12472 entries.
What an honour it was to meet Ole Dammegard at ANARCHAPULCO 2019. Thank you for the motivation and support,
It was tremendous meeting you at Anarchapulco and, once again, l have to say that l admire greatly the work that you do. We wish you all the very best in your work and you are in our prayers.
It was great listening to you. You definitely have a new follower of your work. Thank you
Thank you
Love your work ?
Thank you, Ole!
What a fabulous presentation Ole. Very proud of you.
Keep sharing your gifts with the world ?
Ole. It was such an honour. I still cant Believe we had an opportunity to meet you in person. Your work means so much to many People although we dont always realize it.
Loved your talk yesterday at Anarchapulco!! Thank you for all that you do ??
You’re a great man, it was an honour to meet you ☺️
Er så imponert over deg og Henrik palmgren og.
Redd meg og lei mine helter skal bli desillusjonert.
Ole is such a sweet heart, such a fine intelligent super being
The interview with you and Mark Devlin was great. You guys research fill each other out. Two great minds with a different background see the same world from their own perspective. Thanx!
I would like to say, aside from that theoretical glitch having to do with something from the bible that may seem anathema, but is useful, that the exposition presented by Ole and Mark Devlin was incredible and very enlightening. These, in my opinion, are true heroes -- great and courageous men on the side of the good in this millennia-long battle for the truth. Thanks, Ole & Mark!
Ole, enlightening, inspiring, encouraging. Thank you for all you do!
You are an inspirational person, Ole!!!!
Ole, I wish I could go to Mexico to the Anarhapulco convening -- it's way beyond my budget. But you and Maxwell Igan are my two most honored teachers -- two different fingers pointing to the same Truth. Gratitude.
Ole, thanks for all that you do, take care, victory of the light!
Love your work thank you
I just want to say i think you are an amazing guy almost angel like to bring the darkness in to the light. I enjoy watching your video's and thank you for what you are doing.
As to your 'Coup D'Etat In Slow Motion', perhaps you forgot to mention that this was a coup against the Rehn-Meidner LO-Politics, conducted by several neoliberal bankers and their stink-tanks. Wouldn't it be plausible then that to weaken social democrats would be a necessary precondition & byproduct, and thus Palme was ‘only collateral damage'?
Thanks for the exposing you are doing.
Amazing newsletter!! You are magic....xx
I greet you with great respect for what you have dedicated your life to.
Thank you Ole for all your doing and all you have done . Your a great human being and I’ve learned so much from your programs and lectures , MAY GOD PROTECT YOU AND BLESS YOU ALL YOUR DAYS OLE ????THANK YOU ✊?✊?✊?❤️❤️❤️?????
Allow Cody to know we praying and pulling for him, thank you Cody so much for putting your great information out to the people GOD BLESS YOU ???✊?✊?
Love your you and your site and have been enlightened because of it.
hi Ole! i am listening you from past 6 months , i really fascinating with your work! keep it up ! you doing great job
I warmly welcome ,, I've liked the site a long time, I watch, watch, listen ,greetings
Gratitude. And tears. I weep for what has happened and what is yet to come.
Thank you, You do great work. All luck to you, my friend. Peace and Love.
Thank you, you're the best!
Ole thank you for your dedicated researching
Thank you so much for sharing all this information.
Thank you Ole for speaking out. My home state is being burned out and ppl vaporized in their cars trying to escape.
Very comprehensive. Best I've seen. Thanks for your work, Ole.
Stop immediately sending your messages to me
Tack för det grymma jobb du gör!
I'm a monthly contributor to your cause. Albeit a small amount, I REALLY appreciate all you do!!!
I am unable to download Coup D,etat Parts I & II
404:( error. Can u help me
Thank you Ole ??
Thank You for All You Do!
Thank you so much for what you do. God speed! We cannot be defeated if we never quit.
Thank you so much for being such a true friend!!! <3
Thank you very much everyone for your work! Keep it up please, it is a light on my day.
Thanks for all the hard work you do and for your courage!
in New York, all subways lines ends at the" occulos", when you get off the trin subway you find yourself in the belly of the beast.
Ole Dammegard, you are about the nicest person I can imagine, and the world has hope with your grounded and sound spirit. Hans Christian Andersen himself, the silent Christ, is proud of you.
CONTACT PAGE NOT WORKING, so here is my message (smne PLS send to Ole):
SUBJECT: FRANCE DISTRACTS: Je Suis False Flag? (Did they just do what I predicted - a FF to distract from the Run on the Banks planned by the Yellow Vests?)
Hi Ole,
I've just made a post:
FRANCE DISTRACST: Je Suis False Flag? (Did they just do what I predicted - a FF to distract from the Run on the Banks planned by the Yellow Vests?)
outlining 8 anomalies of this event which I suspect could be a false flag.
