explained a lot as well. I am now at the point you suggested in your email of waving to the drones and sending them love. Its so crazy how much difference a few months can make.
I moved from Toronto to Costa Rica almost 2 months to live and work on an organic farm and I definitely feel like my heart is healing. I'm not there yet but I feel like Im on the right road to my heart chakra bursting right open. I'm loving living in nature, I'm meeting so many beautiful people, I'm in love with the animals here. I feel at peace. Im also doing Reiki on myself almost daily. The emf & drone harassment is still happening here but not on the same scale as in Toronto and the balance with being in nature is making all the difference. I really don't see myself living and working in Toronto again. I'm also loving working on the farm and being so connected with my food. Its beautiful. And I see it in my reflection of how people see me. I just got back from a holiday at a nearby beach town and again met so many beautiful people. One girl was leaving and gave me a crystal and said to me thank you for your presence and being you. How beautiful is that! I definitely feel a shift is happening in a way that couldn't have fully happened in the city. I also use your suggestion of the mantras and say I am love and light every time after I pray at bedtime. All this has made such a difference with my vibration.
Just thought Id share. I have a feeling this year will be my best year yet:) Much love
I Wish The Best Wishes to You and Your Loved Ones!!! Thank you for all, what are you doing!!!
Thanks for all your work! It’s so needed!!
If the 95% of us on this planet who want prosperity for ALL, got about the business of love, care and kindness...if we made it our daily bread, and saw it for what it was; extinguishing the dark fire of evil with healing light & truth, we’d be INVINCIBLE! Let’s make it so for 2018. Onward, Ole!
Thank you for your courageous and devoted efforts to spread the truth.
Ole, thank you for your amazing work! Your comments with Jason Goodman yesterday, about your upbringing helping you sense falsehoods, resonated with me. As a child abuse survivor, I have experienced this as well. Love and light to you and yours❤️
Ole, Looking forward to a great retirement year in 2018. Out of the "slave based financial system" (my words), and into the "work for what you believe" system. I wish everybody enlightenment in 2018 to what is going on around them and that they will make decisions that will enhance their lives. And to you Ole...my most heartfelt best wishes for this coming year. Keep up the good work you do and stay safe. Looking forward to your information forth coming.
Thank you for all that you do.
You are doing a hell of a job.
I saw your presentation about Norway terror twice yesterday. 5 hours in a row. You are amazing. Thank you so much for your work. ❤️????????????????
Dearest Ole, For many years you have been one of the people that inspired and motivated us and we wish to express our gratitude, honour and respect for your dedication as Truth Seeker and peacemaker. Part of our intention is also to let you know that we ‘see you’ .
Ole jag lyssnade just på dig och Cody, wow allt du gjort & allt du gör, ett varmt tack från hjärtat❤️
Thanks for all you do for humanity and our sanity! Wishing you and yours all the best today and everyday my friend. XXOO
Merry Christmas Ole! Thank you for fighting for the truth and for humanity. If you ever run for president of the world. You have my vote.
Thanks, Ole, I got it downloaded. I am also a huge fan of your work, btw. I am also a dogged researcher that was on John B. Wells show Caravan to Midnight (Show 698) back in March. We appreciate the work that you do and big time "thanks" for backing Cody Snodgres. Keep doing what you do because it matters. Like we say in Texas, "Good on ya".....
I prayed for Cody, his family and you at Holy Mass this morning in a traditional Catholic monastery of the Little Sisters of St Francis here in Britanny, France, and I offered my Holy Communion for the safety of you all.
With every best wish and as we used to say years ago in the British Army "Nil Carborundum!" - Don't let the blighters grind you down!
Bless you my friend !! Bless you, bathing in that light !
Merry Christmas, Darlin'! Thank you for all the work you do on rending the veil. Peace.
Merry Christmas, keep hammering, excellent work, many thanks
Honor among good people, its in the blood
For me, you are an old and especially dear friend. I bet many people feel that way because of your good heart and courage.
God Jul, Ole og takk for det viktige arbeidet du gjør
I just watched your lecture, and I am in awe. How clearly you explained the deception. I have been trying to say the same thing but I get angry and can not speak!!!! Instead I post your lectures. Thank you.
