12472 entries.
thank you for acception ... i very wel apreciated your work .. you bring clear light on the criminal acts of the masons.
Thank you Ole! You are not off one bit yet again!!! It is so common, after a next psy-op or false flag to look for your updates! Spot-on ??
Anna Thompson · 4:57 I have followed Ole for many many years and he is totally correct. Believe him
Trouble is Ole most people cannot believe this. I do and support you.
Thank you Ole Dammegard for all of your fantastic research over the years..You are the GREATEST!!!
Give ole a listen..He's really good..and Ole Dammegard Rocks.
Hej Ole. Synd att du inte gavs mera tid i programmet ? var rädd om dig,och TACK ATT DU FINNS ?
You got it right.
Ole you make so much sense Awesome.
Bless you Ole and Alfred for researching and bringing these terror attacks' motives to our attention.
Thank you for your bravery keep speaking truth for Humanity to wake up.
"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." J. D. Salinger--"Catcher in the Rye" Ole is the mature man.
Greetings Ole from Australia,
I'm interested in your view of the New Zealand mosque attack. I hope you're able to view the live stream of the assumed gunman. The video has been removed from Facebook and Instagram.
New Zealand and now Australia are arresting people for sharing this video. Absolute madness!
I've noticed a few things in the video that just don't add up. Other people are commenting on this too.
And the media published a photo of the SHOES lined up outside the mosque! You were right again!
It would be great to hear your views.
Big thanks to all you do, all the best to you, never give up!
I was watching your live feed concerning the shooting in New Zealand and YouTube blocked it out and a message popped up, "This video is violating YouTube's policy on Harassment and Bullying. I thought that is nuts.
Thanks for your excellent work.
Keep up the good work. May you know the Abundant life and light of the Prince of Peace Jesus.
Thank you Ole for taking the time to do all these talks, as soon as I heard the New Zealand news I smelt a rat and immediately started looking for red flags and there are plenty.
I really appreciate the Hoover Dam & hammer analogy, Ole. Gratitude to you,
I want to share with you some pieces of poetry that I wrote as a result of my recent experiences. It's about healing. You have been both inspiring and important to me. I'm sending you my words of gratitude:
I smell like home my love
you like cold wind
when you approach your face
and your powerful heart
includes me into your space
we are a galaxy
and time
is at the doorstep of our world
can I be your child it asks
I need you mom you understand
that I’m not an absolute I’m a child
I need you dad you have the power
to lead me to initiation
will you give me the space
it doesn’t take years
a decision a gesture a choice
you know your soul had created this situation
long ago
now you’re reentering your choice
I know too that I had asked for
this decision before
distance and separation are no longer real
our child is time
be scalar if you wish
time has stepped and is waiting
the wine is beaming red in the green bottle
unopened yet I thought I had drunk it already
your steps outwards in every direction
to meet the wind
you smell of cold wind when you come
I smell of home
in laughter my hands melt the snow on your shoulders
time is accomplished I dance
already now that you haven’t met the snow yet
am I charming
pure intentions water carries them
fire transports them
light sanctifies them
earth soothes them
metal a gate
wind life
enthusiasm a portal
the healing of time
Oleh, you are doing a fantastic job! I really appreciate your efforts to have brainstorm sessions. Remember individuals alone Have many ideas, but can not relay this to the other activist who also has 1000 ideas. We need to team up together to become strong! Therefore such meetings are great. Does not matter whether it is not perfect. Good things will happen if there is a desire to do something good!
Ole, I was blown away as you spoke to Mel on your views on the Big Picture. It was my first time listening to you speak. You are the first person that I've heard that's truly 100% awake and aware. I woke up in 2006 and built this website with art work by my friend David Dees to wake up my friends and family. I think you will agree it feels like you wrote it. Please check it at your leisure out and let me know if I left anything out. nwosurvivalguide.com If nothing else let me know if you received this email as i suspect I'm being censored. Thanks again for all work, good luck, God bless and Godspeed
Bless ! Best wishes mr Dammegard!
Great job!
You have a precious soul Ole
Good advice Ole...thanks for everything you do
You are a blessing dear Ole ?
Thank you for sharing light and exposing the dark!
Much love to you. ❤️
Jag såg på swebbtv intervjun och kan ju bara säga wow och tack för ditt mod att simma mot strömmen..
Vill höra ett par timmar till 🙂
Ole - så bra !!
Så kul med SwebbTV klippet! Många tittare på kort tid. Det tycker vi om:) Även lilla Sverige börjar vakna på lite bredare front. Tack för ditt fina arbete. ❤️
Please know that I love you dearly and admire your work for the world, beyond expression. I see you as a prophet of the most dedicated kind. You write from the love in your heart to an exceptional degree, expressing even evil deeds without hatred for the perpetrators. I'd love you to know how deeply I feel about you. With my abiding love, admiration and prayer
Oh!!!! You're doing such a tremendous job,- if the Nobel peace prize was a real thing, you should get it .-)
Blir Ole inte rädd att tala det så här öppet....mamma mia.....