Can you have a look? Any info you'd like to add/point out, I would be glad to add to the post.
In addition, I have other videos/images I suspect could be crisis actors if you want to run them through your database.
If this was indeed a FF to distract from the Yellow Vest protesters planned Bank Run (which could actually expose and shine the light on the REAL wrong doers of humanity - the banking cabal), then perhaps we can have a better chance at freedom and exposing/getting rid of them.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
I think you are great and put it all on the line, like me. Keep up the great work.
Hej Ole, tusind tak for det enorme stykke arbejde du gør for menneskets opvågning. Jeg er fornylig faldet over yderst interessante oplysninger om "legal standing", som forklarer hvordan vores dåbsattest er en kontrakt med Vatikanet som administrator, der gør at vi "frivilligt" underlægger os staten og dermed domstole og politi. Grundlæggende bliver vi snydt ved hjælp af grammatik og latin.
Jeg vil på det varmeste anbefale at du tager et kig på Justinian Deception, præsenteret af Romley Stewart, for hvis han har ret, vil det vende magtforholdet mellem folket og staten helt på hovedet. (som det burde være)
En håndfuld Danskere her allerede taget skridtet, og meldt sig "levende" og dermed opsagt kontrakten. De kalder sig Acephali og er repræsenterede af Anders Bak. Jeg er pt. selv igang med at omlægge mit liv, så jeg kan gøre det samme.
Det er mit håb at disse oplysninger kan være med til at genskabe den smukke og fantastiske verden, som de fleste af os helst vil leve i.
Håber du kan bruge det.
Thank you again for your time and attention! I had contacted you asking you about your experience concerning the most effective ways of ‘reaching’ other people with the (unpleasant) truth. You shared many wise observations that have really impacted me, mind, heart, soul. But two that really stood out for me are:
1) The closer a population/individual is to an Event the more resistant they are to accepting the conspiracy theory with regard to what is right in their ‘neighborhood’. This blew my mind, because here I am in the mountain forests of far northern California, living amongst people who have grown up with the fact of natural forest fire, and many of whom have been employed in contract fire-fighting efforts. I entertained expectation that these same people would be the most observant about the nature of fire and therefor would be the most receptive to the seeing the ‘patterned anomalies’ and the reality of these attacks. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE.
2) The people who are often the most resistant to being informed are those who are closest to us -- friends, family. As disappointing as it is, your observation has certainly mirrored my experience. Perhaps precisely because expectations (conscious or unconscious) on both sides of the relationship are higher. I expected the ones who ‘love’ me the most to be the most sympathetic and attentive to what I was saying. And, conversely, those same people are likely entertaining expectation that I do not ‘rock the boat’ by introducing such horrifying dialog! (“Oh, my goodness! Laurey needs medication, she’s gone off her rocker or she’s channeling demons!”)
I hear or read comments from many acquaintances (on-line and off) who struggle routinely with these two issues. With your open-hearted compassion, I have little doubt that you can help others in the way you have assisted me. The fact that we can help, through fearlessness, compassion and boots-on-the ground, loving connection with all beings in our spheres is the frequency you vibrate with. Much gratitude!
Magician John Mulholland Reveals His Tradecraft in ‘CIA Manual of Deception’
Shows more recent examples of how it works.
I have been made aware that a number of active shooter drills have been conducted at California State University at the San Marcos, CA campus. There is one scheduled for this Wednesday, January 9, 2018. The campus is closed until the third week of January but I am concerned that a staged incident may be done as a false flag once the students are back in school. Is there some way you can publicize this or provide recommendations so that an event with casualties may be prevented? Please provide any ideas or recommendations that you may have so that no one is killed or harmed. Best wishes, we enjoy and admire your work.
Stå på med det gode arbeidet, kjære star brother
I love how you bring peace through your messages. I'm more of a no filter in your face kind of a person. Just go look at my page I have no filter on my mouth hence me always being on a FARCEbook ban. I need to learn to be more like you.
One Love ♥️
One Race ♥️
One God ♥️
Peace, Love and Positive Energy sent your way.
Namaste Dear Ole, I just want to strongly support your 'Yogi' Self that walks the razor's edge between darkness and pure Light. Please never stop infusing Truth into your appearances - in contrast to the overwhelming information spoken by others, whose attention is understandably more focused elsewhere, your words come as a huge wave of relief and are always a beautiful pointing towards the heart. Apparently it is all necessary for our awakening - but your voice is like a sages, and I just want to thank you for always taking the high road of a great wisdom, peace and love. As it's said, a lower vibration cannot withstand the power of a higher vibration, the Self can never be intimidated, It is untouched and remains un-moving.
Sweden is rolling out mandatory 5G net! Changing 5 million electricity meters in 4 years. Ericsson and Teleor are providers! Last nail in the coffin for humans?