Let the Power Within shine for you and your loved ones for Now and Al-Ways.
You are one of the only people online I feel that is consistently sincere and trustworthy. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for interviewing Cody and bringing further TRUTH to LIGHT on the corruption in the 'Deep State' . I lived in Dallas area when the Waco ambush and OK City bombing occurred. Back then, I was so naïve and believed everything the msm said. Back then we did not have the internet, so very little access to independent journalism. I am now waking up to the Truth of so many things. At first it is very difficult to absorb and digest psychologically and mentally. It takes time to process it all.
Cody is a HERO for speaking the TRUTH NOW. His prior life was highly dangerous and criminal, but he has turned to the Light and has awakened. And that is GOOD. He is now called to expose the Dark with the knowledge that he has.. My heart goes out to him and I hope they do not kill him.
I am waking up to the truth of so many things. Its' a whole paradigm shift in consciousness. One thing I do know is that they cannot take away my connection to the divine. That connection and purpose keeps me going.
Ole, you radiate this divine energy of love and compassion. I see it in your essence and that is HUGE. That gives me hope. God bless you!
A historic interview with you and Cody Snodgres on Rense this week!!
Thank you for all you've done and do for humanity Ole'. It is truly an honor to call you my friend and follow your research.
We Awake are witnessing the making of history and which ever way it turns, to be sure, it WILL TURN either to The Light or it could be dark and uglier than LOW-Retta Lynch in a string bikini selling shade at a public beach. Sorry for the image mindfuck Ole but I just couldn't resist.
So glad to find you here, Ole. I have been listening to you on the internet, and sharing, for several years; THANKS for your work!
Ole, du fantasztiskà underbara, jag önskar dig och din familj en underbar fint Jul
You have said the truth is your star ... your light ... I think of your statement several times a week. When I drive home at night after visiting my wife in the nursing home ... quite often the stars are out ... your words pop into my mind. When i think of the ugliness of what is going on and even in the skies, your words turn the ugly skies into something worth looking at. I am grateful to you, Ole, for being a star of truth.
Vill passa på o tacka dig för det fantastiska jobb du gör !!!! Ljus o kärlek till di
I discovered you and your work through your recent appearances on The Higherside Chats. I was instantly hooked. Thank you for what you are doing.
Blessings Milord Dammegard,
I have really enjoyed what I have found of your outreach. You are truly one of Creator's children, here to help the family get past this critical time in our mutual journey across this new frontier ahead.
I can work through my faux pas as we learn to communicate within this glorious gift provided. I will commit to help in your struggle to bring more onboard to fund your fabulous outreach as much as my limited knowledge of the frontier allows. Let Grandfather light your path and fight the battles for you that work behind the scenes against us all. It is truly a glorious time to be walking within the Garden!
What is needed now, Ole. Is a massive meeting of people like you and Icke, and Sydney White, Chris Bollyn and others from all over the world, under one roof (there's your title) It can be done. Remember Band Aid?
Vill hemskt gärna hjälpa dig med ditt enorma arbete, Ole. Du är fantastisk. Har sett att du inte gillar beröm ???? men för mig är du en förebild: ödmjuk, modig och väldigt snäll. Fina egenskaper.
Cody and Ole – you have done more for unravelling the web of illusion in the past 10 days than most in 10 years!! Kudos and deep gratitude.
I know your purview is on examining and exposing possible staged events, but I just had to reach out to you on this one. I recently watched a movie called Roman J. Israel Esq. played by Denzel Washington (what's in an name right) that reviewers are claiming to be mildly weird, strange and nostalgic which it is, but it is so much more.
The very name of the movie is pregnant with symbolic undertones, sparking of all sorts of archetypes in the subconscious, never-mind the similar feel it has to the co called donator of the Georgia guidestones R.C. Christian, again thanks to your work on possible communication methods (symbolic) of powerful groups, probably masonic in nature, I am able to see things in a different "light".
The Twin Towers correctional facility in Los Angeles features a number of times and connected with Denzel Washington characters most emotional delivery co-inciding with the Roman J. Israel saying "it's time to wake up" as he stands directly in front of a wall clock that reads 8:55 or 9/11. When I was watching the movie at this stage that line and the clock literally Screamed at me........woooahh horsey.