Enormt intressant, aldrig hört talas om Dammegård tidigare
Det här är den bästa intervjun ni har haft på swebbtv mycket bra gjort Ole Dammgård vet vad han pratar om!!
Ole är en Mycket bra gäst! Människor behöver förstå detta. Ole har varit en av mina favoriter länge.
Fantastisk intervju! Tack för det
Otrolig glädje av att se Ole i detta programmet!!!
Wow Swebbtv, ni går från klarhet till klarhet - Stort Tack för att ni vågade denna intervju! Dessa två så lugna och sympatiska män, (vilket gäller fler som varit med, såsom den välinformerade Lars Bern) gör att inte lika vakna & välinformerade, också kan/vill lyssna på dem.
Ole Dammegård är absolut TROVÄRDIG i vilka metoder "de" använder för att varna de som vågar gräva för djupt efter sanningen. Han är ju inte den enda som råkat ut för deras skrämselmetoder. Flera av dem är dessutom döda (läs mördade).
Tack för den här intervjun. Kör gärna Ole ett varv till och låt honom visa detaljer ifrån suspekta flags eller psy ops.
Fantastiskt intressant intervju. Men det skulle behövts en serie med Ole Dammegård liknande den som tredje statsmakten för att han skulle kunna virka upp helhetsbilden. För oss som studerat de här ämnena så har det tagit åratal av fine tuning för att kunna dra de röda trådarna på plats. En fantastiskt intressant individ med en sjutusans insikt där i studion. Jag ser gärna ett program om Bilderberg gruppen precis som Ole sa, bara för att belysa dessa individer såväl historiskt som nutid inom Svensk politik. Men jag skulle också villa höra mera om Stay Behind. Aja, man kan inte få allt men det här var djupt. Tack SwebbTv.
Kanonbra och intressant!
Lägger man lite tid på att försöka förstå hur världen fungerar så kommer man ungefär fram till samma slutsats som Ole. Gör man inte det så har man inte funderat tillräckligt länge, har problem med sin slutledningsförmåga eller en agenda.
Oles böcker statskupp i slowmotion är sensationellt bra. Gammal som ung bör läsa den. Ett viktigt dokument för framtiden. En viktig varning historiskt och för framtiden. Alternativ media är viktigare än någonsin.
Jädrar vilken bra journalist Ole är, och allt han säger är ju lika klart som det renaste källvatten.
Guden Ole som är världens bästa expert på Palmemordet och JFK mord-komplotten.
Ole Dammegård är väldigt spännande att lyssna på.
Ole - Jättebra gäst/intervju! STORT tack till SwebbTV!
? Fantastisk intervju på SwebbTV!Jag kunde gärna lyssnat en timme till! ? Truth & Honour ?
This crazy shit totally rocked my world! Now, finally, I can see the truth
Modigt val av Ole som intervjuperson!
Jag lyssnar och följer Oles föreläsningar flera år. Stark person med mod och kunskap.
Please tell Ole I love and admire him and will continue to keep him in my daily prayer. With abiding gratitude.
You are beautiful Ole ...THANK YOU. ?? YOU are changing lives you know...???!!! xoxo ?
Bless you Ole, best wishes , love your work !
Jag läser dina böcker nu - vad bra och faktaspäckade de här! Kul med det signerade kortet från Shirley Mac Laine
Wonderful information we are receiving from listening to your talks. Always ask the same question "what can we do" ? So pleased to hear there are answers. We thank you and think you are wonderfully brave and courageous in your mission, will keep you all in our prayers. God Bless you.
Ole, I just love what you are saying ❤️
Thank you for all of your amazing work.
I really was impressed with your talk at Anarchapulco and saw you commenting on Kenny's thread about Be Empowered in Colorado. I'm hopeful to hang out and interview you some day! Until then, thanks for all that you do!
Thanks Ole. ? I greatly admire your work from Ireland.
Thank you for honoring your path and Truth so well and with such grace. Deb Smith
Thank you very much for your amazing work; it is a real education for me.
I would like to hear your (Oles) opinion about the claim from the Russian (Soviet) nuclear intelligence officer Dimitri Khalezov, that claims the Pentagon was hit by a stolen Russian P-700 nuclear 500 kt granit milssile from the Kursk and that the World Trade Center One, Two and Seven was destroyed by 150 kt nuclear devices in the base of the Twin Towers by a opeartion the Mossad/33-Mason Mike Harari? (M. Harari also did (operated) the Norway Olso (Brevik patsy) mini-nuclear head quarter bombings in 2011 in Oslo)
www.911thology.com for the full information about the Masonic 9/11 nuclear event.
Ole Dammegard Will Always Be One Of My Heroes <3
Gratitude, Herr Dammegard! You have provided the \’primer\’ for false flags and hoaxes. People who ignore it do so to their own detriment...and to the detriment of this earth.