Like it says in the article, "It´s going to change our lives..."
Support Ole ......Donate so he can carry on his life's work ..........go to his Website !
Love you Ole, wish there was some way I could help you, but I’m unqualified. Best I can do is send you good wishes.
Dear, dear Ole, because of you, we haven't been attacked anymore. Warmhearted thanks from Europe. Let's cross the fingers or press the dumbs, as we say. Stay vigilant!
So much good advice! Listen to Ole he knows what he is talking about when he says don't try to discuss these things with your family and close friends. But, it is nice to make friends with those who are into seeking the truth.
Love ole very very humble, beautiful, courageous human being! I wish him all the best.. thank you ole!!!! Love you dude.
Great programme!!!! Ole brilliant as usual
Wow! This one Age of Truth TV's single interview could make an entire BOOK!!! So much insight covered..... Just WOW!
Fantastisk, bliv ved Ole Dammegård!??
YES!!!.. As Ole says, DO NOT GO THROUGH THE AIRPORT SCANNERS. I nave NEVER consented to back-scatter, etc........ you can ckeck me for metals, etc, but you may NOT D-RAY my body... period. I will go off to a separate room, the lady or ladies will pat me down (they are always kind and respectful) and I use it as a teaching moment: Please do NOT let your children go through these machines, because there are real medical effects. I hope they do hear.................This is real. Make a choice - while you still can. (IF I cannot choose, I will no longer fly that airline.) much love.........
Thank you Ole for the difficult work you are sharing with the world. I pray you will not be blocked from getting the truth out.
Amazing Age of Truth TV-interview! I love listen to Oleg!
You and Lucas from Age of Truth TV are 'sparking' off each other. You are wonderful speakers as English is not your first language but Oh! my! it flows from your tongues so beautifully, this alone would make me proud to be a 'European' but for the EU Cabal giving 'Europe' such a bad name.
I'm half Swedish/British! Ole is the pride of Sweden! Now we got Christopher Bollyn and Ole Dammegard in Sweden, waking up the Swedish and Scandinavian people.
Jeg så Ole Dammegards foredrag "When Terror Struck Norway" til Open Mind Conference september 2015 i Kedelhallen på Frederiksberg.
Den dag vil jeg altid huske, for det var den dag jeg fik Ole Dammegards veldokumenteret og rigtig mange timers dybdeborende research arbejde at
se live!.... Efter jeg havde set Ole Dammegards foredrag Græd jeg og var Vred på alle dem, der ikke handlede som de skulle den dag, stort set bare lod stå til!....
Wishing you a happy new year and best of luck in your future investigations which are greatly appreciated 🙂
Thank you for your ongoing work to shine the light.
Hi Ole: Just adding my 2 cents in wishing you and yours a beautiful awe inspiring 2019. I recently came across you on Sarah Westall's program and you have a magical attitude toward the world in that you even though you deep dive into the dark world's workings you maintain a beautiful attitude toward your fellow man. You obviously have done your soul search in the midst of your investigations. I'm sure it is your survival technique. You are a man of faith and that can only come from realizing that we humans, no matter what path we go, are created in the image of God and that is the primary reality that we must find in our path whether on earth or in the afterlife. Kudos good brother. Reading these posts must give you encouragement in your pursuit of the truth.
I have been a connoisseur of alt-media for ages and I cannot believe that I have only just discovered you! Many thank for your truly remarkable work, I shall be regularly watching from now on.
What an amazing job you are doing
The last YouTube show, you did super. You are the most amazing truth speaker out there.