I believe the movie to be a shout out from a powerful group, a positive message, although I could be wrong, I have never gotten any good vibes from movies before, this one is a first for me. I found it to be thought provoking and quite profound, no sex, no car chases, no bling, no vacuous fight scenes, just communication.
You've helped me make sense and decipher some of my own questions! And once I had the chance to speak to you personally, I now have even more respect for you and what you're about. You're a gift to anybody who gets a chance to interact with you and your work is so important - now more than ever it seems! It takes a lot of courage to do what you do, and I'm sure it's often not easy. My support truly comes from the heart because I know it'll eventually create a more just and happy world!
Hello Ole Dammegard!!!
Thank Very Much, for telling us The Truth!!! You are my compass, that I trust! Please don’t stop with what you are doing, God knows we need je help so much!!!
Greetings. Ludmila.
Vill passa på att uttrycka mitt stora tack till ditt arbete i år! Uppskattas!! Jag önskar dig och din familj en God Jul och ett Gott Nytt År????
Love and Light,
You do great work, I honour and respect what you do.
The last 2 webinars were excellent... well worth the time and $... .it was really great to connect with like minded/like hearted awake tribe...especially Joylyn Martinez-Davis . Thanks and Blessings, Ole, Kim, Will and Susie for all you do...look forward to hanging out on Zoom with you on the 17th! Be well and safe, everyone.
Ole, you are my hero. I wish I was a rich woman but alas, I am not. I gave you all the $ I had left in my paypal acct. which is all I have as I stopped using a bank a coupla years ago. I hope others can read this and pony up so you can live less stressfully. I mean, come ON! If it wasn’t for your hard work I wouldn’t know for sure that I’m being conned. To me, YOUR word is the LAST word on a case. No one else has your experience and knowledge when it comes to false flags. No one. I’m tickled pink to have you as a friend and fellow Seeker of the Real and the True. Bless your life.
Ole you do a great job. But i must ask you how you can believe in the Judy Wood energy weapon story? It blows my mind. The twin towers was nuked /brought down from 77 meters below the ground in the bedrock by preplanted civilian nuclear devices that was put there when the towers was built by the Rockefellers. Why not expose the vice Mossad/Freemason Mike Harrari who orchestrated the event after an order signed by Ariel Sharon. MIke Harrari together with rough elements within the CIA/DIA/Military "The Gehlen group" made the 9/11 event (with others within the Cabal). They also launched the P-700 russian nuclear Granite submarine missile in to the Pentagon. The Granite nuclear missiles (19) was stolen from the Russian (torpedoed) submarine Kursk back in 2000.
Check out Dimitri Khalezov at http://www.911thology.com for more info or on Youtube for interviews.
I think you should ask your latest guest the CIA whistleblower what kind of "explosions" that were used in the Oklahoma bombing. It was a mini nuke, not regular explosives.
Same with the Oslo bombing 2011, it was a mini nuke used on the government headquarter not regular explosives or any Judy Woods energy weapons (if not meaning nuclear).
Regards Reinhard. G.
Thank you for all your good work!
Ole, it is my absolute and humble pleasure to support you and your family in any way I can. There is no more important job in the world, than doing what you are doing. Although I am far away in Sydney, Australia, I visit your website and listen to your interviews frequently.
Thank you for all you do. You've been one of my main heroes for a good while.
What a class act you are Ole for dedicating your life so people can know the truth. Thank you man!
Today's interview with you and CIA whistleblower Cody Snodgres was terrific. I've been doing this 24 years and I've never heard a more stunning presentation. That information is one of the biggest revelatory disclosures of our times. Thank you, again, Ole… You are a very special presence…
I want to thank you for your excellent investigations, interviews, hard work and service you provide. You have been an asset along the long road to a more defined truth. I have been a fan of your work for several years
I want to take the time to say thanks!!!
Great Presentation on Project Camelot!
Ole.... Thanks for staying up so late. I appreciate it!
Tack och respekt för det arbete du gör
Keep up the great work Ole
Takk for all jobben du gjør 🙂
Ønsker deg en vakker dag
Jag har lyssnat på mååånga av dina videos och jag bara älskar ditt sätt att lägga fram och förklara saker och ting på.
