RECORDING: Webinar Q&A: The Trump Deception II

The World’s Biggest Research Vault – Help Ole save it for generations to come!
21:05:26 From Nina : Hello from Portland, Oregon 🦋
21:05:44 From Ian Mcloughlin :
21:06:12 From Ian Mcloughlin : Replying to “What is his book?”
21:06:36 From Leah Roberts : Reacted to “Choosing the light ……” with ❤️
21:06:38 From [email protected] : hi from sweden
21:07:07 From Bernard Chu : Ole, have you looked into the recent UK stabbing incident?
21:09:30 From Bernard Chu : Tucker Carlson after the shooting did an interview, he said “America is a movie…”. They are telling us exactly
21:09:44 From Neil PMcD : It’s amazing how much they have ‘memory-holed’ the story since then, including trump of course…
21:10:55 From Neil PMcD : Jeff Berwick came out quickly, saying that it was a classic WWF stunt…
21:11:02 From judy Young : It looks like a movie in the process of being filmed and maybe even the script being rewritten with the shifting narrative.
21:11:15 From Ian Mcloughlin : I don’t even trust Tucker there is way to much that he’s connected too..his interview with Putin who happens to be part of the original young world global leaders under Klaus schwab..
21:11:52 From Bernard Chu : Right from the beginning I knew its a fake shooting. My Trump supporting friends didn’t like what I said.
21:12:10 From Neil PMcD : Reiner Fuellmich believes that their house of cards is collapsing…
21:12:50 From judy Young : Yes, the police do look like the SS or other military clothes.
21:13:10 From judy Young : Replying to “Reiner Fuellmich bel…” That would be great.
21:13:25 From Bernard Chu : The narrative is, it’s a DEI hire. I think that is a Red Herring
21:13:52 From Petteri Sahinjoki : Reacted to “I don’t even trust T…” with 💯
21:14:09 From Petteri Sahinjoki : Reacted to “Right from the begin…” with 👍
21:15:46 From Bernard Chu : They are Actors! They are telling us the truth.
21:16:52 From Petteri Sahinjoki : Replying to “Right from the begin…” Same here in Finland. Many believe it was a real thing….🤦‍♂️
21:17:52 From Bernard Chu : The Gunshot sound can easily be faked. Someone can just shoot blanks in the sky. Hollywood does it all the time!
21:18:27 From Petteri Sahinjoki : Reacted to “The Gunshot sound ca…” with 💯
21:18:33 From Bernard Chu : Reacted to “The Gunshot sound ca…” with 💯
21:18:35 From Bernard Chu : Removed a 💯 reaction from “The Gunshot sound ca…”
21:18:41 From Bernard Chu : Reacted to “The Gunshot sound ca…” with 💯
21:18:43 From Bernard Chu : Removed a 💯 reaction from “The Gunshot sound ca…”
21:19:14 From Petteri Sahinjoki : That looks like so fake theatre. Trump get up there too fast.
21:20:30 From Bernard Chu : Hydrolic
21:20:55 From Ian Mcloughlin : What’s the chances of that photographer doing that? Prior knowledge ?
21:21:43 From Petteri Sahinjoki : They wan’t us to focus to water spraying tractor/forklift? It is a distraction?
21:22:02 From peterhymans : The forklift may have been hit at the same time as the people in the bleachers where 2 or 3 people were hit. (Dutch, Copenhaver and the woman with the “flying purse”
21:23:10 From Anne-Kristin : from the very moment oft the shot, I did not believe it was anything but a film.
21:23:20 From Petteri Sahinjoki : Reacted to “from the very moment…” with 👍
21:25:14 From peterhymans to Ole Dammegard(Direct Message) : Butler is very near where Dr. Cyril Wecht was living.
He could have been the one doing the forensic pathology at the hospital on the body of the “shooter on the roof” and the wounded.
21:25:29 From Elin og Per-vidar : They are doing the horn sign to salute him. When he goes into the car
21:27:18 From Ian Mcloughlin : What is that butler looking guy doing a signal to somebody for?
21:27:24 From Bernard Chu : Carlton Banks from Fresh Prince
21:27:29 From Sylvia : Another video suggests that the shots after which Trump went down, came from the security on the roof above/behind him. The rifle went back from the power of the shot, then Trump went down. It’s on the site of David Icke.