Ole, I have watched your video with Dr. Katherine Horton and the other girl. I saw how deeply touched you were upon some of the recent discoveries about your parents. This is what I would like to insert here with your permission is this: even if your parents did nothing good during their lives, by giving birth to such a wonderful person would be enough; worth of a Nobel prize. Your father I deeply believe was a good man living in a heavy times surrounded by propaganda which formed his persona and all he later did.. People from my family fought Nazis because Nazis came to our country and occupied it. Now with all the years I lived and learned I see everything different than when I was young, thanks to you, Mr. Christopher Bollyn, David Icky and many, many more. Please do not be hard on yourself or on your parents. They did their best under the circumstances. Wish you all the best. Take care
Firstly I'd like to say, I love your work as you have a real nose for the Truth, let alone your courage in going where Angels fear to tread.Do you ever stop to think, how elusive and covert this hidden hand really is. How, when you think you're getting a handle on this strange reality the boundaries shift once again. There's a good reason for this. It's because the forces we're dealing with don't operate in a logical, forthright manner. This is also a very cunning strategy because we then become obsessed with following the trail of breadcrumbs which as you know is very time consuming with little reward. Our natural curiosity and desire for Truth leads us down many rabbit holes which of course have value but ultimately play a distracting role. Whilst we continue to analyse and understand things from a human perspective we'll fail, time and time again. The reason for this is because we're dealing with a non-human mindset. The forces which have governed this planet for thousands of years have done so because they are masters of manipulation and mind-control. They are absolute experts in human psychology because they've had so long to study us .Humans, on the whole are unwitting puppets who through abductions and mind control technologies have quite literally been turned into livestock. The point I really want to make is, that if we continue to keep things in the human domain, then we continue to think we can apply a human solution to the many problems we are now facing. The Truth is Ole, there is nothing we can do on a physical level which will have any effect, as the forces suppressing us are vastly more advanced technologically and could call an end to proceedings fairly quickly.However, what we do have is something infinitely more powerful should we exercise our Free Will to use it. We have a direct connection with Source Creator who is just waiting for our requests for a partnership to intervene with what is unfolding daily.Truly this is our only lifeline should we choose it.I need to draw your attention to the work of Karl Mollison and Denny Hunt who through their website www.get-wisdom.com have brought forward information so profound that words will fail me if I try to do it justice. So please take time to study the content as it is totally solution based to the scourge that is upon us..To add a personal perspective, I've been on my Spiritual journey for around twenty five years consciously. I am a follower of the teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and feel strongly I have been guided to the aforementioned website.
Hey Mr Dammegard you are the most amazing person in the world to speaking the true. And because of you. I am drugs free.
God Jul. Tycker du gör ett fantastiskt jobb
Very Sweet, Merry Christmas and May the Lord rain on you with blessings and protection in the New Year and beyond. Beautiful bird 🙂
Merry Merry!! Thank you for your work. <3 ,<3
Dear great man, All the best for you and the family in the New 2019! We love you and care for you. Stay happy and healthy
Thank you for the work you do Ole! It is imperative that we all bring light and truth to the world, especially in the USA. I am working to share truth and raise the vibration. The information on your website is fantastic; it cover things that I've been researching for years and more. Watching events unfold as a kid with the Ollie North testimony, WACO and OKC I knew "in my gut" we were not presented truth in the US and never believed our msm agitprop after. Thank you again for your light. Namaste, stay safe brother! ?? I invoke the spirit of blessing on you and may nothing be broken or missing. Anything stolen from you may it be returned 7 times and everything mended as if it was never undone.
Vi ønsker dig og dine en rigtig god Jul her fra Og 1000 Tak for alt !
Hey Mr dammegard you are the most amazing person in the world to speaking the true. And because of you. Iam drugs free. To day is 63 days and with aut this evil circle. Thanks thanks ole. I hope you will come on live stream. On my youtube opening show. I has so lots too ask you about. Ant lots you to answer. I hope you can give me that time some day only if you will. Can't you just having are perfect happy day.
And speak the true and good will be there for you.
I admire and respect you, Ole. You are a blessing to this world. If there is a way I can help you, I would try to do so. At this point I will be a cheerleader for your work. I hope many thousands of small independent groups that are not infiltrated by the Deep State connect with you so we can hear the truth and live in peace.
I am just watching your interview on Age of Truth and it's so wonderful that I couldn't resist to contact you and wish Love and Peace for you and your family on this Decembers Holidays!!
Really appreciate your work on false flags and I just finished reading Nobody Died at Sandy Hook courtesy of your site.
Dear Mr. Dammegård.
I think John Connally was the guy who did the headshot. Maybe there was a second shooter that hit President Kennedy at the same split second, but a revolver 357 magnum could definately do that kind of damage, from 6 to 8 inches. I don’t know if you have looked into this posibility, but I’d be glad to discuss it with you. I’m a Norwegian man, and I live in Novelda, Spain. I think you’re doing a great job. Sincerely, Dag Rune.
Just watched one of your videos & posted it. Thank you for all your work. I have seen the shadow government work locally, here in North Carolina (USA). They were after my (late) husband. God bless you.
The whole shoe ? thing means it’s a lie......or psy op. I forget the phrase but it’s something like “you don’t have a leg to stand on” meaning no evidence. Look into Shoeless Joe Jackson. They aren’t using the shoes as a language to alert each other that it’s one of their operations per say......they are using it as truth hidden in plain sight and we told you it was a scam you shouldn’t have fallen for it. The bicycle thing is the same thing “they are taking you for a ride”......meaning lying. This is almost like green language using physical objects as the symbolism for it. Very esoteric but that’s how they operate. Only the very adept like yourself (eyes to see and ears to hear) will catch it
Jag är ett stort fan och har läst dina böcker
Your Age of Truth TV interview was awesome! Peace, Love & Light Ole. May the entire universe be filled with peace and joy, love and light- May everyone- especially the ones who hurt us- be filled with peace and joy- love and light- Victory to that light. ✌