12472 entries.
Thank you Ole. You have made great progress.
Hi Ole,
It's been exactly two years since the incident at the Christmas Market in Berlin. What an eye-opener!
In the meantime the Focus has reported that the Polish Truck- company owner had to scrap his new lorry because it supposedly had been totally damaged that night. What a joke!
Have a great Christmas and thank you so much for everything you're doing!
Thank you brother, for all your work, your time, your commitment to the Light. Thank you for all your help. Merry xmas to you ...all my love,
Good man, Ole ! High quality journalism and really nice guy ! Thx !
Ole and Cody are heroes they speak truth, Cody and Ole fight fear and are not intimidated, they deserve our gratitude and respect!
Coup d'etat in Slowmotion is a Masterpiece of Research. I bought this book before it was on Amazon; I had seen Ole Dammegard’s meticulously researched video presentations and decided to get a copy of his work in writing. I’m so very glad I did. This stunning work is journalism at its best…dedicated decades in the making, and well worth the money. It is a must-have for any serious researcher’s collection and you won’t find these facts in the cartoon and cotton candy world of mainstream news. (We could only dream that today’s network journalists would ever put the time, thought and care into truth-telling at this level of sophistication.)
It takes patience to read, yes, but you’ll find the devil is indeed in the details. Questions are answered once and for all but, as the book’s description mentions, don’t accept it uncritically. Instead, use it as a launching point for your own research and study of these world-changing historical events. Once your eyes are opened, your processing of the daily news will never be the same. I highly recommend this book. It’s pure gold.
Hay Ole well done for being you...
Thanks so much for all the light you are shinning on the earth!
I was moved by your messages, candor and kindness on Sarah's show. I felt compelled to connect because our fearless dispositions and non-aggressive postures mirror each other. I am grateful that we overlap time and space in this multiverse.
The Truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let is loose, it will defend itself. You are a lion and I am proud to know you Ole!
Ole I admire you - For your courage and insight. You give us hope and open
Us to the realities of what is going on with the world. I really hope you stay safe and that you're protected ! Bless you for all you have achieved ??
Courage,daring commitment
Thank you, Ole, for the Re-Mind Me gift. So glad the website is back and running! Ole, you ARE THE GIFT. Love to you and all that you do for all of us.
please keep up the good work you are doing en lets beat the new world order
There is one thing stronger than all the armies of the world , and that is an idea whose time has come._Victor Hugo
Fantastic work on uppgrading your site Ole. Easy to use and so nice design.
Your interviews are like a breath of fresh air! Growing up and being Black in America, during the early days of the Civil RIGHTS Movement and in the light of the JFK assassination....black people were overlooked during the investigation and therefore left unmolested and for the most part intimidated by the powers in control. The stories we heard from those who were present, therefore, were generally unaltered by pressure. With our history in this country, most, if not all Blacks, knew immediately that it was a conspiracy from the highest level of government. Thanks to your research, that conspiracy has a face!
Ole, In this day and age there is much conflict, in which I see a portion is manufactured. It is a benefit to have people in our lives that show us the way out of the fog. You use your talent and exposure to help bring many to a better place.
Thank you for your great and inspiring work and mind!
ole, it takes both courage and knowledge to do what you do...and you have both. many thanks
Love your work
Thank you for all you do, It takes a lot of guts, drive, focus, persistence and research to be in your position. I also need to compliment you on your loving and caring outlook on life, the world can take a lesson from how you handle yourself and your attitude towards others, I have a lot of respect for you. Thanks again Ole.
Hi Everyone, it´s so strange that the terrorattack in Strasbourg happend just now in France, absolute in the contact too the German border.
This strategic town in absolute centre of Europe!?!
In gratitude for all that you do
Tack Ole, fortsätt att göra det fantastiska arbete som Du gör för mänskligheten. God Jul
Thank you again for your continuous work to expose tricks of the deep state.
Hello, I bought the book Light on Conspiracies.
No one is able to tell me how I can download the book ??
Please help.
John Mix ([email protected])
God bless you for all the work you do on our behalf, for your love and tenacity, and the light you spread.