21:29:31 From Ian Mcloughlin : Wow pay to play when you sign your soul over to the devil
21:30:10 From Ian Mcloughlin : Brilliant books about that Mark Devlins book “musical truth”
21:30:20 From Bernard Chu : btw, Oprah will be Kamala VP
21:30:27 From judy Young : Reacted to “Brilliant books abou…” with 👍
21:31:30 From judy Young : Reacted to “from the very moment…” with 👍
21:32:32 From Bernard Chu : How the hell the sword got there?
21:33:44 From Bernard Chu : Big Mike
21:34:56 From judy Young : Must be a DEW
21:36:09 From Nick Hall : I missed the start. Did Trump not have shoes on because he likes to talk with them off or did they come off when he was ‘shot’??
21:38:46 From Raw Honey : `[
21:39:27 From Bernard Chu : Ole, do you know that Fire Hydrants in Los Angeles are gone missing? The MSM say due to “Theft” Btw, Fire Hydrants were also gone missing in Maui prior to the fire. What if they are going to burn down LA next? Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Bel-Air is in LA
21:40:00 From Ian Mcloughlin : Reacted to “Ole, do you know tha…” with 👍
21:41:47 From Daliah : I came late to this webinar so not sure if this was addressed, but the black guy in the Trump audience also had a real 50s style dress (shirt and short trousers) and what about the red socks? So the colours black red and white which I think can be interpreted as white (semen), black (death), red (blood) in satanic ritual.
21:41:52 From Katarina Tornquist : It is troubling that the 4 fire hydrants are missing in LA
21:42:53 From Daliah : Replying to “I came late to this …” He also really looked like he was acting, so unnatural.
21:43:03 From Bernard Chu : More than 4x. Hundreds
21:43:31 From Neil PMcD : the photographers would be interesting interviews – some of the photos were obviously ready to be shot ahead of time…
21:43:37 From Bernard Chu : 4x just the recent one. Fire Hydrants have been going missing in LA for over a year
21:44:14 From peterhymans : How does a fire hydrant “go missing” without the water shooting like a geyser into the sky….or did they do that?
21:44:24 From Katarina Tornquist to Ole Dammegard (Direct Message) : But it is typical for the deep state to plan their evil deeds long time in advance
21:44:50 From Bernard Chu : Exactly! It’s not “Theft”, as the MSM said. They were taken down one at a time.
21:45:51 From peterhymans : So then the “hydrant thing” could be preparation for insufficient fire fighting at a future event???
21:46:40 From Katarina Tornquist : Yes I am afraid so peterhymans
21:47:13 From Bernard Chu : Btw, Trump’s 2x blood streaks on his cheek, looks like the 2x lines in Crowdstrike Logo
21:47:35 From judy Young : Thank you for explaining the significance of the number 911.
21:49:05 From Tboxtango : As we get closer & closer to the U.S. elections stop saying “CROWDSTRIKE” …
21:50:20 From Bernard Chu : Ole, Comperatore means “Buyer” in English
21:53:04 From judy Young : Is this signaling that Trump is connected to the Free Masons?
21:54:26 From William Raymond : Military
21:54:37 From Tboxtango : What about Dr John Trump ?
21:54:47 From Katarina Tornquist : It is very bizarre
21:55:15 From Bernard Chu : They say, they shot him in the mouth through his teeth
21:55:29 From Tboxtango : Have we ever found Maxwell Yearick?
21:56:34 From Ian Mcloughlin : What’s your thoughts on the Election being cancelled and a global outage being the reason behind it? As you just showed he mentions that you never have to vote again.
21:58:42 From Braveskull : The sign by the podium, which is in a lot of the photos saying “Text 88022”, do you think those numbers mean anything?
21:59:11 From Elin og Per-vidar : Now that we know that this was staged with same type of symbols and staging as other fals flag operations. And he was in on it. Is that a sure sign he is not on our side?
21:59:18 From Tboxtango : Has anyone ever been to the houses of the people who were supposedly shot ? The injured would have plenty of documented evidence ?
22:00:18 From Sander Vroegindeweij : This Trump act is clearly part of something bigger. What can we expect for the next few months up to the elections? As an open question 🙂 what do you feel is coming up?