Ole I can't tell enough people about you and the presentations you do. You are doing some incredible things!!
Congratulations on your work!
Listened to you on Dr, Robin F.
What if everything is a betting game. Like the stock market.
Drones put into the hands of psychopaths.
The safari of human carnage.
What I think........ we as humans are so kept out of the loop regarding technology. They want us to be stunned by the technology after we have had fun flying our drones around the backyard . When in reality psychopaths are playing real games of carnage.
I'll never figure these false flags out because I am not a psychopath nor do I ever want to join their club........
Ole, you are at the Zenith of integrity from my eyes.
I learn so much from your videos Ole. Thank-you for your hard work.
I grow into light by listening to your podcasts and following your work - and purchased the books too (coup d Etat un slow motion)
I have just seen your interview CONHWC #64 "Vegas and beyond" and I would like to share my thoughts with you on this. As your interview partners began talking about a Saudi Arabian involvement of the Las Vegas shooting, I immediateley felt the need to focus more onto what they especially had to say.
This interview became very odd, indeed.
My gut never lets me down, if someone is trying to push an agenda-driven narrative upon me. If something like this happens to emerge, my inner alarm goes berzerk in milliseconds - and this is what happened, as I focused more on what your interview partners had to say.
I came to the conclusion, that your "partners" tried to push and implement a narrative, which they hoped you would go consent with. Well, unfortunately for them, you didn't 😉 ...and they didn't quit trying 😉 I loved your "diplomatic" response to these consent-provoking attempts, which dissolved the second they emerged. And quite obviously, this had an annoying effect on them 🙂 Congratulations, for immediately smelling the pile of crap 😉
The Saudi narrative emerged on exact those YT channels, which I had already become very suspicious on. This beeing the case, it might also be an indicator, that the Vegas incident might have been ....again.... a Mossad operation
:-). Never ever stop exposing, Mr Dammegard!
Dear Mr. Ole, I really thank you for your work for all of us! Especially your appell to stay peacefull. (Sry for my weak English - I'm from Austria and therefore more used to German). I have to say, it is a honor for me to contact you.
I never imagined I would learn to love myself and through that have the ability to love others from Simply witnessing the mannerisms and characteristics of you. when I heard you reprimanding a radio host today, it moved me. I believe it changed something in me. I'm not sure what yet but I am sure I owe you thanks. not that I'm the amazing people police, but you are an amazing human being. if I could learn to control my anger and treat my brother the way I expect to be treated which I usually do, but my goodness if I could get one eighth as good as you are at it, I would be very proud. You're just one hell of good dude Ole and I don't mind saying so. thanks again for being you brother.
Ole Dammegard is amazing!!!
Your research and webinars are very informative, Ole. Everyone should watch, worth it, very inexpensive education
Thank you for your attention!
Keep up the great work!
Dear Ole,
You're busy doing all the right things, and for the benefit of all, so I will take only a moment of your time to express my gratitude and admiration.
Ole I just watched you on YouTube video.I remember watching JFK in Dallas Nov 1963. I was home sick from school that day. I was thirteen years old and even at that age and in those days I saw a lot of things that day that did not make sense. I wondered why no one else noticed
these things. What you say about staged events now makes so much sense. We have all been so stupid not see this.
I dont have anything to offer only telling you I am really grateful that you are doing this great work and in case my financial situation will change to better I will subscribe
Thanks Ole. LOVE your work x
Thank YOU Ole ❤️????❤️????❤️????❤️
Best regards to you, family and people around you. And please take some time off to get some rest. We need you healthy and sound for many more years to come (not that I expect this lunacy to go that long). Cheers!
I wish you the greatest success. Keep up the stellar work!
Keep up your awesome work! It is so needed!
Thank-you for your wonderful work. ????????❤️
Tack Ole ❤ Tack för allt du gör!!! ❤ Fantastiskt ända ut i universums yttersta och in i hjärtats kärna.....är nog samma sak ????
Your amazing heart and strength have reached and inspired so many, including myself. Stay safe, sweetie and i pray your life is filled with all things that bring you bliss! Let me know if you ever need Help in Texas! I have family all over this state... giggliez.. ????❤????