Thank you Ole for opening my eyes with the great work you are doing.
Keep up the epic work and stay safe buddy
Thank you so much ..for your magnificent work.. I am a spiritualist aware for since I was a child ...of the happening in this earth..love you
Jag var nyligen och lyssnade på din föreläsning i Göteborg om mordet på John F Kennedy och dess kopplingar till andra attentat, däribland Palme-mordet. Tack för en fantastisk, inspirerande och lärorik kväll. Det arbete du gör är beundransvärt och mycket, mycket viktigt. Jag är särskilt förtjust i hur du avslutade föreläsningen – med en bön och en uppmuntran till kärlek. Även till de som varit inblandade i alla dessa hemska brott. Jag håller med dig – det är så vi bör reagera! Det är också kul att se att allt fler människor till slut ändå vaknar upp. Det borde vara många fler.
Hi Oli, I discovered you via the Sgt Report and have been a follower of Shawn for many years. 911 was a turning point for me and have been awake since then and continue updating myself on a daily bases. I am a Welshman but I've been monitoring the US for the past 12 years now because I believed whatever happened in the US would effect the whole world via the domino affect! I'm delighted I've discovered you as I'm sure my knowledge of these conspiracies and fact will be broaden as a result.
Hej Ole, vilken kanonföreläsare Du är.
Goodness gracious, Ole.
Thank you Ole for your dedication and bravery, shining the light on the truth on the staged false flags throughout the world. Please keep doing it until we reach the 100th monkey phenomenon. Much love and gratitude to you.
Your video about your father's secret gun depot just proves how extraordinary gifted you are in connecting the dots, weather it be in your personal life or in the life of other people. How deeply sensitive you are! Whatever your father had done has nothing to do with how great person you are. With all what you have done for humanity you deserve a life of a king, not to live of off the crumbs we give you monthly. I feel there is no money with witch we all could repay you for your research. Be blessed! Thank you.
Ah the curiosities we encounter from our bloodlines.... fascinating. ... I enjoyed this real life Story tremendously. .true treasure when we excavate ourselves!! I can't wait for the sequel... pethaps you could ghost write for Lee Childs.. Ole your adventures captivate us.. no need for movies, not surprising you are in great demand!! God bless you and keep you and yours safe always
God bless you for serving our country and doing what's right. I'll pray for Jesus's protection over you.
Hei Ole. Jeg så videoene dine på youtube og fikk stor stor respekt for deg og arbeidet du gjør. Du besvarer noen spørsmål og setter noen ting i kontekst som jeg har slitt med å finne frem til andre steder. Jeg er selv offer for mind control. Har slitt mye med å forstå det som skjer med bevisstheten min. Mye flashbacks og bruddstykker. Jeg tror ikke jeg har noe spesielt ønske om å snakke om det eller noe. Når jeg har forsøkt har jeg som regel bare gjort det verre for megselv, støtt folk fra meg og blitt stemplet som gal. Jeg har blitt vant til å uttrykke minner i bilder og kunst, da det er enklere enn å prøve å kommunisere det eller uttrykke det med ord. Det har betydd mye for meg at andre mennesker snakker om det, og det betyr veldig mye å se bevisstheten rundt det vokse. Tusen takk for at du finnes.
Fick med mig mycket fint från Kävlinge ♥️
Hej Ole! Vill tacka dig för en fantastisk och intressant kväll då du pratade och delade med dig viktig information om mordet på Jfk häromkvällen i Hög. Kommer definitivt att närvara vid många fler utav dina föredrag. Känner stor tacksamhet över att jag fick vara närvarande och ta del utav ditt gedigna arbete med att sprida sanningen om händelser som vi alla bör få en chans att upptäcka.
SÅ BRA din föreläsning om Kennedy m m var i fredags, wow! Och så tiden - kändes som kanske 3 timmar, inte + 7. Tipptopp kvalité på powerpoint-bilderna och på flödet i händelseförloppet.
Tack för det fantastiska arbetet du gör för mänskligheten! Var och lyssnade på dig i Göteborg. Hoppas att få se dig här snart igen!