22:00:57 From Tboxtango : BLA BLA BLA BLACKROCK …
22:01:38 From judy Young : Bob Dylan said in an interview that he made a deal with the devil. That’s why he had such a great music career.
22:02:12 From Sylvia : Same said The Beatles
22:02:18 From Anna : Why, from your point of view, was the Donald Trump shooting staged ?
22:03:09 From Nick Hall : There is a hurricane headed towards West Florida as we speak
22:04:15 From Bernard Chu : By then its gonna be 2028, just 2 years away from 2030
22:04:44 From Tboxtango : William P Barr worked for the CIA from 1971-1979. He also worked for a few law firms that controlled the destiny of those voting machines…
22:04:50 From judy Young : Replying to “By then its gonna be…” Agenda 2030
22:04:52 From Elin og Per-vidar : Important. Derek Johnson. The cowboy har that comes with inside info from close to Trump. He actually said that Trump himself released the blod from a patch to his ear and chin. This should be to show us something later. But it is not ok that he know lies about his wound and Being shot. Not ok to traumatize and scare
22:05:00 From William Raymond : We were being “Showed” what the bad guys were planning and have been doing. What were the net effects? Trump benefited from the “stage’ show & we the peopled benefited because it’s the Great Awakening. +++
22:05:47 From Chris : Any idea who the mystery-man with the hat might be that keeps appearing as ‚JFK junior‘ in the background?
22:06:39 From Sally Saxon to Ole Dammegard(Direct Message) : In that clip you showed of Trump speaking to Christians I thought he said he IS a Christian, not that he is NOT. Maybe you could run that again. In other situations, he has said that he IS a Christian.
22:07:08 From Daliah : Trump has been getting money and loans in the billions gain and again from Rothschilds etc.
22:07:49 From Bernard Chu : If everything is controlled by the Deep State, then how do we get out of it? It sounds like a CheckMate to me
22:08:35 From Nick Hall : Richard D Hall used to go to doorstep people who were allegedly injured/killed in UK ‘terror’ events
22:09:01 From Anne-Kristin : Reacted to “Richard D Hall used …” with 👍
22:09:53 From William Raymond : Everything you are seeing is being controlled now by our Military.. it’s a big sting op and has been for the last 8 years.. All will be reveled to a certain degree
22:10:03 From Elin og Per-vidar : He is doing more hand signs than anybody else. And i am Sorry to say that the plan is to kill the Christians. That is in the script- scripture for antichrist which seems to be his role to play. Fullfilling everything s in the bible
22:10:06 From ginacovel : They are ALL Corporate Entities (White AND Black Hats)and I.m sorry to say but I think it’s ONE BIG Corporation fighting itself as a ‘movie’ to move into total world domination
22:10:17 From Katarina Tornquist to Ole Dammegard(Direct Message) : Judy Byington and others talk about “white hats” that are arresting pedophiles doing a lot of good stuff that gives me hope, and they are good guys. Is there such a thing as “white hats” according to your researches?
22:10:24 From Elin og Per-vidar : Reacted to They are ALL Corpora… with “👍”
22:10:36 From judy Young : Reacted to “They are ALL Corpora…” with 👍
22:11:10 From Tboxtango : George Webb has been on the ground in Pennsylvania for about 1 month now…
22:11:23 From William Raymond : Optics is everything.. think 17 & 33
22:11:25 From Bernard Chu : 33 is the number of the Fallen Angels. The bible says 1/3 of the Angels fell. A Third is 33.33333%
22:11:30 From Elin og Per-vidar : Black and white like freemasons floor. They chose a side and role…
22:11:46 From William Raymond : Dark to Light
22:13:06 From Elin og Per-vidar : Reacted to Ole, do you know tha… with “👍”
22:13:44 From William Raymond : If it’s an op who benefitted?
22:13:50 From Tboxtango : AI SIGNATURE REDUCTION PROGRAMS are all over …
22:14:41 From Bernard Chu : More Race baiting, Race war. Left vs Right
22:14:44 From William Raymond : Have they flipped the Cabal on its head.?Flipped the script?
22:14:57 From judy Young : Reacted to “More Race baiting, R…” with 👍
22:15:03 From Bernard Chu : They want American Civil War 2.0
22:15:36 From Sonja :
22:15:48 From Tboxtango : Yes, they want America in complete CHAOS
22:16:28 From William Raymond : Actor.. many..
