Some years ago I was contacted by my friend Professor Jim Fetzer. He told me he had been in contact with a very interesting individual by the name of Hailey Otus, Toronto, Canada, and had recorded about a 100 hours of phone calls, where she in extremely detailed described the inside of some of the biggest historical mysteries of modern times.
Jim Fetzer asked me to go through the tapes and let him know what my thoughts were. It did not take many minutes before I was totally blown away by her photographic memory and extreme sense for details. It turns out that she grew up with two cousins, Clyde Forshaw and Walter Tabinski, who have become the world’s most active, totally unknown and prolific serial killers, involved in many of the high level assassinations, such as the murders of President John F. Kennedy, J.D. Tippit, RFK and John Lennon, plus the blowing up of JFK Jr’s plane as well as thousands of other hits, acting as ‘head cleaners’ to many conspiracies with the task of minimizing so called blow-back. Absolute insane and incredibly valuable information.
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I have here collected most of these conversations for you to take part of. There is so so much explosive never before known evidence hidden in these tape recordings. Unfortunately, Hailey is/was often moving freely between different topics, making it difficult to organize it all in an easily understandable version. As a first major step, I and a friend of mine have made this downloadable Excel-sheet:
The names of all the recordings are actually the Date and Time, so I have put them in chronological order. As you will see, we were fearing for Hailey’s life many times, and at one time decided to publicly expose Forshaw and Tabinski in an effort to save her. We succeeded that time, resulting in Jim Fetzer receiving death threats. But then one day, she just stopped calling, and we have no idea what happened to her… The most important part for her was getting this information out there to as many as possible, so now I am once again doing my best to spread it (the recordings have been destroyed several times already).