Tack för du finns och verkar för en bättre värld?
Fortsätt att göra ett kanon jobb. Tror JFK är en mycket för att rekrytera folk som anar att "något är lurt". JFK ligger på en verklighets nivå.
Af hjertet tak for en fantastisk aften i Syd Sverige, det var rigtig dejligt at se dig igen. Særligt tak for dine dybe spirituelle råd… De var hårdt tiltrængt i denne tid hvor det hele er ved at blive så sindssygt, at man en gang imellem har lidt svært ved at kapere det!
I respect your courage, integrity and dedication in your search for truth with regard to false flags and for sharing it far and wide and I fully support your efforts and intention.
Tusen takk Dammegård, har sett «alle» YouTube innslagene dine og liker din måte å presentere og stille spørsmål ved viktige hendelser i verdenshistorien ??
Thank You! Words are not enough. <3
Tuuusen tack Ole för mycket givande föreläsning och bra samtal! ??❤️??
Thank you ? I'm interested in your work, and also the quality of all research you put into all your work.
Igår kväll var jag på ett föredrag i Skåne med Ole Dammegard. Ett utlovat 4-timmarsföredrag som blev till helt underbara 7 timmar. Och jag kan lova här lyser ljusenergier rakt igenom allt och alla och man får lättare att förstå varför världen ser ut som den gör och varför det nu håller på att ske en förändring av världen i väldigt positiv riktning. Och vilka underbara människor man träffar. Förutom Ole
Vilket gig du gjorde i Stockholm!! Du förändrade platsen med ditt ljus. Underbart! ♥️ tills vi ses igen, gå i skönhet, broder.
Jag vill tacka så mycket för ett mycket intressant föredrag och att jag blev tvungen att lämna så ”tidigt” ?. Kommer gärna på flera.
Ville bara säga tusen tack för en fantastisk kväll igår. Ett fint maraton med en härlig avslutning. Är så glad för att du stoppar in dom spirituella aspekterna i ditt arbete. Må väl fina Ole, lycka till på resan framåt i ditt fantastiska arbete.
God Bless you Ole and the others witness of the truth!;-)
Tack för en fantastisk föreläsning torsdag kväll. Jag tror att detta är en bra start för att få svenska folket mera upplysta. Kör runt och turnera runt Sverige och berätta om JFK. Bra är att avsluta med något positivt och med någon form av Mål.Grupp coachning så att folk känner sig stärkta är bra för då kan folk tänka sig att komma igen.
I finally have hope for our future. Thank you for all you have done to expose the truth.
I cannot tell you how thankful I am that I found you. Your work is what finally tied it all together for me. Love and light to you always.
Otroligt arbete du gör, Ole..och Kim och William....
Fortsätt, fortsätt och behöver ni gånon såå liten tjänst hjälp...Hojta till
Ha en trevlig tid framöver och tack för allt ni gör...
Bless all of you,
Bless you and thank you for all you do!
Min kone og jeg pløjer den ene video efter den anden, og vi sætter stor pris på dit kæmpe engagement. Vi har kun været igang i et par måneder, så vi springer fra det ene emne til det andet.
Keep up your good work to make our world a better place.
So many many "foundations" act opposite their publicly claimed position. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to shining light on truth.
Min mors død 11.11 var en merkedag på at det gode alltid vinner over det onde. Størst av alt er kjærligheten????hun beundret deg stort takk for ditt gode arbeide
I recently listened your fascinating research on shoe symbolism. I remembered a local commemoration for the n.ireland troubles and
actually came across 3 separate occasions where this was used, I don¹t know if you are familiar with the work of David Paulides Canam missing 411 project? He has a profile list of common features of these strange disappearances , one of them being that shoes are often missing! Many thanks for your wonderful work.
Du är ju grym Ole, inte bara på musik ?
Thank you Ole for your work. I have listened to you a couple times on SGT Report and from there found your website. Thank you for your sacrifice to follow the truth to shine a light in the darkest of places. You will be greatly blessed, keep fighting the good fight!
