Tag Archives: VaccineEducation

The Plan To Silence Doctors Once And For All

Last week an organization of doctors called America’s Frontline Doctors went to Washington DC and gave a press release in front of the Supreme Court. What this group of doctors said directly contradicted official positions …

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See “Fantastic Fungi” Film Online Now!

By Neenah Payne Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider. Fantastic Fungi: How Mushrooms Can Heal, Shift Consciousness, …

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Time to Ditch the Smart Phone?

By David Perez Our struggle for social justice takes on many forms, and with COVID threatening to become a forever phenomenon enforced with increasingly extreme measures, our fight back strategies might need to be creatively extreme …

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Petition for Mobile-Free Zones on Trains in Germany

By B.N. Frank Riding public transportation has always had its shortcomings. Due to increasing worldwide use of mobile phones and other portable electronic devices, the experience has become either more enjoyable or less tolerable depending on …

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Children in Sadistic Covid Captivity

Julian Rose Of all the depressing sights witnessed during the insane process of Covid home imprisonment, stupid social distancing and mask madness, the regimentation of children into predesignated playground /classroom ‘chalked-off zones’ is the one …

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