San Carlos Apache Reservation 12-6-2018 PSA – Community Warning Barrels Rusted Drums Possible Herbicide Chemical Containers Extremely Dangerous. No Education of Dioxins & Furans to the community or public, there are no warning signs posted, many People live and come to Arizona to visit. Southern Arizona Waters are effected originating from this long term Chemical Weapons Disposal Site. “Chemical Cocktail” found down stream on the Gila River at Coolidge Dam to the Sea of Cortez, Tucson and the drainage basin east of Arizona. If you think you have come into contact with chemicals or experiencing health issues after visiting at the San Carlos or White Mountain Apache Reservation inform your medical physician and alert attention to possible contact with Herbicides containing Dioxins also contact the CDC and report your case. Arizona now leads in cancer cases nationally. Visit Agent Orange Apache on Fb. Thank you for hearing this message. Thank you for your awareness please share this video.