Dear Ole, thank you for your work regarding terror events and assassinations. Your results are consistent with a failed presidential assassination attempt of 2014 in which I was to play the role of patsy. Those were frightening days as you may imagine. I remain grateful to you and your work that helped me see how my experiences fit into this larger and somewhat evil 'puzzle'. I agree with your statements as to the inherent beauty of the world and wonder what more it will take to get to a 'tipping point' exposing these folk who appear to believe it's OK to do as they have done. In any case, should you have time I have a story for you that you may evaluate to see if, as I believe, it is a bigger part of the puzzle to which you appear to have dedicated your life to solving. Stay alive. And thank you.
Thank you Ole. Many of us in Canada who are in a desperate struggle to get our country back will be inspired by your words and will be sharing. Bless you for all you do to inform and inspire us. <3
Brother! I so appreciate all of the work you do. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to truth.
Aloha Ole! It was a tremendous pleasure to meet you and spend time together in Acapulco. I felt very comfortable around you and consider you my friend. I hope this finds you happy, healthy & well and that you continue to be a beacon of truth, light and love in sharing your brilliance and wisdom with us.
Can't thank you enough for the work you do,
Ole, love your work and shows with Jason! There is so much valuable information that I find myself going back to watch them again, in particular, Cody, Judith Vary Baker and now John Carman and Mark Devin.
Fare thee well, my friend.
I am a fan and a follower Thanks for speaking up and allowing timid (lazy?) folk joining the crowd ! And thanks for your amazing work and inspiration.
Much gratitude.
I want to thank you so much for your time, attention, and most importantly for what you have done, and continue to do to help spread knowledge and awaken the people of the world to the truth. I can't even begin to think of the sacrifices that you and your family have made over your lifetime; To me it takes a special kind of person / person's to dedicate their life to helping others, especially when it comes to the topics you cover, to go against the grain and the government to reveal the truth. Most people on this world don't even have the strength to defend themselves; yet here you are fighting for the people and shedding light on America and some of it's dark history.... Sorry for this introduction; but I wanted to let you know just how much respect I have for you, your wife, and family in all! The world needs more great LEADERS like you!
Love your work, keep it going and stay vigilant!
So it is,if you continuously allow yourself to unconditionally love, and continuously allow yourself to keep your connection to all that is/ source, better and better it gets for you and for all ♡ ! & with that one by one as sovereign beings on this beautiful planet we are changing the world, by simply living love, awake and aware. Excellent truth on the first ever profile picture of you. nice to see you Ole looking out through your own font window :
Tak fordi du gider at blive ved. Vi er mange som følger dit arbejde.
Coup d'etat in Slow Motion - Amazing!! One of the best books i read for a long time. A masterpiece! This story is so important for all us: to understand what kind of illusion many of us live in. Ole have courageously done it. Exposed the dark forces behind one of the greatest murder mysteries of all time and now we can after all these years see the truth behind the smokescreen. Thank you Ole for opening up my eyes!
Your solo-CD Heartglow - Very good album !
It was great listening to you. You definitely have a new follower of your work. Thank you
Dear Ole, I am praying for The Most High God to surround you with His mighty Waring guardian angels to divinely protect you!! In the powerful name of Jesus Christ Amen!!
Tack för ditt ljusarbete! ..all love surround you!
I saw you having fun and made a great talk in Acapulco <3 so many was delighted to get your wisdom 😉
It was tremendous meeting you at Anarchapulco and, once again, l have to say that l admire greatly the work that you do.
Awesome, brother!
I had a real dream with you and we hugged. Keep up the good work of Truth and Love. You voice has the vibration of love and truth within it
Takk for en sannhet det går å tro på.
So grateful for my experiences at Anarchapulco, as are the other guys I traveled with, and the time spent meeting and getting to know you and Kim was absolutely the highlight of our time there! So inspiring to spend time with you both. The energy you guys embody whilst putting in the work you do in such critical areas is amazing and has really lit a fire in my spirit to do all I can to help fight the good fight also.
Hi Ole, It was really nice meeting you in Acapulco! You have the patience of a Saint and the temperance of a best friend to everyone!!!
Love to you, Ole. You’re a very respected, special person. ❤️
Thank you for all your courageous and intelligent work. I did catch some of your own backstory about bicycling to Iran and seeing the events there first hand. That was a very honorable and human journey to take.
Keep shining the light
I'm the guy who talked about San Diego right after your mind-blowing presentation at Anarchapulco. I wish I'd sought you out more, but wow.... I wasn't the same after it. Really staggered me. There was something funny going on at Anarchapulco....last minute high profile cancellations, seemed like there were spooks everywhere. Then they cut your presentation short... You're a genius, I might be too. Kris Millegan, Mark Passio, the late Dave McGowan, I've gotten to know all of them.