Tag Archives: enlightenment

The Big Why and Other Observations

By Zen Gardner This is a hot button question that continually lurks behind the scenes of life’s garish activity and all of its ongoing drama. It touches on free will, purpose and meaning, and all kinds …

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Mind Your Own Business

© Lisa Haney At about the beginning of this decade, mass-market mindfulness rolled out of the Bay Area like a brand new app. Very much like an app, in fact, or a whole swarm of …

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Loving-Kindness Meditation Will Make You Happier

Researchers from HSE University compared the effect of two meditation practices – loving-kindness meditation (LKM) and compassion meditation (CM). Loving-kindness meditation turned out to be more effective when it comes to increasing happiness, but, in …

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The key to solving 9/11 is something called a “key”

CollinAlexander Published on May 29, 2012 The key to solving 9/11 is something called a “key”. Understanding video compositing technology, both its capabilities AND limitations, proves no planes, and therefore proves demolition. Ace Baker offers …

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Have the People Finally Awoken?

By Jeff Berwick In this video, Jeff Berwick – The Dollar Vigilante – discusses the massive protests taking place in London and Germany against oppressive government lockdowns during the COVID-19 hysteria. People are waking up in …

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11 New Symptoms of the Collective Awakening

By Dylan Charles During the run-up to 2012 the world was fascinated by the idea of the shift, that is, an awakening that first takes place within the individual, then radiates outward into our communities and societies at large, …

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