My dear friends Ole and Kim. We have many memories when we all lived in Casares Del Sol. Remember the water system you tried to build. Remember the Gin and Tonics. i remember the amazing nurturing and mentor support you gave me. When you started your first videos filming from the bathroom.What an amazing man of courage you are. Keep moving onwards and upwards.
I had the honor and pleasure of meeting you face-to-face...rarely have I met someone so kind and decent, who also happens to be one hell of an investigator. God bless and stay safe.
Ole...your light is shining so bright.. Thank you for all your support and help you given to me
Namaste Dear Ole, Thank you for bringing Willem for this most powerful interview. And your insight and discoveries continue to amaze!! I'm so happy you're doing the show with Jason so he gets up to speed with these 'rabbit hole' subjects. And his subscriber count is huge now so he really can make an impact.
Thanks so much for everything you do,
You're the most genuine conspiracy theorist-your recent show with Jim and Nick was outstanding and unfortunate.
Thank you for all you do, and all you are - the world is brighter becuz of you dear Ole. There is much love here. Aho dear brother.
Thank you Willem, Ole and Jason! Very much appreciated!
Hej Ole.....Hur kan jag ha missat din Musik på Hemsidan !!!! för det är väl din ?? Det är ju för tusan exakt min Soul-frekvens och sådan här toner fantiserade jag ihop när jag var grabb. Tyvärr har jag aldrig lärt mig spela något instrument även om jag har Musik i släkt och blod.......Jag blev Telegrafist som kräver ett starkt musik öra. ......
Hello Ole, my name is Giacomo. I came across you on Youtube. I really like your work with great information you provide. Keep it up.
You're not on your own
Wonderful AoT-show. Big fan of Ole
I so thankful for u
??? Thank you so much Cody.... Your journey was NOT in vain... Light wins in the end... (As always, thank u too Ole... ?)
Ole thank you for all you do. These recent interviews with Cody Snodgres have been a treasure trove of knowledge. God bless you and family.
Ole, you are a beautiful person, thank you for your Service to Humanity!
Thank you Ole. You are super on every level.
Much gratitude:)
Ole, the AoT TV talk was the best interview I've heard in 20 years! A sequel would be great! Thank you!?
That was fantastic. Ole, thank you so much
SO TRUE....my Daddy was deep military intel...Fort Bliss, Cherokee/UFOs/EBEs...........and when I was just 5th/6th grader, for my birthday I got to pick out 10 R&R ALBUMS!!!! Can you imagine??? I was certainly surprised, and happy.......... I was part of this experiment/new generation...........("very very happy" indeed!) NO, WE HAD NO IDEA. But, in my case, it was truly beautiful, with all the horror of war, assassinations, etc, etc...........I still feel so sad about the dark side, but my mind WAS expanded, love and light is real.
The is the best information I have heard in a long time. This is a great interview.
Wow! This one single interview on Age of Truth TV could make an entire BOOK!!! So much insight covered..... Just WOW!
INCREDIBLE explanation of PSHYOPS, (Psychological Operations) of Hollywood
Ole is a good guy for sure, a light for the rest of us
Ole is one of the hero's who opened my eyes
It has been three years since I tumbled down the rabbit hole...just after I retired and had time on my hands. It started with something about ufo's and area 51. My curiosity then sent me to other links that soon ended up at 9/11. Almost everything Ole is talking about isn't news to me. I have learned a great deal and have researched and read a ton of books being led to The Bible, ancient literature, poetry, history, etc. etc. Knowing when to speak of my findings or my new discoveries has been learned and I'm very careful of when or to whom I get into discussions with. There is no doubt being 'red pilled' as they call it, is a lonely experience, but I am extremely thankful to be able to 'see' the world around me as it truly is. I shield myself with the greatest love there is...that of our Creator and belief in that Creator's offspring sent to earth to teach the power and the glory of saving grace. Thank you Ole for the difficult work you are sharing with the world. I pray you will not be blocked from getting the truth out.
Ole is a Fantastic Hero!!
God Bless You Ole