22:16:35 From Bernard Chu : Not buying it
22:16:57 From Ole Dammegard : Oles 6 TB vault here
22:18:35 From Elin og Per-vidar : They are double. Vincent fusca. The mistery man is a real person. But there also may be another version which is jfk disguised as tesca. Same as with Juan o savin.
22:18:37 From Daliah : People always talk about white hats. Who do they mean? I don’t believe there are white hats, only us people waking up and resisting this bs. What do you think about so called white hats, do they exist? Are there ppl in the background fighting the power that should not be besides us and many great investigative journalists like you.
22:18:57 From Petteri Sahinjoki : Reacted to “They are ALL Corpora…” with 👍
22:19:11 From Sylvia : Question by Sylvia, if allowed (as not about Trump). Are the stabbings in Germany by Muslims also staged! Are they even paid by the German government? Or are the Muslims really so hostile towards Christians?
22:19:20 From Nick Hall : Kim knows my interest in this – the alleged ‘kid stabbings’ in the UK are kicking off much unrest. Thoughts as to whether this was real or not??
22:19:27 From Bernard Chu : Consider this: If BOTH Trump and Kamala are working for the NWO. There is NO NEED to stop the election 2024. Either one is NWO Puppet.
22:20:00 From Elin og Per-vidar : Reacted to Consider this: If BO… with “👍”
22:20:11 From judy Young : The Moscow “shooting” was very weird.
22:20:18 From Sidney Birch : Maybe this was the purpose of the “assassination”?:
22:20:31 From peterhymans : What about RFK Jr.? What is the ultimate trajectory for his campaign?
22:20:32 From Elin og Per-vidar : Yes. Two wings. Same bird
22:20:35 From William Raymond : “Those you think are alive are dead. Those you think are dead are alive.”
22:20:49 From ginacovel : One other “evidence” – time when shot happened shown on screen was 6:11 ET, 3:11 PT 🤔
22:21:03 From William Raymond : 17
22:21:29 From William Raymond : Optics
22:21:37 From peterhymans : They are sadistic….the torture is entertainment for them
22:21:42 From William Raymond : Agree
22:21:54 From Bernard Chu : They fear the “Peasants” uprising
22:21:55 From Nick Hall : Replying to “They are sadistic….t…” Like a cat with a mouse
22:22:05 From Tboxtango : Goes back to Sidney Gottlieb
22:22:13 From peterhymans : Pitchforks cannot beat DEWs
22:22:25 From Arjan van den Oever : Hi Ole, thanks for all your insights! I just logged in. This week I had the following thought: how far is it, according to you, possible that the elite behind the screen is just a very small group of people? I got this thought because of your insight of the same photographer at the alleged Trump shooting as with Bush. In comparison to this Rudolf Steiner mentioned in his days that just a little group of 40 or so people manages global issues.
22:22:31 From judy Young : Replying to ““Those you think are…” Just like Robert the Arborist says about the fires. “What should burn doesn’t and what should not burn does.”
22:22:47 From Elin og Per-vidar : Reacted to “Those you think are… with “👍”
22:22:50 From Bernard Chu : toto
22:23:25 From Sylvia : Reacted to “toto” with ❤️
22:23:41 From Bernard Chu : Honestly, if people are still asleep after 2020 Scamdemic. I don’t think they will EVER wake up.
22:24:02 From judy Young : Reacted to “GLOBAL NON COMPLIANC…” with 👍
22:24:06 From William Raymond : What does it take? How about a stock market crash bigger than 1929.
22:24:16 From Nick Hall : Replying to “Honestly, if people …” I talk to people all the time. They are all clueless. Think I am mad.
22:24:27 From Neil PMcD : thanks ole & kim
22:24:31 From Tboxtango : WR that is coming
22:25:03 From William Raymond : Yup. “Something Big is about to drop.”
22:25:07 From Petteri Sahinjoki : Reacted to “Consider this: If BO…” with 💯
22:25:14 From Elin og Per-vidar : The vaxes. Nano etc.connected to mind control and creepy things. They have military. Police etc
22:25:27 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “thanks ole & kim” with 🙏🏻
22:25:32 From judy Young : Reacted to “The vaxes. Nano etc….” with 👍
22:25:56 From Tboxtango : Black Swan event is already set up for New Zealand ….
22:26:25 From Zoe Larson : Thank you OLE for all you do!! off topic..Sandra Rose Michael, creator of EE Systems (healing scalar) had a video with Sganon saying all Military would have free sessions. These centers are being opened throughout the world. She also said she went to Mar-a-lago and visited Trump. Are there multiple Trumps?
22:26:31 From ginacovel : Here is a source of Fabulous information about Americas TRUE history and how to take back YOUR power
22:26:36 From William Raymond : Lot’s of events.. Look to the Brunson case to clean it up.. I don’t think there will be an election on Nov 5.. Trumpy mentioned once Nov 27 – important..
22:26:44 From Anne-Kristin : ❤️
22:27:14 From Elin og Per-vidar : Please. Copy this chat and put it under the video. Important information and thoughts here also. Thank you all 🌻💐🌷
22:27:32 From Tboxtango : ☝️🙏 Thanks Ole for all that you & Kim do !
22:27:38 From Bernard Chu : So Trump or Kamala Same Shit, different Assholes?
22:27:58 From William Raymond : Polar opposites..
22:27:59 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “☝️🙏 Thanks Ole for …” with 🙏🏻
22:28:10 From Sonja : Reacted to “So Trump or Kamala S…” with 👍
22:29:25 From Elin og Per-vidar : We have heard Donald Trump on a meeting a few years ago promising Israel to go to war with Iran. It is coming
22:29:40 From Tboxtango : America’s AIPAC controlled Congressional Representatives are COMPROMISED
22:29:44 From Elin og Per-vidar : Reacted to ☝️🙏 Thanks Ole for … with “👍”
22:30:07 From judy Young : Reacted to “America’s AIPAC cont…” with 👍
22:30:27 From William Raymond : Trump will be the peace maker in this “Movie/Show”
22:30:28 From Alia A : Would the whole family and leaders of the Democrats and Republicans be in the know about the psyop? How many people were there at the Butler rally and would all of them know what’s going on, including all the important journalists that “happened” to be there? I would imagine that it’s easier for them if fewer people understand that it was staged? There are always people who confess, that leak, at some stage, aren’t there?
22:30:33 From Zoe Larson : YES ZIONISTS
22:30:43 From judy Young : Reacted to “YES ZIONISTS” with 👍
22:30:49 From Tboxtango : Reacted to YES ZIONISTS with “👍”
22:31:01 From William Raymond : NDAs
22:31:31 From Bernard Chu : The only White Hat is Michael Jackson!
22:31:43 From William Raymond : Dark to Light
22:31:46 From Elin og Per-vidar : The whole world. Not only usa are compomised
22:31:50 From Tboxtango : I worked for DHS first 5 years of its existence. I never ran into a single “White Hat” ?
22:32:43 From Bernard Chu : At best, we have Grey Hats
22:32:47 From judy Young : Replying to “The only White Hat i…” All the “White Hats” have been killed. JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X, Fred Hampton, Medger Evers, and the list goes on.
22:33:07 From William Raymond : Bill Hicks/Alex Jones
22:33:17 From judy Young : Replying to “The only White Hat i…” Michael Jackson, Prince, James Brown were all killed.
22:33:56 From ginacovel : It’s all a War For World Domination – WE have to take back our power !!!! PLEASE watch this or buy the book and read it –
22:34:08 From William Raymond : It’s a complex world..
22:34:39 From Bernard Chu : He’s in the Zionists pocket
22:35:06 From Elin og Per-vidar : They are supposed to be good persons inside in system. But via etc is mafia and white hats follow same ai as black hats…
22:35:14 From Tboxtango : The ZIONISTS have kept RFK jr a float 😳
22:35:21 From William Raymond : Mosad is the worst.
22:35:39 From judy Young : A LOT of people have been shocked at what RFK Jr said about Israel.
22:35:42 From William Raymond : MK-Ultra
22:35:51 From Tboxtango : Replying to “Mosad is the worst.” Shin Bet, brother …
22:36:08 From Daliah : I so agree, I lived in Israel, I had to leave. The way Israeli forces treat Palestinians, it’s horrific.
22:36:32 From Bernard Chu : Maybe he got threatened by the Mossad? He’ll get a bullet like his dad and uncle
22:37:15 From judy Young : Replying to “Maybe he got threate…” Yes, they’ll never let him get to the Whitehouse.
22:37:22 From Ole Dammegard : Thank you so much all!! Much peace and joy, love and light your way. 🙏🏻😘
22:37:27 From ginacovel : and here is info for Canadas to take back their powers –
22:37:30 From Elin og Per-vidar : Replying to “Maybe he got threate…” They say he is afraid. And his wife got hanged?
22:37:32 From Chanett Devonne : Thank U…
22:37:34 From William Raymond : Good Work!!
22:37:38 From Arjan van den Oever : Replying to “Maybe he got threate…” Thanks Ole!
22:37:43 From Braveskull : Thank you Ole and Kim!
22:37:51 From Daliah : Trump is still proud to be the maker of warp speed.
22:37:52 From Liisa : Tack Ole! ❤️
22:37:55 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Thank you Ole and Ki…” with 🙏🏻
22:37:56 From Tboxtango : Ole ☝️🙏
22:37:57 From ginacovel : Thank you 🌻
22:37:58 From judy Young : Thank you Ole and Kim!! ❤️
22:38:00 From Anette : Love and Light🙏💖🙏
22:38:02 From Daliah : Thank you Ole, amazing work!!!!!
22:38:03 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Thank you Ole and Ki…” with 🙏🏻
22:38:06 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Thank you 🌻” with 🙏🏻
22:38:08 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Ole ☝️🙏” with 🙏🏻
22:38:13 From Bernard Chu : Thank you both
22:38:14 From Elin og Per-vidar : 🌸🌺🌷
22:38:15 From Sander Vroegindeweij : Thanks!
22:38:20 From ginacovel : the Global Financial Group. It is a gold backed system based on PRE PAID CREDIT and the American Federation Dollar. You can research their information here:
22:38:23 From Leah Roberts : Thank you thank you thank you 🥰🤗🥰🤗
22:38:24 From Anna-Maria Johansson : Tack Ole och Kim!
22:38:28 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Love and Light🙏💖🙏” with 🙏🏻
22:38:30 From Kit Hughes : I totally agree with you!
22:38:33 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Thank you Ole, amazi…” with 🙏🏻
22:38:34 From Sylvia : Thank you – incredible insights!
22:38:37 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Thank you both” with 🙏🏻
22:38:38 From Anne-Kristin : 🌹 thank you.
22:38:43 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Thanks!” with 🙏🏻
22:38:46 From Anna : Thank you ❤️
22:38:49 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Thank you thank you …” with 🙏🏻
22:38:50 From karen fuller : Thank you, awesome, love and light
22:38:51 From Zoe Larson : Blessing to you Ole and Kim! I want to buy all your videos, I will go to your website!!! SHINE, SHINE, SHINE
22:38:52 From William Raymond : Thanks for the update on Cody. Peace
22:38:52 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Tack Ole och Kim!” with 🙏🏻
22:38:56 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Thank you – incredib…” with 🙏🏻
22:38:59 From Kit Hughes : Thank you! ❤️ you are the best!
22:39:03 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “🌹 thank you.” with 🙏🏻
22:39:07 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Thank you ❤️” with 🙏🏻
22:39:07 From Leo Lundgren : This is a sensitive topic, like all else but key for many ofc:
22:39:11 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Thank you, awesome, …” with 🙏🏻
22:39:15 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Blessing to you Ole …” with 🙏🏻
22:39:29 From Leo Lundgren : ❤️
22:39:39 From Ole Dammegard : Removed a 🙏🏻 reaction from “Blessing to you Ole …”
22:39:41 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Thanks for the updat…” with 🙏🏻
22:39:48 From Ole Dammegard : Reacted to “Thank you! ❤️ you ar…” with 🙏🏻
22:39:54 From Petteri Sahinjoki : Reacted to “This is a sensitive …” with 👍
22:39:56 From Daliah : 🧡
22:40:07 From judy Young : It sounds like a Budhist prayer.
22:40:10 From Catherine Edwards : 100% thank you
22:40:11 From ginacovel : I’ve put LOTS of good info here for you ALL to take back your power – RESEARCH !! Love You ALL 🌟🌻🌟
22:40:15 From Ulrica : ❤️
22:40:20 From William Raymond : Thank you